MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1832: Tradition

The so-called things are rare and expensive, so even in the guild warehouse, they will not put too much, but will be rationed every week, so that the items are precious. Otherwise, if you put hundreds of them at once, then they will definitely not be valuable. Up.

The value of rarity and uniqueness sometimes exceeds the value of the item itself.

For example, the sixtieth level equipment, the value of the same purple outfit in the previous period was ten times more expensive than it is now. For example, for the same transformation item, if there are only ten transformation items and ten thousand years of possession, the value will be very different.

The Nightmare Warhorse obtained by Starfire's first kill looked cool at the time, but it is actually the same in the age when there are many mounts.

But every time Li Yao participated in the event, a member of the team asked to put a peg and receive a temporary nightmare war horse.

Is the nightmare rare, that is, the color is different, because this mount represents a different meaning, the entire ancient **** game, the nightmare horse of this color is only available in the Xinghuo team, and it is out of print.

However, the harvest of the cargo robots this time really exceeded Li Yao's imagination. Not to mention the large amount of goods and furs. Among them, the source material ore was the most popular thing for Li Yao.

Although there are only a few sets of this kind of treasure that players can’t get at present, the significance to Li Yao is also extraordinary. When his mechanical pet is rebuilt, adding a little of this kind of ore will affect the quality of the pet. Great improvement.

"I'll go, Great God, you're a profiteer who is even blackened by goblins." The tower was crying.

"There is a price but no market. I put one at the auction house. There are local tyrants to buy it for a long time for five thousand gold, but I don't want to sell it, and I am not short of money." Li Yao said.

"It's a big loss." The tower turned into an ogre, and a few hundred gold was enough for them to get a very good set of full-level equipment.

Li Yao shook his head: "Talk to business. Your identity is my guard. Our goal is where the Ogre King is."

"What are we going to do?" Blood Rose asked.

"Gordok ogres have a rule, that is, if an ogre feels strong enough to challenge their king, as long as he overcomes, he can become a new king. So this time the goal is me to challenge the king, you help me Get the guard of the king." Li Yao explained.

All the members of the mercenary group suddenly realized, and then looked at Li Yao in shock. They finally understood Li Yao’s plan. Li Yao is an ogre race with a population of millions of people, it’s crazy. If it is really successful, it will make a lot of money.

What does this mean? It means that Li Yao will have a few million more people. These people have many sub-professionals of various professions. Although the ogre is low in civilization, many of the sub-professions are also very strong.

Such as the professional mentor of shaman, warlock, warrior, hunter, and secondary occupations such as mining, leather making, skinning, medicine gathering, alchemist and so on.

More importantly, if it succeeds, Li Yao will have millions more elite troops. The ogres are all soldiers, and there are more than two million ace ogres army among them.

There are also various benefits, which are simply unbelievable.

Everyone's breathing is fast, no wonder Li Yao gave them such high military merits. In comparison, those military merits are simply insignificant compared to what Li Yao got.

"I haven't intuitively understood the importance of information, but I understand it now." The Tower said enviously, "Boss Liaoyuan, how did you know that there are goblins here, how do you know there are transforming items, and how do you know the Gordok tradition? of."

Li Yao smiled but didn't say anything, but just took the lead. When everyone saw that Li Yao didn't say anything, they were too embarrassed to ask. This is a secret of others, and they are in an employment relationship, and they have no right to ask.

"What's wrong with you?" Blood Rose asked, seeing the iron tower's entangled expression.

The iron tower followed Li Yao with his head down and said: "I always think that I am the top player of the ancient gods. I have made a small fortune with the ancient gods in the past year. It is very impressive. Even the super guilds hired us to kill the boss. , To complete difficult tasks, I think we are the top players. Now that we look at it, we are scumbags."

Blood Rose shook his head: "You compare with Liaoyuan, isn't that looking for abuse. Let's not talk about the main city and this matter. Do you have a mechanical clone? You can't compare with other weapons, so there is no need to be disappointed. ."

The death knight also patted him on the shoulder: "I said you are swollen, compared with Liaoyuan, isn't this uncomfortable, please take your heart. We can have enough opportunities to get a lot of military exploits. I don’t know how many people envy it."

"Even if the people of Xinghuo can't get away, this good thing won't be our turn, so don't worry about it." Other people also persuaded.

Li Yao ignored them whispering behind him, but walked toward the depths.

When they meet other ogres, they just throw them out and eat them. The ogres have no resistance to if they say that there are delicious foods for the king, no one will stop them.

Everyone finally came to a stone arch. The guards here took food, but still didn't let them in.

"The king ordered today, no one will see." The king's guard stopped everyone and said.

Li Yao smiled and handed over a roasted turkey, and said: "Usually, the king of filial piety can always see it, why can't I see it today."

The guard kept his saliva and took the turkey while gnawing vaguely. He said vaguely: "Yesterday the king saw a beautiful woman on patrol and brought it back. Now I am busy giving birth to babies, what do you think."

Li Yao couldn't laugh or cry, so he could only solemnly say: "Then follow the rules set by the king, please ring the gong, and I will challenge the king."

The guard suddenly froze: "What did you say?"

"I said, I want to challenge the king." Li Yao said again.

"Hahahaha, I'm so ridiculous. The king is a world-class leader. I think about it, the last time someone challenged the king was two years ago. What happened to him? It seems that he was chopped up and fed to the lion. Are you sure? Want to challenge the king?" The guard waved his hand: "Stop making trouble, brother, is it okay to live."

"Ring the gong." Li Yao stopped speaking after speaking.

The guard shook his head slightly and waved his hand. An ogre above the stone arch began to ring the gong.

The loud sound made all the ogres raise their heads, looked in the direction of the king, and then rushed over by coincidence.

This sound was someone who picked the king. Since the king defeated eighteen challengers in three days two years ago and chopped them up to feed the lions, no one had the courage to challenge the king.

This is a lively scene that I have to watch...


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