MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1777: Strange night

Li Yao sat in the captain's room of the Kuyang, and the ship board in front of him seemed to be transparent, allowing him to clearly see the situation outside.

At this moment, Withered Sun and Queen Hao are constantly cruising above the fortress. In and outside the fortress, countless bonfires are rising. With guilds and teams as the unit, these people gather together for carnival, or distribute the spoils, or negotiate. The question of what to do next.

Everyone is very excited, even the players who have not been divided feel that this military merit reward is very rich and it is completely worth their risk.

The sky and the earth were illuminated in red. Li Yao didn't do anything at the moment. Sitting on his comfortable chair seemed to be sleepy, and he seemed to be admiring the beauty below.

"You are at ease. It is estimated that besides you, everyone else in the guild is going crazy."

Sister Li walked in with a folder. In addition to Li Yao, only the core management in the captain's room had the right to come in, so Li Yao did not respond.

However, there are only Sister Li and Li Yao in the core layer of Starfire on Li Yao's road. The others, including Tong Tong, followed all the way to prepare for the attack on the real goal.

Li Yao was afraid that they were not strong enough, and even the Dragon Empress was sent out, so the actual road seemed very mighty, but it was all an illusion brought by two aerial fortresses.

It would be a joke if he could win the main city in this state, but outsiders didn't know it, and it was Li Yao deliberately retaining his strength.

Li Yao opened his eyes and made a gesture of please sit down: "Don't you just say that you can handle things yourself, I don't bother to deal with specific things, trouble."

"It's not a trivial matter, but the latest situation of the other two roads." Sister Li handed the document to Li Yao.

Li Yao glanced at something that was still a form, and said helplessly: "You should just talk about it briefly."

Sister Li shook her head amusingly. I am afraid that no one would have imagined that Li Yao, who saw the development of Xinghuo, hated dealing with these things so much. Unless necessary, he didn't even bother to read more complicated forms.

"Well, let me just say it briefly. The other two teams are relatively successful. The team led by the Fruit Knights directly occupied a city in Feralas, not far from the main city, but also from the Farstrider camp over there. It's relatively close and easy to support." Sister Li said.

Li Yao was stunned: "It's also very difficult to win a city with the strength over there. How do you do it?"

Sister Li said: "Naturally, it is cooperation. Now the name of Xinghuo is not as worthless as you think. Our army here is prestigious and famous. It is easy for the Fruit Knight to find a few partners on the other side. "

"The reason." Li Yao asked.

"Naturally explain that eggs cannot be placed in a basket." Sister Li smiled.

Li Yao nodded: "What about the other side."

Sister Li explained: "In order not to be noticeable, Yao Ji and Hitomi let the staff sign a document by your name, then went to the guild registration side to forge a fake guild, and then changed it. The body was transformed into a new guild and occupied a camp in Feralas in the name of the new guild. It is not a city, but the surrounding resources are abundant, and barracks and production factories are being built in full swing."

Li Yao nodded: "It's all right. Let them stabilize, and then start transporting supplies. Let's produce siege machinery. You expect it will take a few days to be fully prepared there."

Sister Li thought about it for a while and said, "It is estimated that it will take two more days. Basically, it will be properly prepared."

"Two days? It's faster than I expected, or two days to have fun with the lizards." Li Yao's eyes flickered.

"That's tomorrow too. Since you are fine, take a good rest. The frontal battlefield is the key to victory. You can't lose the chain at a critical time."

Li Yao shook his head: "Didn't I mean to have fun with the Lizardmen? The game has already started, and now is not a good time to rest."

Sister Li was taken aback: "It's not necessary for this big night, and the people below are celebrating, they are all tired, and they don't have the intention to toss with you."

"You are wrong, but it's not that I want to toss at night, but the lizard people will not sit and wait." Li Yao sneered and looked at the swamp jungle in the distance.

"You mean, lizard people are coming to attack us at night?" Sister Li asked.

"It's not attacking us, even if it's useless to kill all the players once, everyone is at full level now, not just to die once. Especially when the army is in the personal space, what players are meaningless now. But they always There is something to do, and it's already here," Li Yao said.

"Why didn't our scout notice anything." Sister Li frowned.

Li Yao explained: "Lizard people are born to sneak in the mud. This place is their core map, a swamp, and the most favorite environment of the lizard people. Why they can dominate the plane is because they can dominate the plane when they are weak. Hiding in the silt, and can't feel the breath of life and This is their paradise. The scouts in the sky can't find any movement, and it's normal. Unfortunately, they are wrong, I There are female worms, and they are also good hands in controlling the underground."

Sister Li understood the lizard people’s plan in an instant: "Well, if you have been here for a long time and haven't done anything, then it must basically be for our aerial fortress. You waited for a long time, what are you going to do?"

Li Yao smiled: "What can you do if you play with them. You go back to the Queen and don’t care about anything. Let You Ying command the fortress to bomb the city here, and let them pay some price. The Withered Sun stay here, I Playing with them is not just a battleship, even if it is really ruined, I can afford to lose."

"Well, let's play. Before the war started, I thought that the enemy would inevitably target the aerial fortress. The threat of the aerial fortress was too great. This is inevitable." Sister Li picked up the file and flashed the light of transmission: "Early It’s over, take a break early, don’t overplay, it’s wasted time."

Li Yao nodded, and when Sister Li disappeared, Li Yao stood up, and strode out of the captain's room: "Let's start."

On the ground, the players still celebrate, and of course many people are resting in the tent.

Underground, the Crypt Lord led a group of ferocious Crypt Spiders fast.

Below the swamp outside the castle, I don't know how many lizardmen are also moving forward quietly, and there is no movement on the ground.

The two sides met without warning, and the lizard people's complexion changed wildly. The eyes of the Crypt Lord were full of hideousness.

"Smugglers, how can your foolish tricks be hidden from the great master, die."

The bugs rushed to the lizard people in the mud madly underground.

Although the lizard people can sneak underground, they are not good at fighting underground. With a stern and special roar, all the lizard people quickly rushed out of the ground...

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