MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1855: Fighting spirit

The players are immersed in the joy of the upcoming victory, but they don't understand that even if they defeat the ogre player's army, they will be played out and quickly defeated by the ogre king card.

They have never really decided the outcome of this war.

At the darkest hour of the day, the ogre senior finally moved.

In the sky, the ogre's air force is still fighting against the flying dragon army, but they are not fighting hard. Ogre's air force is still relatively small, and the cost of flying dragons is also very expensive. Li Yao can't get too many flying dragons.

Suddenly, Li Yao, who had disappeared for a few hours, appeared on the hillside, looking at the sky with a cold face, his eyes skyrocketing, and even the darkness could not block his vision.

At that moment Fanghua and Haikuotian also appeared quickly, both of them were sleepy-eyed, and they looked at the sky blankly.

In the darkest hour, their nerves are not enough to allow them to see the sky clearly.

"The ogres are probably about to launch the final battle. A world-class leader in the sky brought a hundred thousand elite and the most elite Warcraft Air Force into a raid, and my dragon army suddenly suffered heavy losses." Li Yao said.

"We have 30,000 Warcraft Air Forces in the Qionghua Guild. This is our guild's most precious army." Susuna Fanghua said: "Thirty thousand most elite harpy, strong enough."

Li Yao glanced at Shi Na Fanghua in amazement. He didn't mean to send the two of them. He didn't expect that they would still have a Warcraft-class ace air force or a Harpy. This is not easy.

Harpy is a rebellious race, Qionghua can get quite difficult.

"Very good, I am worried about the lack of military strength in the high-level." Li Yao would naturally not be polite, and he also understood that the two guilds were really desperate and took out his own old bottom.

Broad sea and sky smiled bitterly: "You hide too deep, our guild does not have this kind of air force, but there are still 50,000 Warcraft Ace Army, the species is Thunder Lizard, ready to be put on the battlefield."

Li Yao's eyes lit up: "Don't move for now, and give the opponent a thunderous blow at a critical time."

Thunder lizards are monsters of both magic and martial arts. They have powerful charging and fighting abilities. With their power to control lightning, they can be said to have amazing lethality. Although individuals may not be more powerful, they are not as good as too many creatures, but in terms of legion combat effectiveness, The number one army on land.

"Lan Yi, this time on your part. Take your metal bone dragon. I will give you 10,000 Demonized Griffins and 5,000 Fighters. Be sure to take down the other party." Li Yao said and summoned Xiao Man. : "You cooperate with the blue clothes, don't be naughty."

Xiaoman directly incarnates a huge griffon, and said dissatisfied: "Although I like to play with Xiaoxing, does the master really treat me as a child? There is no joking in the army. My father has taught me the truth since I was young. "

Xiaoman murmured, and then roared, just now from the structure space, griffins gathered around her.

"Sister, it seems that I should be transformed today." Black Dragon Queen laughed.

The blue dragon dragon queen snorted by the wind and thunder clone transformed by Titan Strike, and flew directly into the sky. The two hundred metal dragons roared in the sky, and as the army was deployed, they directly rushed on.

"The little ogre is also playing a set of sudden attacks. It's really overwhelming." The blue dragon dragon queen roared without using magic, and directly used the body to fight the ogre world-class leader of the ogre.

Li Yao also used Laodi, whether it is a griffon or a fighter, they are his treasures, and he can't bear to let them out to fight.

Now on the battlefield, Li Yao was not disappointed. In a confrontation, the most elite air force that slaughtered the flying dragon ogre was suppressed.

The blue dragon dragon queen blessed with the power of wind and thunder is very tyrannical. This world-class leader can only deal with the blue dragon dragon queen with his flexible mount.

On the ground, an ogre riding a Cyclops suddenly shot out. Cyclops actually held a huge black wooden stick, and could kill several insects with every sweep.

"I am a Hardan Predator, who dares to fight me." The voice of an ogre riding on a cyclop spread across the battlefield.

Before Li Yao spoke, he said, "I'm here, this violent guy, just to show my brother that I am not eating or not working."

"Don't force it." Li Yao nodded.

"Just watch it." Haikuotian said loudly and shouted: "Grandpa is playing with you."

The predator looked up at the sky and saw the vast sea and sky flying over with temporary wings. He immediately said with disdain: "Idiot, you are just a high-ranking leader and a recruit who lacks the origin. You dare to fight me. There is no one in your army? But it’s good, I don’t mind cutting grass."

The sky and the sea sneered, and a tooth glowing with endless cold appeared in his hand. This tooth was less than one-third, but the breath exuding was thick and inviolable.

"I have obtained this thing for a while, and I have been reluctant to use it. I will use it on you this time." Haikuotian directly pierced his fangs into his chest.


A group of dazzling golden light burst out in the As the light flickered, the body of the sea and the sky suddenly doubled, and under him was a war bear like gold pouring.

The war bear was surrounded by golden flames, and his eyes were raging, like burning the sky and boiling the sea.

The thick, sturdy and extremely powerful aura attracted the attention of all the strong, especially in the darkest time, it seemed like a small sun burst.

"The Fang of Ursoc."

In the two camps, Li Yao and the Raven God spoke almost at the same time.

The Grand Warlock asked, "Who is Ursoc?"

"Usoc is one of the most dazzling demigods in the ancient times. He and his brother Ursor were once the gods of one of the main gods, the **** of war, and survived the test of the battle of the gods. They were the vanguard of the troops in the battle of the ancients. Fighting for March, I killed all the way from Haishan to the Maelstrom, spanning half of the ancient gods continent at that time, killing hundreds of world-class demons along the way, killing more than five demons and demigods, and finally dying from exhaustion. A fierce **** on the battlefield. In his hand is Ursoc's broken tooth." said the **** of raven.

The Grand Warlock's expression changed: "So, the other party has summoned a demigod?"

The Raven God shook his head: "Don't worry, I didn't feel Ursoc's consciousness. This broken tooth can only summon a wisp of Ursoc's ancient war shadow, at most world-class. And this tooth is too wasteful to use. ."

At the same time, Li Yao gritted his teeth and said: "This guy is really a violent thing. Is this thing used like this? I don't know which idiot made the summoning item. Look at the cracks in the teeth. It collapsed once, **** it."

Setsuna Fanghua said: "You just explained Ursoc's deeds, but this tooth is not used like this, is it..."


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