MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1825: controversy

The great warlock naturally would not doubt the **** of the raven, they knew the situation here before they came to this plane, and their idea was to occupy the doom hammer.

But the Mallet of Doom is not accessible to everyone. It requires keys or special conditions. Of course, this is not the key to the crime.

The most important thing is that they are not ready to annex the Dire Maul, especially the three camps. If he is too aggressive, he will be targeted, so he has been secretly preparing and waiting for the opportunity.

In their view, this chaotic camp's recruit incident is the best opportunity, but unfortunately, they haven't implemented their plan before the three major camps have counterattacked.

The recruits of the dark camp even clamored to capture a main city. The ogres kept their eyes on the side, especially when the lizard man main city was attacked and turned around. The real target of the people was their main city.

The great warlock took it for granted that he was too low-key, which made the other party confidently believe that he could take this place.

He was naturally annoyed in his heart. Originally, they were not being paid attention to, swallowing the territory, and then allowing the God of Raven to control a demigod. In this way, the background of the ogre family will grow to a very terrifying level.

The result was a spoiler, which really made him vomit blood.

Originally, they still had the chance to win, but now the God of the Raven felt the breath of another demigod, and he was even more surprised.

The ogre commander frowned and said, "Great Warlock, could it be that this fellow named Liaoyuan also admired a demigod, and he was still an evil god."

The Raven God denied: "Impossible, the three camps do not allow the belief in evil gods. This demigod is too evil, and the three camps will not allow him to mess around."

"My God, you feel that this demigod is so evil, and you also said that it is similar to the demigod being imprisoned. Since it is a Cthulhu, will it be the origin of the other party who wants to swallow the demigod detained? Then the two parties have reached a deal, this demigod Appeared to deter us and wait, but they are taking the city, and then returning to the world, and the demigod returns to that demigod." The great warlock analyzed.

The **** of the raven pondered for a moment before he said: "This speculation is logical, but before the truth is revealed, it is difficult for us to know the true truth, and it is not sinful to us. The most important thing is that now the other party has also appeared. A demigod, I need you to prepare to consume the second divine power stone, and when fighting against the opposing demigod, I am afraid I cannot control the banished battleship."

The corners of the great warlock’s mouth twitched, and the magic stone was limited. One piece was used less than one piece. This is the foundation that can save the whole family from distress. This time it costs two pieces, which really makes him feel distressed, but it doesn’t work, so he looks at Li Yao. His eyes became even more disgusting.

"If this is the case, then stick to the city wall. You still have to be patient. At least you need to know who the demigod of the other party is in order to really fight, otherwise it won't be good to be killed by surprise." said the great warlock.

Everyone was helpless, knowing that it was not a good time to go out of the city for a decisive battle, and they all agreed with the strategy of the Grand Warlock, and no one was arguing about going out of the city for a decisive battle.

"Well, this strategy is relatively safe. I will find a way to spy on the opponent. If the wall is breached, it would be meaningless for me to exile this warship, just in time for a decisive battle." After speaking, the Raven God continued to bow his head in the huge lair. in.

Li Yao also breathed a sigh of relief. The premature decisive battle was very detrimental to him. It was not that he could not destroy the city wall, but could not.

He needs the troops of the player and the two guilds to consume the opponent's elite legion, and consume the opponent's elite almost, and then he uses his ace legion to consume the opponent's ace army.

Only in this way can he achieve the result he wants. If his trump card is consumed too much by the opponent's elite, then he will ultimately fail.

After all, the demigod is fake, he used the Titan Strike to transform the demigod double-headed dog, let him consume the origin to release his aura, and then re-transformed the dragon queen.

The two-headed dog has been trapped for ten thousand years, not only for strength, but also as the origin of the demigod. Now it is completely powerless to fight, and the strength may be able to display the camp level, which is basically useless.

As for the Fel Energy Demon Net, although they can still borrow power, it is only the power that permeates the node, and they will find the real clue when they consume the power of the node.

It is only when you cast a lot of spells in the final battle that you will find that it will inevitably be another blow to the opponent's morale.

The consumption is still going on, not enough. Li Yao coldly watched the consumption of each other. This is the truth, and the truth cannot be said.

Otherwise, I have a way to break the city, but I want you to consume it. If you say this, his main force will collapse immediately.

The great warlock looked at Li Yao and sneered: "I am afraid that you are the only recruit who has such a means. No wonder you can make such a big name."

Li Yao smiled and said, "I've been awarded, but it's a little better than your ogre recruits, it's not worth mentioning."

The ogre players are going to explode but they are unable to refute, to the present point, they can only take their own humiliation when they come out, and they are not qualified to talk to Li Yao at all. The confrontation between the two army leaders was not their turn to interrupt.

"Very good, then you dare to fight with me?" said the Grand Warlock.

Li Yao shrugged: "I admire your courage. If you are capable of dealing with the three dragon queens, I will stay with you to the end."

"I'm talking about you and me, don't you dare?" The great warlock mocked.

"Joke, I am a hunter of the Beast King who upholds the way of the Beast God. You told me to give up my partner and fight with you, so I won't move and let you kill it. But it's not impossible. I can't call a combat partner. , How about the power of the evil energy that you can't use?" Li Yao laughed.

The great warlock immediately suffocated, Nima, he is a warlock, or a dual-cultivation warlock, without using evil powers, it is estimated that he can only release a meteor fire rain, what can it be used for?

"So, as the leader of a clan, I trouble you to think clearly when you speak, so as not to insult yourself and fart, it's just stinking." After Li Yao finished speaking, he ignored the other party and really thought he was a recruit. It's ridiculous to use such a simple aggressive general.

The ogre is so angry, but there is no way, the Grand Warlock said such a thing.

The ogre was unsuccessful and did not dare to give up the city wall to launch a decisive battle. He could only continue the war of attrition. The two sides had been fighting day and night. Since the attack began, Li Yao had no intention of ending the truce.

As long as the opponent does not go out of the city for a decisive battle, the players and the army on their side can take turns to rest, while the ogre side as the defensive side will inevitably be under great pressure. This is the effect Li Yao wants.

On the other side of the next door, a group of people have entered the ogre's territory, and the sky has also appeared white...

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