MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1775: Unstoppable

Knowing Li Yao's first goal, it is not difficult to infer Li Yao's second goal.

The main force led by Li Yao is too strong, definitely not a few guilds can deal with.

I won a city in less than half an hour. When the news broke on the forum, countless people fry the pot, especially seeing the video of the main force fighting and the promise made by Li Yao, and Li Yao during the march. They exchanged their promises and recorded up to three types of guilds.

Even more so that this boiling reached its climax. For a while, countless people, even players who were also at war, also looked for Li Yao's live broadcast.

Especially the players in the dark camp, many of them regret not joining the main force.

Because up to now, most of the guilds are still fighting to death, even the guild that won a city has paid a heavy price.

Even many guilds damaged their foundations due to the war and basically lost the ability to continue to seize cities.

But on the other hand, look at Li Yao and the others. The loss is impossible, but compared to the gain, it is almost negligible.

Countless people have summoned their powerful troops for military service, and the city walls have been broken by warships. They just need to use their own means to fight.

Too many guilds began to regret it, and some even started to contact Spark through channels and wanted to join the main force, but it was basically impossible. The main force has also become the envy of all three camps.

On the Withering Sun, the military merits of the three guilds were directly announced, and the tax sharing they enjoyed was recorded. Li Yao looked at the excited players and continued: "After testing, this rule is not bad, so the next city will still follow this The rules are carried out, and the guild that has obtained the shares of the city wants to obtain the tax shares of the second city. The second military service must be at least 30% more than the first time, otherwise it will lose the qualification."

Although the three guilds that got the city shares were slightly unwilling, the rest were most people who wanted to compete for shares. They became the first one this time. The next time they have a greater chance, they will naturally be targeted. .

Just like Spark will be targeted at every event, but this time no one dares to compete with Spark, and there is no way to compete.

"The second city, the silt fortress." Li Yao doesn't care what the players think, he mainly attacks a city for the energy unit, although it is short. But the confrontation was fierce, and there were many casualties, which caused Li Yao's energy unit to surge. Now the workers and insects have completed the finishing work on the battlefield.

Although the lizards guessed Li Yao's second goal in advance, they also made precautions.

In fact, there is already a big battle here, and several large guilds are uniting to besiege the fortress, but the battle is at a stalemate, and the battle is lingering.

It is guessed that many Lizardmen on Li Yao’s route came here, and they also need military merit. The best way to obtain military merit is naturally to resist the counterattacks of the three major camps.

Especially Li Yao is a main force, a large number of lizardmen players come here to help defend, Yan Ran wants to use this as the strongest barrier, as the front line of the main sniper force.

They have to fight, as long as they win this fortress, then Li Yao will enter the land of the lizardmen and truly counterattack their city.

Lizardmen NPCs are divided into many guilds, and the players are firmly bound.

So when Li Yao came with the main force, there was already a large army gathered here, and there were several big bosses at the level of Dragon Head alone.

But Li Yao had no intention of entanglement with them, and directly issued the order to attack.

Two air warships rammed in the sky, the Withered Sun directly bombarded the city wall, and the Queen kept throwing pestilence barrels and bombarded under the city.

The Lizardman players launched a large amount of troops to deal with the two warships, but because the shield can't really break through the outermost defense of the warship, they can only become a living target for the players on the deck and the warship escort.

Although the lizard people were extremely crazy, the city wall was still knocked down, the ground army faced each other, and they were not dominant in the sky.

This battle lasted longer, but the frenzied fighting also lasted less than an hour. The lizardmen army collapsed and disintegrated, and the main force beat down the water dog.

The guilds who had attacked this side wanted to get a share, thinking that they would attack the city first. Li Yao was robbing them of their jobs, but Li Yao didn't even come out to meet them.

Only after checking their military merits, the Spark Guild is responsible for the quartermaster players and ignore them. The reason given is that the strategy they submitted yesterday has been adjusted by the General Staff, and I hope they will not choose the city to attack here. Blocked the way of the main force.

Several guilds were helpless, and they realized that they had no place to reason. Not to mention that they couldn't find the camp boss, they found it, and talked about the matter. How can I say that they don't follow the deployment of the staff, and they didn't care about the plan of the new warlord. Then who are you to blame? When you encounter this kind of subordinate, you love it to death.

Then they took the second place and wanted to join the main force. After all, they all saw the benefits of joining the main They won two cities without paying much in just half a day. Small and medium-sized guilds all have the opportunity to own shares, which is naturally very tempting for them.

However, the situation is better than people. Originally, Xinghuo hoped that the main force would have more people, but now that the main force is enough, they still want to join the main force, but the staff decisively refused.

It’s also You Ying’s suggestion to deliberately create a gap, so that some of the main force’s guilds and players will form a sense of superiority, indicating that the main force does not want to enter. There will be many battles and many opportunities. It is your opportunity. Not those who ride on the fence.

The effect is also very significant. As long as the staff gives the result, the main players will naturally spray several guilds. In less than ten minutes, the few guilds will be sprayed by the crowd and they will not be able to lift their heads, outnumbered, and leave dingy.

The reason is very simple. Originally, the main force was that there were more monks and less meat, and they didn't have enough points. Now there are still people who want to get in to divide peaches. This is something they absolutely don't allow.

Even though many people see Xinghuo's method, this is intentional, but it does not conflict with the result, and they must do it for their own benefit.

On the contrary, instead, they hope that Xinghuo is so.

Li Yao waited for the blighter to take the npc army to occupy the fortress, and his bugs threw all the things that could be cleaned on the battlefield into the transformation pool to obtain a large number of energy units, naturally very satisfied.

"The warlord will now start attacking the lizardmen city. Although I shouldn't say it, I still want to remind us that only the outer cities can be actually occupied. The closer we are to the opponent's main city, the more difficult it is for us to control it." Said when Li Yao boarded the ship.

"I understand that I will spend three days sweeping the perimeter of the lizardmen, and then consider attacking the main city in depth,"...

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