MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1795: The Great War

The war clouds are densely covered, and the armies of both sides oppose each other. This city is very old, whether it is its own doom mallet or a new super city combined with the ogre.

The only thing that made everyone feel was the once incomparable splendor. The entire city was made up of rocks, but the maul of Doom was slightly old and gorgeous, and the ogre looked wild and rough.

Tall, sturdy, and hard to break, this is everyone's first impression.

"Enemies from far away, I am afraid that you have gone to the wrong place. This is not something you can capture."

The old ogre great warlock was completely different from in front of the big bosses. At this moment, he looked majestic and extremely majestic.

Li Yao also cast a projection. The eyes of two huge projections collided in mid-air, as if sparks were being built, and the air seemed to be stagnant.

"I think so too." Li Yao said lightly.

The cannibal magician smiled: "If this is the case, then retreat, we will leave."

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "It's a pity."

The ogre great warlock changed his color: "What?"

"Unfortunately, I saw this place at first sight. It is clearly destined that my lord's fief is here. Unfortunately, my army expedition, it is impossible to give up without trying." Li Yao's eyes shone inexplicably.

"After you try, you will find out how tough my ogre warrior is. You will understand how stupid your decision to attack is. Neither our army nor our gods can be compared to the lizard people, but My ogre is relatively low-key, and I don't like publicity." The ogre magician still tried to get Li Yao to retreat.

The deterrence of the two warships in the sky was too great, as for the army on the ground, he didn't care.

"The gods you believe in, I'm really curious. As far as I know, you once believed in the **** of crows, but it looks like your **** died in battle. What other **** do you have?" Li Yao said mockingly.

The cannibal magician proudly said: "Our God of the Raven is eternal and immortal, how can you guess? Even if the body is destroyed, it is not comparable to a demigod."

Li Yao nodded: "I admit this. The mysterious raven is said to be Aviana's father, the powerful lord god. He once fell to **** and played a very important role in the battle to kill the **** of death. By the way, presumptuous. One question, do you still hide other Death Scythe fragments?"

The ogre great warlock nodded in contentment: "It seems that you still have some insight. Since you know my god's great achievements, why offend his peace. Then you can't come in vain. As long as you retreat, I can allow you to be around. Some mines build cities, and we promise that we won’t attack here. And I will offer the remaining Death Scythe fragments."

"I'm relieved. As for the fragments, this place will belong to me soon, and fragments will not be an exception. Great Warlock, you are also a strong one at any rate. Why are you so naive, this battle is impossible to avoid, and you can't help it. Me." Li Yao turned around and the phantom gradually disappeared: "Get ready to fight, I know you are strong only to choose you, what is the point if I capture the broken city of the Jackal."

"You will regret it. I really think I am afraid of you ogres. Since you are going to fight, then you are ready to die."

The cannibal magician looked gloomy, and his body shimmered directly at the top of the important tower in the city, placing his cane on the purple crystal ball in front of him.

"The barrier set by my **** is not something you can break." With the input of the ogre majestic mana, a lavender barrier enveloped the entire city.

"Foreign invaders, since you want to fight, then show your methods." The great warlock sneered.

"Try it."

Li Yao said that he directly opened the muzzle of hundreds of magic crystal cannons on the side, the roar of rows of magic crystal cannons, a large number of shells fell on the barrier, although the energy was wanton.

But the barrier just appeared faint ripples, and there was no sign of breaking.

"Hahaha, I want to break the barrier and dream." The great warlock mocked, and the ogre on the wall laughed wildly.

"This enchantment is very extraordinary, I knew it a long time ago." The Blue Dragon Dragon Queen continued: "I am not just a bodyguard when I get to the front line early."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "That said, you have known for a long time, and you have prepared a means to eliminate it?"

"The **** of the raven is very strong, and it can be strengthened by the Demon King's nodes, and they are all internal, which is difficult to destroy. But as long as I isolate the key nodes of the Demon Net and cut off the strengthening of the internal nodes, such a huge enchantment helps me increase The cannonballs that have broken the magic powder can be destroyed." The Blue Dragon Queen said confidently.

"Very good, then you can arrange it and let Sister Li cooperate with you." Li Yao was overjoyed.

"I will set up a few forbidden pillars to block the magic net nodes. I borrow some strong trebuchets around, but it needs military protection." Blue Dragon Queen said.

Sister Li nodded: "They probably won't send trump cards in the early stage, release missions, and let other guilds accept the tasks. If the opponent's trump cards appear, I'm afraid they can't stop Li Yao said: "The trump card appears to me. The army will be sent to intercept, you can rest assured. "

"Our logistics is not a problem this time. If we can, we can set up more suspicion formations." Lan Long Long Empress proposed.

"Yes, prepare now." Li Yao approved this plan.

Everyone’s ability to act is still very strong. Two blue dragon queens, black dragon queens and a group of banshees set up a forbidden pillar very quickly. In less than half an hour, thirty forbidden pillars were built around the pillar. A large number of trebuchets and shells were brought to the front. Moreover, the troops of various guilds continue to take over the task of guarding, summoning a large number of troops to step forward, forming a formation to protect the catapult and the forbidden column.

The ogres smiled and watched them busy. In their opinion, these long-range weapons were of no use at all.

But as the forbidden pillars flickered, all the ogres felt a very bad premonition.

Then those trebuchets threw rounds of cannonballs that flashed blue when they burst, and their enchantment trembles wildly, not the ripples, but the tremors like waving wings.

A man-eating magician ran to the great warlock with sweating profusely: "The great warlock is not good, the nodes are dim, and the energy of the enchantment is consumed rapidly. If this continues, our energy will be exhausted in four hours."

The great warlock was also shocked. When there were nodes, the energy they had stored was no problem for a year. Now they can only withstand the opponent's attack for four hours.

"It must be the pillars with weird light, and the shells are not right." The arcanist looked outside the city with sweat.

The grand warlock looked gloomy, and his silent right head said: "Tell me to send an assault army to destroy the magic pillars and trebuchets. If you can't complete the mission, don't come back."...

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