MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1885: Warehouse expansion

The next day, the forum exploded again, because Spark's guild warehouse expanded again. nvsheng fiction network ()

And this time it is an explosive expansion, except for some top-quality items, all dissatisfied equipment and items are removed from the shelves.

Then the guild warehouse once again exploded and expanded to three times the size of the shipment. Compared with the original warehouse, this time both the quality and the quantity far surpassed before.

It made countless players look at it with envy, jealousy and hatred. The things in the warehouse are really great. These things in the auction house are the best in the best, and the value is naturally also needless to say.

And it is still the situation after many guild players have redeemed merits.

Anyway, watching everyone on the forum has almost turned the sky, some people will say that there are more things being auctioned.

But these are two different things. The auction house needs to buy things and everyone can get them.

But the things in the Spark Guild warehouses, Sparks, can be obtained only at a much lower price than the prices, and the gap is very large.

Many people have calculated an account for Spark players. Even ordinary Spark members with ordinary merit can also redeem a set of epic-level or above top-grade equipment. It is not impossible for guild elites to exchange a set of gold.

There are more people with the most merits. As for a set of legends, joking, and legends of full level, even Li Yao is not enough, let alone other players.

At present, a set of full-level epics is not something that players can buy at full-level in the new stage, let alone a legend. And some top products are even more expensive.

The only unhappy estimate is the ogre players and other guilds.

Needless to say, ogre players, banks and auctions are theirs, and other guilds are also well understood.

Originally, Spark’s warehouse was not comparable to other guilds, but now it’s nothing but despair, and there is no need to compare it. The value of one page of other guild’s warehouse exceeds that of super guild’s warehouse.

The most shocking thing is that the first page of the guild’s warehouse is now extremely luxurious.

At the top are four pieces: Star Bow, Quelcella, Ancient Tree Predator and Titan Strike.

Needless to say, the power of the stars, Li Yao's first weapon, has very luxurious attributes, while Titan Strike is a metamorphosis of the blue dragon queen, without the attributes of the dragon queen, but this description alone is enough to shock people.

The natural enemy of the ancient tree is the perfect attribute to detach from the copy, letting melee the halazi.

Quelcella was obtained after completing all the tasks in the Dragon Slaying Compendium, which is also a perfect attribute.

Li Yao has the Black Dragon Queen, so naturally he does not need to kill the Black Dragon Princess like the Dragon Slaying Compendium. It was the deep breathing of the stronger black dragon queen, and finally the black dragon queen sacrificed once. After the transformation of Titan Strike, the quenched sword was directly pierced into the heart of the dragon queen, and the hard work and the power of the Titan made this The sword reached its most perfect state.

This is also the reason why Li Yao feels sorry for the ancient tree's natural enemies, because Querceira is more suitable for him.

There are four top legends. Don’t be too hungry. Each is the top legendary weapon. It can be said that getting one is equivalent to getting a graduation weapon, but Li Yao owns four.

Everyone understood that this was Li Yao's method of declaring force, but everyone also understood that after all, it was the overlord who had occupied a main city and raised Xinghuo to a new level.

In the second row are five double-headed hellhound mounts, which are one of the rewards for occupying the main city.

On the third row are ten Warcraft-class leaders, two-footed dragons. What is striking is that this is a double-saddle mount. What does this mean? This is a double mount. Absolutely pulling the wind, a weapon for picking up girls. Countless people watching drool.

The next few rows are a mixture of dragon eagles, bipedal dragons and top equipment items, absolutely top quality and face.

Except for the first row, everything can be exchanged for merits. Of course, the first page is also related to the guild membership level. The membership level is low, and even merits cannot be exchanged.

It can be said that this post is extremely popular, and Spark is also successful. These things are simply not something that money can get. It is a real priceless thing.

There are five top legendary weapons, four of which are in Li Yao's hands and the other one is in Edward's hands.

The Xinghuo leadership gathered again, and everyone looked serious, because today will determine the future of this city.

"Let me talk about it first, the last batch of secondary surface ogres migrated away this morning. There are flying demon races nearby to respond, but they have no intention of attacking here." Demon Ji thought for a while and continued: "These two days, times The plane ogre players have launched many attacks, and there are still many unruly people who used transformation items to pretend to be ogre players in an attempt to take advantage, and they were all beaten back. Now the main city is basically safe, but the collection of materials is estimated to be used to build a new city There will be a lot of trouble."

Sister Li frowned: "Our first priority is to repair the mallet of doom. It is natural to remove the cave buildings in the Ogre City, but it is not enough. It is necessary to build a quarry outside. If safety cannot be guaranteed, it will be frequently destroyed. , It will seriously affect the construction progress of our city."

Li Yao motioned Demon Ji to sit down, then stood up and said, "I have considered this matter, but I have thought of a way. Compared with understanding, I should see the main army quartermaster, how do you feel?"

Everyone is smart, and Li Yao awakened them with a word.

"You want to write an article from this, this is very easy to operate." Qin Fengyi said with a smile.

Everyone laughed, everyone in Xinghuo didn't expect that the copy of Doom Maul was completely in their hands.

Up to now many players have gathered here, and then they discovered that they need to open the door quest and the reputation of the main Starfire army to reach friendly to the dungeon of the Dire Maul.

This is interesting. The task of opening the door is assigned by the system to the head of Xinghuo's staff. The camp has dispatched a quartermaster, and the quartermaster also has great decision-making power on the items sold and the price of Xinghuo.

The task of opening the door is easy to say, no matter how complicated the setting is, everyone can complete it after all. Spark everyone can discuss it into a dozen steps. You can need materials, stone, wood, ores, etc., and then set some tasks to kill beasts and robbers. .

As for the friendly prestige, there are basically more players than the main force, and the prestige is also a good note. Sister Li has a good discussion. Don't look at one or two inconspicuous, but there are many people who want to make copies.

After an hour, everyone discussed the details.

Sister Li said: "Let me give a detailed report on the gains of this occupation of the main city. The main gains are auctions, banks, racial treasury, temple treasury, armory, seizures in war, and convergence of noble gathering areas. The harvest this time is too amazing. I hope you will keep it confidential and don't disclose it, so as not to be jealous and cause trouble."...

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