MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1890: Angry prairie fire

\">Reading Family Update\">Quickly Li Yao closed the communication, and then began to look at the information of the three super guilds. _)Reading/Book/Clan/Small/Speaking.网+_

After a while, Sister Li also sent a communication: "What do you want to do."

Obviously, it was strange that Li Yao didn't directly retake the town, and there were already posts on the forum, which was the scene of Li Yao confronting a dozen flying mounts and then retreating.

People on the forum talked and talked about everything, but it was undeniable that some people thought that Li Yao was recognized by more than two dozen super guilds.

Many people also said that being oppressed by more than two dozen guilds is normal.

Sister Li also received a subpoena from Qin Fengyi before she communicated to Li Yao to see what Li Yao wanted to do.

Li Yao smiled: "I want to kill people. I really didn't expect that after the victory of this war, someone would dare to provoke me. Do you really think my sword is not fast enough?"

Sister Li sighed: "The benefits we have gained this time are too great. Naturally, many people are jealous. The peripheral resources are too important and of great value. It is normal for some people to take risks."

"This reason is very strong. What I want to occupy the main city is these resource points. Do you want me to guard an empty city? These people really think I will compromise?" Li Yao's pressure rose again.

"In their view, the main city is already the greatest benefit, and they are so powerful that they naturally swear, don't underestimate the greed of these people." Sister Li said.

Li Yao nodded: "I know what to do. The only thing I worry about right now is that those people can't help me because they are afraid that they will lose out and vent their grievances to your company."

This time, Sister Li smiled confidently: "A group of scumbags dare to call it a consortium. My family's business does not have much to do with them. If there is an intersection, they are begging me. If they are not afraid of death, they dare to transform the grievances in the game into reality. , That’s the best. I’ve been kind to people for a long time, but I don’t mind reminding them of something."

Li Yao suddenly remembered Sister Li's resume. From a small company to where she is now, how could she behave like this? Without an iron fist, it would be impossible to reach where she is today.

"Then I can rest assured." Li Yao said.

"Well, then I'll wait to watch the show." Sister Li hung up the communication after she finished speaking.

Li Yao controlled the Void King Insect: "Target this coordinate, perform continuous space jumps, regardless of energy consumption."

The obedient will conveyed by the king insects continuously moves in space as the speed increases. In the energy pool, insects constantly throw energy units into it, which always keeps the energy of the king insects at their peak.

A quarter of an hour later, the king insect has appeared above a city where the player's guild is based.

"Destroy this place with all your strength, without leaving any grass." Li Yao gave the order.

At the same time, Li Yao constantly summoned his pets, and all the void portals were opened. A large number of insects and flying dragons rushed out of the void portal.

There have been countless void insects rushing down from the king insects, impacting the walls of the resident city like a rainstorm.

The harsh alarm sounded, and soon some air forces lifted off, and a large number of soldiers rushed on the wall.

However, both the air force and the defensive army are vulnerable to attacks from Li Yao's army.

The Flying Dragon Legion is an ace army that faces the next level of ogre ace air force. Now the player's army is too far behind theirs. After contact, it will be a full-scale slaughter.

Only the troops on the walls, even the world-class leaders of the ogres, can barely support them, not to mention these defensive troops.

Piece by piece fell, it was a slaughter on one side. The walls of the Player's Guild could not withstand the blow of the Void Worm. In less than five minutes, the walls had fallen into an area.

"Damn it, Liaoyuan, you are crazy, you are fighting undeclared, are you not afraid of being sanctioned by the camp?"

The soldier who talked to Li Yao more than half an hour ago, the president of the Red Cloud Guild, appeared, but he was strangled by the flying dragon just as he took off.

This time he didn't dare to take off, but on the tallest building in the city, he talked with Li Yao through sound amplification magic.

Li Yao did not go out, but also said with amplification magic: "I reminded you to let you understand the rights enjoyed by the high lord, obviously you did not understand. I can tell you directly, my high lord is recognized by the four camps. Yes, the main city radiation map is all my land. You occupy my city in the area. It is already an undeclared war. If I destroy you, no one will help you. Don’t say I attack here, Even if I attacked the Feathermoon Fortress, as long as I can defeat it, the bright camp has no right to accuse me."

"You..." President Hong Yun was angry, but didn't know how to refute.

The female player screamed: "Aren't you afraid of our siege?"

Li Yao disdainfully said: "Besiege me, okay, then come, more than 20 super guilds, with all due respect, others may be afraid, but in my opinion it is nothing more than scum. As for reality, what can I do? And then. But if you think I’m good for a bully, just try it, the mecha in reality also needs actual combat to hone, and the seniors need actual combat but they dare not let me go on the battlefield. You guys. Offend me, I shot, I believe they will be happy to see it happen."

President Hongyun felt a chill. At that extraterrestrial exchange meeting, Li Yao showed terrible combat power. Now Li Yao is stronger, who knows what combat power will be. Originally wanted to use the strength of reality, he suddenly hesitated. In any case, Li Yao belongs to the military, and provoking him, I am afraid that the people they rely on will not be able to stop him.

"Liaoyuan, you eat meat, don't you even let others drink the soup? You are so jealous and can't last long." Hongyun's chairman said.

Li Yao was even more disdainful: "I stewed the meat myself, even if I was full, no bones would be allowed to be used by others without my permission, let alone a more nutritious broth. Don’t you want to play it? You guys, have fun with you guys."

After Li Yao finished speaking, no matter what the president of the Red Cloud Guild said, he would not pay attention to anything, leaving the people of the Red Cloud Guild in despair.

Because just as they were speaking, one-third of the front wall was broken, the Zerg army had entered the city, and their air force had collapsed in a short time.

They knew that there was a big gap with Li Yao, but they didn't expect that their strongest army could not stop Li Yao's army for a quarter of an hour.

Especially with Li Yao's pets as the vanguard, no dragon queen shot. However, none of them can resist the magic mecha, the Viscount of Water Elemental, the Abyss Lord, the Hydra, the Spider Tank, the Turret, and the Fire Eagle.

What's more, if they appear together, the city's army will be pierced if they can't resist it for a moment, and then be overwhelmed by the Zerg crowd.

The scene is completely upside-down, like dominoes.

From a high altitude, the Zerg entered the city like an arrow from the city wall, covering the entire city as quickly as a tide...

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