MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1839: Copy group

When King Gordok died in battle, Li Yao successfully became the new King.

A two-headed cannibal magician saluted Li Yao slightly: "You have become the new king of Gordok, and you are willing to serve you my king. You can call me an observer."

Li Yao nodded: "Is there any ceremony needed?"

The observer smiled and said: "You just defeated the previous generation of the king with a heroic force. This is the best ceremony. But you still need to receive our tribute to the king. This is our heart."

"Let's go, I want to know the real situation of Gordok now." Li Yao said.

Observing a wry smile: "Gordok is very bad now, internal and external. Not to mention, for world-class leaders, the two old leaders are already old and I am too young. The former king is also worried about this problem, otherwise Facing the provocation of the distant relatives of the second plane, we have counterattacked. Now this burden falls on you, the king."

"It's impossible for Gordok to occupy the peaceful days here. Now this kind of thing is focused by all camps. If you want to sit and wait like before." Li Yao paused: "You guessed it, I'm not real. Ogres, but they can take you farther and give you a clear path."

The observer’s smile became more bitter: "My lord, we Gordok no longer have the right to choose, but I will supervise you and will not let you ruin Gordok, otherwise I will make you pay even if I die. A heavy price."

"Then I am afraid you will not find this kind of opportunity, because you will find that Gordok's name will not disappear, and it will become more and more prosperous. I will not use you as cannon fodder and sacrifice to the second place. In the battle of the devil, you have a higher value. However, when it is critical, I need the strong to take action to limit the opponent to a world-class strong." Li Yao said seriously.

"You really are, alas, the road ahead is long. As expected, no place in this world is a paradise." The observer knelt on one knee: "As long as you keep your promise, you will always be the king of Gordok, I promise."

"You really are a wise man." Li Yao shook his head slightly: "But you can rest assured that even if the road ahead is big and the waves are overwhelming, it will be smooth on my boat."

"I hope so, the king, please come with me, at least you have to get to know the leaders." Observing and guiding Li Yao to the hall.

At the same time, when Li Yao killed King Gordok, the World Channel was swiped again.

"System: The world-class leader killed by Liaoyuan, King Gordok, has become the new King Gordok. Dungeon Doom Maul North is open, and the Dungeon is divided into war mode and ten challenge mode."

"System: The North of the Maul of Doom is open, the copy of the Maul of Doom·Central Garden area is open, and the hard mode is unlocked in the North of the Maul of Doom to unlock the central garden. The central garden is forty-player and hundred-player mode."

"System: The Dungeon of Dire Maul is unlocked, the melee weapon career mission is open, and the Warlock Epic Nightmare Warhorse mission is open."

"System: If you want to learn more about the situation, please follow the official website news or go to the main city of each race to receive the initial mission. After the completion of the prerequisite tasks, after the main city battle is over, the team that completes the task can challenge the new 60-level dungeon. "

These system prompts exploded in front of everyone like a serial bomb, and all online players were stunned.

Then, they boarded the official website to learn about the situation of the copy. The official website gave the background information of the copy and the basic information of all the bosses, and also gave the drop list of each difficulty.

At the same time, the melee weapon mission and the warlock’s epic nightmare horse mission were announced, and the whole game almost boiled for a while.

Even though they learned that the entire Doommaul dungeon group is not a mainline dungeon, it does not mean that the branch dungeons are not well dropped.

Nowadays, everyone is gradually entering the state of full level. When the mainline dungeon is not open, players want to get good equipment at full level basically by luck or treasure chests, but the output of equipment is still far from the demand. Up.

The Doom Maul dungeon group now only has two areas open, but the number and drop of the bosses are very tempting.

Especially the melee weapons make all melee classes crazy, and the warlock has also become the envy of other classes, because the wait and see gives an image of the epic nightmare warhorse, which is simply undesirable.

For a time, countless people began to go to the main city to receive pre-tasks.

However, some people in the know are puzzled, isn't Li Yao conquering the main city of the secondary plane? How did he get to the Maul of Doom to kill the boss.

This made countless people very puzzled, only a few people guessed that Li Yao might have killed the boss by a clone.

On the other hand, the ogre players have green eyes. Of course, they suspect that Dire Maul is a copy, but there are too few of them at full level, they dare not explore, and do not act rashly.

As a result, Li Yao attacked their main city, which caused a problem. They also learned about Gordok's mechanism.

Now the ogre players are going crazy, this is related to the issue of the dominance of the dungeon, they must win the war as they watch this war.

As players, they know the meaning of this and it is also a dungeon group. It can be said that this dungeon will become extremely lively for a long time.

It should become a dungeon that must be played by full-level players, which means endless popularity. If Li Yao wins this war, then Spark will soon follow the popularity to stabilize the main city. This is an ogre player I don't want to see it anyway.

If not, they basically don't want to raise their heads in front of other players in the future.

For the first time, the great warlock also got the news. The great warlock's face turned pale in an instant, and he never thought that such a thing would happen.

Under these circumstances, it is a bolt from the blue for them.

"Damn it, how could Gordok have such absurd rules, and we don't even know, then why Liaoyuan brats would know." Even with the mentality of a great warlock, it almost exploded. This news is really important.

"What made you so gaffe?" asked the Raven God.

The great warlock smiled bitterly: "We were all deceived by the Liaoyuan kid. He actually has a clone. He took ten people and dared to break into the Gordok ogre territory and defeated Gordok in the arena. The great king, what is even more ridiculous is that the Liaoyuan who defeated the great king has become the new Gordok king."

"There is actually such a thing." The Raven God sighed: "This junior is really a serious scheming, calculating everywhere, step by step, this battle may not be difficult to fight, even if we win, we are afraid we will have to pay a heavy price. ."

Everyone is silent, isn't it? That's an ace army with more than two million dollars. They didn't insist on this because they were scrupulous about it. As a result, Liaoyuan took advantage of the loophole...


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