MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1852: Before the Storm


The commander had a bad feeling and asked, "What's wrong?"

The great warlock took a deep breath, and said bitterly, "Why do I keep emphasizing on prairie prairie calculations? You think it's just those we saw."

Everyone was shocked, and they didn't know what the Grand Warlock had to say.

This is the most dangerous time for the race, and all the leaders are present. They must know the truth to find a way to deal with it.

"This is really bad news, and it is barely good news." The great warlock said: "You just mentioned the magical advantage of the warlock, we don't exist at all. That is me, I am just a standard warlock matching the corresponding grade. , And no longer receive the bonus from the Fel Node."

"Grand Warlock, please speak up quickly, we can bear it." The general leader's face was already dark.

You should know that the bonus of the fel node can even make the great warlock possess extraordinary strength of the holy level. As long as it is not a demigod, it can almost be invincible. Although other warlocks are not as good as the great warlocks, they can definitely play Outcome fighting power beyond your own rank.

This is one of their trump cards, now listening to the meaning of the great warlock, it seems to be finished.

"Actually, Gordok ogre was subdued by the Sing Yuan, I have this kind of guess, but at that time the fel energy is full, and now the war, the warlocks have consumed the fel energy stored in the fel net. Aware of this problem, the other party actually knew that we were using the fel net, and destroyed the source of the magic net while conquering the Gordok ogre." The great warlock said bitterly.

Everyone's complexion changed, which was indeed a blow to them, because the warlock trump card army of their race was the trump card of another trump card besides the guards of the temple. Now they are also reduced to normal warlocks and their combat power is greatly reduced.

"The good news?"

Everyone also expected the good news to cheer up the hearts of the people.

This time without waiting for the great warlock to speak, the Raven God said: "I was too careless and blinded by the prairie fire. I didn't feel the change of the Doom Maul, and the power of the demigod was too tyrannical at the time. I took it for granted. It is impossible for a demon to radiate such a powerful aura. Only then was he deceived.

Everyone looked at each other, what good news is Nima.

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, the Grand Sorcerer said: "Even though we were deceived, the fact is the fact. One thing remains the same, that is, the half-god-level demon was used as energy to be extracted by the magic circle for ten thousand years. The **** has also reached the stage where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dead. There is no way in this world to restore him to his peak and exude such a strong aura. In other words, the other party is basically using the final potential of the demon, maybe the demon demigod is already on the verge of It might even be dead."

Speaking of these people finally understood the meaning of the great warlock, the other party did not have any demigod powerhouses at all, and everything was just a bluff.

"Doesn't that mean?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

The great warlock nodded: "Yes, Liaoyuan is smart or mistaken by cleverness. His level is still too low. He doesn't know the influence of a demigod on war. A sea of ​​people can drown everything, but at least 20 million. It can't drown our supreme god."

"Yes, the opponent does not have a demigod-level powerhouse. I can use a wide range of spells to destroy the opponent's army." The voice of the Raven God was more confident.

To put it bluntly, he is now an energy body, and it is a bit illusory to fight against the strong of the same level, especially when suppressing a warship in exile, but if it is dealing with soldiers, there is not so much care and concern.

Everyone's mood finally relaxed. They were hit hard just now, thinking that their race was about to end. Now it seems that the initiative is still in their hands.

"He is a recruit, and his background is insufficient. There is no way to change it. But he can do this, and he is proud to have forced us to the present. Didn't he want to consume the army? We don't give him the opportunity to consume it. The battle of the strong is our opportunity. The other side has created such a strong momentum. I want to see if he has enough strong to block us."

Having said that, the great warlock was still annoyed, and the feeling that his IQ was crushed was very, very upsetting to him.

"Yes, crush them. Didn't Liaoyuan think that the army will consume us? We can't give him this opportunity. If the strong crushes them, when they collapse, his army naturally cannot support it."

Everyone was overjoyed, this is the best way to do so.

"Very well, then it's so decided. But your mind is swaying, it is not suitable to shoot now, now you replenish me, we will give them a thunder blow in the darkest time before dawn." The great warlock said confidently .

Everyone immediately saluted and retired to rest. It was almost late at night and needed to hurry up to recharge. They were indeed exhausted. It wasn't that they didn't sleep all day, but that what happened this day was beyond their tolerance and they needed to rest. It takes a moment to restore to the best state.

When everyone retreated, the great warlock looked at the battle below and muttered to himself: "Will we win? Although Liaoyuan is a recruit, he has too deep calculations. We can think of this level. Couldn't he think of this huge? Flaws?"

This is his biggest question, just to inspire everyone, they have the right to know the truth, but now the question ~ ~ they know it is useless.

The **** of the raven was silent for a long time before saying: "That said, he is a recruit, and his background is too shallow. The demigods of the dark camp in this war cannot be dispatched. I am 100% sure of this. I will move the whole body. Unless the dark camp wants the ancient gods to be immortal. The dark camp does not have this strength, and they will not carry this pot. Therefore, they can only provide some supplies, which is inevitable. But it is also their limit. The strong need to rely on He himself. And among the ancient gods, the gods have almost disappeared since ancient times. The demigods are considered the most active, but there is no manpower he can mobilize among the existing demigods. He is not enough at this level."

The great warlock nodded, he recognized this reason, but he still felt faintly uneasy in his heart.

On the high slope, Li Yao turned and left, leaving only a phantom.

"Didn't you just say to keep going, why do you have to rest now?" Hai Kuotian asked.

Li Yao didn't mean to joke this time: "Take a good rest. The hardest time of this war is coming."

After talking, they disappeared before the two of them could catch up. The fire eagle was still flying through the clouds, monitoring every move of the distant city.

"Half-god, how can I restrain him? The **** of the raven, but one of the strongest demi-gods in the past, the fighting power is comparable to the average main god, the dragon kings are very jealous, although it is only a god, but Not weaker than a normal demigod." The Black Dragon and Dragon Empress said while helping Li Yao make the bed.

"You'll know then."

Li Yao waved his hand to let the black dragon leave. He himself was asleep. He also had to rest and prepare for the final battle of the strong...


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