MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1823: castigate

With the above experience, it is not too dangerous to deal with these deformities now, but it is more troublesome.

This time it took nearly an hour to remove the deformities lingering around the huge hall. There were also several crystal magic towers, and Li Yao stopped the magic towers one by one.

Then everyone stood in front of the stone platform, watching the dormant two-headed dog in the middle with full alertness. Except for Li Yao, everyone else was playing drums in their hearts. This Nima, if the other party goes crazy, they are going to destroy the group. Rhythm.

But there is no way, whoever put them on the thief ship, it is impossible to get off the ship.

"Damn fairy, I'm finally out of trouble." The two-headed dog opened his eyes suddenly, but his eyes were fierce, but they were very dim.

The two-headed dog stood up, and then fell to the ground with a limp limbs, apparently extremely weak.

Li Yao watched the two-headed dog struggling with a smile, until the two-headed dog really stood still because of absorbing the evil power floating around: "Yes, very perseverance, it is still alive after being absorbed by the magic power of ten thousand years. As expected to be a demigod, he is really powerful."

"Damn elves, you will pay a heavy price for what you do. You don't even know what kind of existence you provoke." The two-headed dog roared, and the void flames that had been dim for ten thousand years suddenly burst. Rise.

"Bluffing, you are just the end of the crossbow, are you really sure you are going to fight me hard, and I am not that broken prince accomplice, we also destroyed the magic tower to let you out, otherwise, I am afraid that you will have another year or two. All of his power will be drained by the magic circle, no demigod, I am afraid that your soul cannot enter the void." Li Yao mocked.

"Then I should thank you even more." The eyes of the two-headed dog are getting brighter and brighter: "I can't wait to taste your flesh and blood. Don't worry. To thank you for letting me out, I will never torture you. , Will swallow you cleanly and help me regain my strength. It will definitely not make you feel the slightest pain. Are you satisfied with this kind of reward? I am really surprised. I have not been so kind for tens of thousands of years."

"It really is a demon, unruly." Li Yao sighed.

"This is about to collapse, are you going to fight?" Blood Rose asked nervously.

Li Yao shook his head: "Yes, the negotiation broke down. This dog is disobedient and needs to be trained."

"What do you say, who do you say is a dog, I am a great two-headed dog demigod, all the gods of **** two-headed dog, you dare to insult me, you are ashamed of my kindness to you." The two-headed dog said Walking towards the crowd step by step, his saliva was flowing, obviously he couldn't wait to swallow the crowd.

"You should feel honored to be my loyal dog." Li Yao whistled.

Following the whistle, the Demon Summoning Array appeared, a charming and enchanting figure appeared, and the succubus queen came out: "Respond to your call, my great master."

The succubus queen knelt on one knee and said piously.

"There is a mad dog here, please help me to troubleshoot." Li Yao said.

"Follow your will." The beauty queen's eyes flashed with excitement, and a bone whip appeared in her hand.

When the bone whip appeared, the two-headed dog that was still awe-inspiring stared at the bone whip, and then it couldn't stop shaking.

"Master Haka's whip, how could it appear here." The two-headed dog's eyes were full of horror.


The succubus queen chuckled, followed by a whip, the bone whip extended a whip shadow and fell on the **** dog, the **** dog let out a scream of extreme sorrow.

"Who are you Hakkar-sama?" Hellhound yelled frantically.

The succubus queen sneered: "If you talk about blood, and you are talking about the so-called blood **** Hakkar, then it should be my dead ghost father."

The succubus queen spoke, but the whip did not stop. Every time the whip fell, the hellhound screamed to the extreme, and huge wounds with deep bones continued to appear on her body.

"Master, the little dog is a warrior under the old master. His real name is #$%^^$#$%^&&^%%$$%$$^..., I have seen the owner." The two-headed dog crawled on the ground. Dare to resist.

His real name is too long, and it is spoken in **** language, except for Succubus and Li Yao, the others are dumbfounded, the name is too long, and they don't understand **** language.

Both demons and demons have their real names. Knowing their real names is a very dangerous thing, so basically there will be no real names, and they all have their own aliases.

"So what, you have offended the great master, and you dare to swallow my master, you are looking for death." The succubus queen smiled charmingly, but her whip still did not stop.

"Stop it, you will die when you hit it, you are now lacking a helper, your strength has increased, and I will relax." Li Yao said.

"You should thank my master for his kindness and spare your life this time." The succubus queen turned her head and said to Li Yao: " You have also seen that this waste was trapped by 10,000 people. Years, and the origin is at a loss, it is very difficult to recover to a demigod, and I don’t know when it will be, it is better to kill."

The two-headed dog crawled on the ground after hearing the words, and did not dare to resist or speak.

"It's okay, as long as he swallows more evil energy and magic, he can slowly recover, he is a demigod anyway," Li Yao said.

Everyone has been dumbfounded, I, Nima, this is all right. This is a demigod. Although they didn’t do anything, they could feel the power of this **** dog through their breath. They were beaten like a dead dog without resisting. Yes, it is too dreamy to be subdued so easily.

The blood rose said: "Great God, depending on the situation, you can tame it as a pet yourself, why not take it yourself."

Li Yao shook his head: "There is no need for me to subdue the succubus queen. I still occupy my summoning bar, which is not worth the loss. Moreover, his original loss is too severe. Even if his strength is restored, it is difficult to go further, even after signing a contract. Same, the upper limit is too low."

Everyone was even more speechless, so I fucked, the demigod's upper limit was still low, how high is the upper limit? This Nima is too pretending, anyway, the hunters in the team have red eyes, that can no longer be called envy.

The warlock in the team is the same, and said with a gray face: "I am a demon summoning a warlock. The summoned demon can't even compare with a finger of the succubus queen. This Nima is more popular than dead."

The hunter had a deep understanding. At this moment, the flame imp and the fel imp that the warlock had summoned were all kneeling on the ground and shaking, and the succubus he had summoned was creeping on the ground.

The Tower also glanced sympathetically at the two of them. It is estimated that these two companions were not lightly hit...

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