MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1883: Ancient tree invincible

Even if they took out their army under the box and participated in the war, they couldn't restore the decline. The despair and shame were unbearable.

Speaking of the most resentful and the one who hates Xinghuo the most, in fact, ogre players hate Xinghuo more than the second-ranked face ogre.

They almost tried their best, and the army suffered a huge loss, and they couldn't get all their wealth.

What annoyed them even more was that they wanted to show their dignity even if they failed.

Even if you send it under the fence, you can say, you see, the players on the earth we fight are like dogs. It's not that we are not strong, but the NPC army is not strong.

As for Li Yao, it is also the matter of the players. The matter of fighting against a major city by himself was ignored by all players.

When a person is very strong, he will encounter jealousy and competition, but when the other's powerful face is unable to look up from the back, the enemy can only ignore it, because this has transcended their level and has no meaning for comparison.

Therefore, all they want is to defeat the earth players, but the reality is cruel.

At first they went well, but in the middle and late stages, they tried their best and were suppressed and retreated.

If it fails, I am afraid that I will not have a good life in the future.

Especially when I thought that most of their ogre savings had been captured by Xinghuo, that was really envy and hatred.

The current auction houses, the chaotic camp can't make one race, but there must be twenty or thirty.

Spark occupying the banks and auction houses here can be said to have swallowed all the worth of ogre players.

Many of the good things are unimaginable, so the auction house won’t say anything about it. Whether it’s equipment, materials, or drawing skill books, there are definitely many very precious ones that can be auctioned for sky-high prices.

Then a large amount of materials, mounts, pets and so on.

As for the warehouse, there will be a lot of valuable things that players don’t want to sell.

Just thinking about the situation of your own guild and players can imagine the storage of ogre players.

"Forget it, I don't want to, the more I think about it, the more jealous I get, alas." Shi Na Fanghua said in a sad voice, occupying a major city, the Qionghua Guild can't do it now, I guess it won't be possible even after many years, just the world. Levels and demigods are just one slash, insurmountable, let alone a massive trump card army.

Li Yao smiled and didn't answer. Occupying a major city couldn't be so easy. This time, it was just a coincidence.

Such an opportunity was rare in a century. He knew too well that the main city was the lifeblood of the camp, and it would be a full-scale war when the time came. It would be a pipe dream to find such an opportunity for non-interference.

In the previous life, Orima was captured once because of the rebellious actions of the second-generation warchief, but he still returned.

The Undercity was also broken because of the pharmacist's rebellion, and it was returned to the queen.

At the end of the game, the external threat to the world of the ancient gods was solved, and the real breach of the main city occurred when the camps were in a full-scale battle.

But that was an all-round battle that brought together the main forces of the various races of the camp. The World Tree, which became the main city shortly after the war, was burned down, and the Undercity became a real ruin, ravaged by the plague, and even the undead could not survive in it. Not to mention other races.

However, the occupation and control of other main cities has never happened before. This opportunity is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and cannot be copied.

And now Xinghuo is also in danger, even if the chaotic camp will not take it again in an open manner.

But in private, I must contact those organizations outside the camp. To gain a firm foothold, you still need blood and fire to test.

Of course, these are all things to follow.

The most important thing for Xinghuo now is to send the ogres away, and to fully control the main city after counting the harvest. You must know that the Dire Maul still has a lot of threat, but it is no longer a real threat.

Then there is the planning and construction of the main city of Xinghuo. This is a huge and difficult project, and it is definitely a huge test for Xinghuo.

In the afternoon of the next day, when the Faceless broke through the central garden, the Corrupted Flower Fairy Legion subdued the ancient tree, the World Tree evolved the ancient tree of war.

After Li Yao controlled the circle, he basically controlled the main city of the ogres, and then began to attack the Doom Maul demon area and the back garden.

Because regardless of the cost, after Li Yao consumed two million Faceless Men and Bombshells, he truly took the Dire Maul.

To put it bluntly, the maul of doom is most important to Li Yao. Although the second-rank ogre is big, it is really vulgar, like a primitive society, except for the council hall and the temple, other places are just like the caves. Dare to compliment.

This is still the life of the upper-level ogres, and the lower-level ogres live in really caves, real groups.

But even so, Li Yao was a bit dissatisfied. The structure of the new main city will still be dominated by the once glorious garden city of Doom Maul.

Li Yao believes that after Xinghuo's repairs, this city will definitely become a pearl not inferior to Silver Moon City.

How do you say the main city of the dark camp, it's really not flattering, the style is too savage and rough, Li Yao doesn't like it.

Li Yao likes the style of the garden temple, which is based on white boulders and blends with the natural environment. Simple and elegant, elegant and full of connotation, without the feeling of nouveau riche, full of heritage.

Therefore, after Li Yao let the ogres of Doom Maul accept the annexation of one million infant ogres and 2 million ogre women (this is one of the contract conditions), he took the army to clear the Doom Maul and other resistance. power.

Although the Faceless Army is strong, it is not Li Yao's main force. Li Yao originally planned to consume it, so it attacked almost regardless of the cost.

All the way is like a broken Those satyr legions, the demon legions summoned by the demon warlocks, and the last plant legions in the garden area are basically wiped out.

Only the last ancient tree that was beaten half-dead was purified by the World Tree. This ancient tree of wisdom had a life span of more than tens of thousands of years, and Li Yao was reluctant to kill it.

Li Yao looked at the battle axe in his hand and sighed: "The ancient tree is invincible."

"Is this tomahawk very famous?" Hitomi asked curiously.

Following the experience of Li Yaoqing's hammer of doom, there are Tongtong, the sea and the sky, the moment Fanghua, Li Jia and Xiao Yudi.

Li Yao nodded: "This weapon has a great background. Have you seen the trilogy of the War of the Ancients? Do you remember that an orc suicide attacked the demonized Titan Sargeras."

Everyone was startled, Xiao Yudi exclaimed: "Could this be the weapon known as the first warrior of the orcs."

"Well, this weapon is made of ancient ancient trees and core materials, plus an ancient rune weapon blessed by the demigod of nature. It is an absolute top legend." Li Yao said that he revealed his attributes...

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