MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1793: Chaotic camp

In fact, Li Yao's actions still attracted the attention of the senior management.

Especially here in the chaotic camp, the lizardman’s high priest was jumping, anyway, it’s too shameful, and I’m not afraid to be even more ashamed. The old man was still crying and crying for support, crying about how cruel Li Yao is and his own air force. How weak it is.

Dozens of big guys all looked at him with interest, anyway, they just wanted to support him. Really, his core would support him, just kidding.

Although the chaotic camp is one camp, after all, the alliance was established, and everyone only united under the pressure of the three camps.

If the chaotic camp is really united, and in terms of true strength, the three major camps are really not rivals. After all, many tyrannical races are guarded by strong men above the demigod, and the three major camps are really incomparable.

Why is their strength still suppressed by the three major camps? It's a question of mutual trust.

As long as the three camps appoint a leader, their most ace army can be sent out to obey the command of this person, not afraid of being used as cannon fodder, and can serve another race.

But the chaotic camp is not good, just like the last battle of the Dark Iron Dwarves, when the Jackal came to be the leader, the whole team was almost destroyed, and the chaotic camp was almost a civil war, but the three camps did not know it.

The reason why the three camps will be besieged this time is because the chaotic camp had some suggestions to shift internal conflicts.

As a result, he achieved brilliant results in the early stage, but now he is stuck and is beginning to suffer.

But this is the situation that some wise men want to see. Only when they lose money, and only under the pressure of the three camps, can the chaotic camp be forced to unite and accelerate the pace of integration.

Therefore, it seems that the territory is lost, but in fact, a way to strengthen unity is also a last resort. It's just that the leaders of many chaotic camps are not low in wisdom, but they really can't be considered scheming and can't see through this.

For example, compared to the jumping lizardman high priest, the ogre's two-headed warlock leader, the two heads are arguing because their head has missed a sip of wine, which makes people laugh and laugh.

I didn't mean to pay attention to the lizard high priest. The ogres were very real, and they supported the army of strong ogres. This guy was still crying, and it was quite interesting that the ogres hadn't beaten people.

The projection of dozens of people’s images was full of relish and commented on Li Yao’s military quality.

However, when the gate of war appeared, the lizardman high priest had a weird expression, especially when Li Yao said in common language that the target was not the lizardman main city.

But when the gate of war appeared on the other side, seeing dead trees towering into the sky, seeing the guard post, and other race leaders wondering if it was their own territory, the two heads finally stopped arguing.

Then while waiting for his eyes to look at the image, the head on the left said: "How can this look familiar."

The head on the right also said puzzledly: "Yes, it looks a bit like our Feralas."

The big oily hand on the left, still scratching his elbow on the ground: "Our plane is destroyed, and there is only one main city. This Feralas is not too familiar, but it looks very similar, but the architectural style is also very Like."

The sage of the shadow clan next to him couldn’t stand it anymore, and said, “What does it look like? This crude, primitive and ugly architectural style is a bit like. It’s clearly the style of your ogres. This little Liaoyuan guy is very cunning. , The real purpose is the Dire Maul. This ghost place is far away from our territory and it is very difficult to support."

The sea-monster high priest of the Naga tribe laughed and said: "Although we can quickly support in the sea, the Feathermoon Fortress is blocked. We can't get close to the sea at all. The other closest ones are probably the mountain giants. Unfortunately, The traffic arteries over there are entrenched by a far-traveler tauren camp. If you want support, you will inevitably have to borrow it, but..."

Everyone understands what he meant. They are the camp of the dark camp. They will be joked. If they are forced to pass, they will be directly regarded as war. The three camps are holding fire. If they are provoked, they will inevitably fight.

"If you make a detour, the surrounding terrain is complicated, and the forces are also complicated. I am afraid that the first batch of support will be five days away." The ogre muttered to himself: "We can send support to the lizard people as we wish, or it is because we have established it outside. Camp."

The high priest of the lizard man came up against the case: "We lizard people will definitely support our forces, but it takes time. There are many top ogres, and there are also strong men who are beyond the extraordinary and holy. How can we persist for five days?"

Anyone can see the relief in the eyes of the lizardman high priest. Although Li Yao is a recruit, no one will underestimate him. If he can avoid war, it is better to avoid it.

The leaders are also very helpless. The large number of military support is not a joke, it takes time, and they don't have the perverted door of war like Li Yao.

Why did Li Yao not replace it even if he had good war It is because of this special effect of the Gate of War that a special effect will not be replaced for thousands of years.

This time it was the turn of the ogre great warlock to jump, but he had seen the battle of the previous few days, the lizardman main city was like that, and the whole family retreated.

He had laughed in private before, but now it's his turn to feel completely different.

"I don't care, you must give me support as soon as possible, otherwise I will not end with you, I can send someone to the lizardman's attack as soon as possible, extremely want to maintain the camp." The left head said.

The head on the right also sneered: "If the faction does not support it within four days, then sorry, we don't need to join this faction alliance."

After that, the figure of the ogre great warlock disappeared, and it was obvious that he was preparing for battle. The leaders looked at each other. They could not allow the ogre to withdraw, otherwise it would be a chain effect. It's over if the camp collapses.

So the lizard-men high priest said: "We lizard-men have an unshirkable responsibility, and we will inevitably send out our ace army to support us in four days."

No matter what they thought, everyone expressed their opinions.

Naturally, Li Yao didn't know that the chaotic camp had been fried. The only thing he wants to do now is to reach the Ogre Main City as soon as possible and attack the Ogre Main City as quickly as possible.

This time the army is vast and mighty, but it is not comparable to that of the fake attack. In order to seize military merit, each guild took out their own strong army to grab the first battle.

Soon, in less than two hours, the army had reached the last barrier, and the only city that looked like a fortress. It was not correct to say that the city was a city. In fact, it was based on the terrain and the two-story giant wooden wall. It's the style of the ogre.

There is already a team gathered in front of the city, it is the Spark team led by Demon Ji and Hitomi...

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