MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1900: See you in the end

Everyone suddenly felt that the temple was a troublesome thing.

There are two ways for a resident to have a temple. One is to have a living permission to believe in the gods, build the corresponding temple, be blessed by the gods, and establish channels of faith.

One is as simple as getting the drawings.

Moreover, the level of the temple is also different. There is an upper limit for the level before the resident is upgraded to the city and before the city is not upgraded.

In other words, there is an upper limit to the level of the temple, and the city level and the main city level are two hurdles.

After upgrading the main city-level buildings, every level of improvement is almost a chop.

In other words, before becoming a city, the gods of the temple will not directly intervene, even if they encounter a forbidden curse.

It is already a legend that Xinghuo obtained the Moon Temple, and it has been talked about for a while.

Because there is no Moon Temple in the entire dark camp except for the location of Xinghuo, and as the level of the Xinghuo station increases, plus becoming a city-level moon temple, Xinghuo can transform a player into a priest of the moon every month.

Priest of the Moon is an evolution of the priest's profession and specialization. Of course, hunters can also be transferred, and women are restricted.

In other words, apart from Spark, other dark camps do not have the elite profession of Priest of the Moon. One quota a month, I don't know how many guilds envy it.

The conversion of the priest of the moon is the priest of apprenticeship. This is the title, which represents the position in the belief system of the moon god.

Then junior priests, official priests, intermediate priests, high priests, high priests.

Although these titles are equivalent to titles, they all have attribute and skill bonuses. The higher the title, the stronger the power of the Moon God can be mobilized, and the stronger oneself. Of course, they can also obtain the corresponding skills. Some skills, even if you become extremely powerful, but do not have a high title in the Moon Temple, then you will not get the corresponding skills.

The Moon Temple of Starfire can only allow priests to reach the title of junior priest.

But the main city is obtained, and it is the high-level Moon Temple next to the Moon Temple in the world today. If Spark makes good use of it, high priests will surely appear.

"Haha, is the information asymmetry?" The high-level coalition army laughed sorrowfully, this is really not easy.

Demon Ji continued: "I really want to thank you all. If it were not for these meteors, our Moon Temple and the entire city had not been repaired so quickly. Now all the functional buildings in our main city have been activated, which greatly increases our attributes. It can be worth millions of trump cards."

The coalition forces were about to vomit blood, and Yao Ji's words made them panic.

At this moment, on the other side, Li Yao was also attacking the premises of another guild.

It was just that he started a live broadcast at the top of the Void King Insect, watching the coalition attack the main city with gusto, especially when he saw that the main city was instantly traced back to the glorious period of ancient times. Even Li Yao was a little surprised. But I am also delighted. Today's artisans are repairing the surface as well, and it is impossible to achieve the perfect effect before.

This time it really took a big advantage, and Ozawa and Ky couldn't help but congratulate Li Yao.

Suddenly, they saw a terrifying picture.

I saw Li Yao suddenly raised his head, his eyes shot two dazzling rays.

The two rays rushed straight into the sky, the clouds rolled, and the moon was as cold as water, and the two rays sank directly into the moon like the sky.

And both Ozawa and Ky heard a misty voice: "You owe me a favor."

They didn’t see anyone, but when they saw Li Yao smiled and said, “This is the rule between your gods and spirits. How can it be regarded as a favor on my head? This is related to your own face. Anyone can destroy it. Your temple, then your temple will die."

"What's the face?" The misty voice was full of disdain: "Besides, if anyone doesn't live long enough, you can try my tricks."

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "Well, one favor, pay it now?"

"Now, do you think you have this qualification now?" The misty voice continued: "I'm talking about doing something for me after you become the main god."

"That won't work, your favor is not small, but it's not enough for me to become the master **** queen favor." Li Yao said seriously.

"You really are treacherous, you really don't know if someone like you is good or bad for the world." The misty voice sighed: "Well, let's be wronged for a while."

Then Ozawa and the people in the museum who watched the situation through the live broadcast saw a fantastic scene.

In the two live broadcasts, the meteorite falling in front of the city suddenly disappeared.

Then it traveled through the void to the top of Li Yao's head, and then the meteorite shrank and turned into a basketball-sized moon. The moon hovered over Li Yao's head, covered by moonlight, and then the light disappeared.

Li Yao's eyes were dim, and he saluted the sky: "So, a word is settled."

The sky is changing, black clouds once again cover the moon, and it becomes pitch black again.

"What happened?" Ozawa asked.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "You should have guessed it, and made a deal."

Then Li Yao refused to say it, leaving them very helpless.

But through various visions, it was shown that Li Yao had communicated with the Moon God. That misty voice, combined with the sigh from the main city just now, was obviously a person, plus all kinds of miracles, Li Yao had interacted with the Moon God.

And it can be judged that the Moon God only needs to resist the Forbidden Curse. There is no need to repair the Moon God Temple and the main But Moon God still did it, and he personally discussed with Li Yao and asked for a favor. .

In the end, Li Yao still felt that repairing the city was not enough. Later, what benefit did the Moon God give to Li Yao, but it detached from their cognitive level, and Li Yao was unwilling to say in detail that they had no way of guessing.

In fact, it is normal, Moon God, even those players in the Bright camp who have been converted to Moon priests, none of them can communicate with Moon God.

In the entire camp, only the high priest can communicate with the Moon God.

Now that Li Yao is added, this alone is shocking enough.

And through the conversation just now, they can also analyze that the Moon God believes that Li Yao has unlimited potential and will become the Lord God. When Li Yao was still so weak, he asked for favors after becoming the main city. It can be seen that the Moon God values ​​Li Yao. Identified.

And listening to what Li Yao said, he was confident in becoming the main god, or that he had found the way, and he had no doubt that he would become the main god.

He took the initiative to bargain with Luna, and it succeeded.

This news, I am afraid it will explode after tonight.

Moon God, the only true **** in the world of ancient gods, is the most representative legend of the ancient gods. Respected by countless people, even those gods.

He believes that he has become the main god, maybe the players do not feel it deeply.

But after today, when those gods knew about this, Li Yao would definitely enter the sight of all the gods.

If Li Yao had entered the sight of a demigod in the battle a few days ago, and this time, even the old antiques and the old undead who had been sleeping for thousands of years knew it.

I am afraid that from this moment on, Li Yao is also the number one figure among those ancient gods.

And Li Yao looked at his harvest from ear to ear, and he was also very surprised by the harvest...


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