MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1879: Peace talks

The great warlock also knelt on his knees and said with a grieving expression: "My god, even if there is still a little hope, we will fight. At the beginning, although we were almost annihilated, after the high wall, you are the demigod who killed the opponent. Dare to show up, we only get back to the situation little by little."

"But now, our strategy has failed. If we continue, we will only truly exterminate the race without any chance of winning. You are wise and martial. Why do you insist? Do you really want us to go to destruction together."

They were really scared, and they had seen terrifying spells in a short time.

The Raven God’s peak period is not strong, one law and one million troops, how terrible, this kind of killing has not appeared for many years, I am afraid that the endless demon of the ancient war is not afraid of curse, no matter How many demons were killed, and more demons were sent over.

However, the two armies are facing each other, and their total strength is only how much. One spell kills a million armies in a second, and the thunder sea is rolling, making countless people fearful.

The shining thunder light attracted everyone's attention. They thought it was the dawn of victory. Who knew that the opposite was more ruthless, and Li Yao, who possessed the power of the Lord God level, was even more terrifying. He quietly killed more of them. The army has turned these army into a terrible army of faceless men.

Not to mention the re-gathering of the Zerg army, it is these faceless army and so many self-explosive insects that at least take away the corresponding number of ogres before they are consumed.

This result does not require analysis, and anyone with a little bit of knowledge can know the result. So how are they fighting, and what are they fighting.

The demigod they believe in has less than one third of their blood, and their blood is absorbed by the touch of darkness and parasitic insects at any time, and their gods will also fail.

Now their gods can still fight. If their gods are killed, then even if Li Yao is not the main god-level combat power.

Then Li Yao and the Black Dragon Dragon Empress will be liberated, and the consequences are predictable. It will be these ogre powerhouses who will die next.

If most of them are killed, then there are only two ways left to the ogres. The ogres without a group of dragons will be beheaded to death. Of course, perhaps Li Yao would not be so crazy.

But the second thing they couldn't accept was that they belonged like the ogres of the Dire Maul. From now on, many ogres may still be alive, but the names of their tribes will disappear from this world.

They can't accept either of these two results. So the best result now is that they can only admit failure while they are still strong enough to talk about the conditions. At the very least, they can save the remaining people. , And strive for the time required for the seeds of the clan to leave.

"Coward, your backbone is gone. What's the use even if you are all alive. There is still the possibility of victory in a deadly battle. Even if I die, the space disappears, but he doesn't have the strength of the main **** level, and those faceless ones will lose him. Control." The voice of the Raven God was full of anger, and anyone could hear the terrible anger contained in it.

"Even if the Faceless One is not controlled, the opponent still has more than 10 million troops, and then the Black Dragon Queen and the Liaoyuan Warlord who are free will be able to contend." The great warlock's head was pressed against the ground: "My God, I wait for my request. He Tan, admit failure."

"My god, let us give us a way to survive." The commander and others also threw themselves on the ground, crawling on the ground.

"Good, good, good, really good. You actually disobeyed my orders, I..."

What else did the Raven God want to say? He suddenly saw Li Yao in front of him, and he couldn't allow him to make other reactions. The endless touch of darkness had already enveloped him.

"Stubborn, do you really think I can't move if I don't move."

Li Yao looked at the **** of raven who had shrunk countless times in his palm, and said disdainfully.

At this moment, the palm prints of Li Yao's palm turned into endless mountains, and the endless dark touches intertwined in the mountains.

The God of Raven is like an insignificant ant between the mountains and the touch of darkness. He speeds madly, constantly releasing spells and attacks, but the touch of darkness he destroys is irrelevant, and the ravines and mountains are even more insurmountable.

"Damn, there is a kind of battle with me, just knowing what is the ability to control." The Raven God is still not convinced.

"Hehe, didn’t you mean that Senior Aviana deliberately didn’t come out in the endless cage. If you can escape, I will fight with you, but you will only get worse in the end, and you will even be hit hard. Accept that result?” After Li Yao finished speaking, he did not look at the raven **** who was madly raging and roaring, but at the great warlock: “You want peace talks, yes, if you can win without sacrificing the army, I There is no need to kill you all."

All the powerful ogres stood up, and the great warlock gave his hands: "The warlord is kind, and I can't be thankful enough."

They saw that Li Yao did not have the condescending ridicule of tyranny and the victor, and their evaluation of Li Yao immediately improved ~ such a brilliant victory, just look at the other recruits.

The recruits on the victorious side trembled with excitement, the soldiers on their own side were downcast, and Li Yao was as calm as ever.

"Don’t be grateful, I know that many of you are not convinced. I can also reveal a message. Our final means still has a Forbidden Curse scroll and two half-Forbidden Curse spell battlefields as the trump cards. You may also have them, but if this happens, you The ogres will really be seriously injured, and there won’t be much left in the army that protects themselves. And to that point, I won’t keep my hands, slay your army, and then destroy your family." Li Yao said slowly.

"The warlord's tolerance is extraordinary, and it is countless. We are convinced that we have lost this battle." The great warlock said, he has no intention of investigating whether what Li Yao said is true or false, anyway, they admit that they have lost the battle.

"No need to say compliments. Since you chose to surrender and negotiate, I also stopped doing it for the first time. Then there are three prerequisites that must be reached. If a consensus is not reached, then sorry, we will continue to fight until you are willing to reach a consensus. "Li Yao's words are a bit aggressive.

But the task of the great warlock's status is also a task that can be taken down. It is natural to admit failure.

"I don't know which three are." In fact, the great warlock also faintly guessed, and his heart ached.

"It's very simple. The three prerequisites for the peace talks are to clarify the ownership of the main city, the change of defenses, and the migration of civilians." Li Yao did not wait for the great warlocks and they said: "In other words, the main city already belongs to me, and your army has collected weapons. We also guarantee the safe relocation of civilians in the city and ensure their safety."...


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