MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1907: No professional strength


Sword of Retribution!

The golden thunder raging in the air, this is no longer an ordinary sword of heavenly punishment, but a comprehensively strengthened sword of heavenly punishment after fusion with the angel's will.

It can simply change the celestial phenomenon, and the sword of the day's punishment is not a good one.


One by one the golden giant swords were dropped, and the phantoms were crushed one by one.

At this time, everyone discovered that an illusory almost transparent shadow was looming in the middle of a large number of lightsabers with thunder. If it were not for a large number of flickering golden arcs, it would be difficult for everyone to find this illusory shadow unless they looked carefully.

This shadow was surrounded by electric arcs, twitching all over, apparently temporarily paralyzed.

In the sky, a super lightsaber fell, instantly smashing the phantom.


Ma Fei's figure finally appeared, flying out like a rag bag.

Cut the shadow!

In the eyes of everyone, Ma Fei seemed to be divided into two, one was broken to the ground, and the other half-blooded on one knee.

Not surprisingly, almost every profession has its own life-saving skills.

Although the skill method and name are different, many of them die once when they receive fatal damage, which can save their lives.

"You are too crazy. Just like you, do you think you are invincible if you get a powerful job? The Dark Rangers also have a lot of successful job transfers today, they are very strong, but are they invincible? Forget it, and Stupid people say that this is a waste of time, so give up. Your skills are not bad, but your brain is not good, and my profession can use the Holy Light to restrain your profession a little, you can't win." Fanghua saw through the details of the other party, and the other party was no longer a deer.

"You fart, I haven't lost yet, how could I lose to you, once you couldn't hold on for a minute under my hands." Ma Fei's figure disappeared again, rushing to the instant Fanghua frantically.

"Once, hehe, I just started playing games at that time." Setsuna Fanghua shook his head disdainfully. Even if such a person is strong, even if his skills are worse than the opponent, there are ways to make up for and defeat the opponent, not to mention Is now.

Maffey once again launched a stormy attack, but under the radiance of the divine light, his real figure could no longer hide, and those phantoms appeared stagnant because of his lack of mental power, and the trajectory was clear. There are ways to deal with the moment Fanghua.

The most frightening thing is the unknown, and the most frightening enemy is the enemy hidden in the dark.

When things are recognized, no matter how difficult it is, someone can challenge to complete it. And an enemy hidden in the dark appears in the light, so no matter how strong it is, there will be no deterrence that is like a light.

The two sides held a stalemate for another five minutes. In the end, Fanghua seized the opportunity to stun Ma Fei with a shield, and then took away.

It can be said that this is an extremely exciting classic battle for both sides of the fight and for the audience.

This battle can explain many and many problems. For the commentator, a very convincing instructional video can be made through this battle between top masters, which is super powerful for the audience.

Liaoyuan’s video is not bad, but the battle with the players is really boring. They are often all-round crushing opponents, like abusive food, and not very convincing. And so far, no one compares him with other players.

And this battle even inspired the various team members of the Super Guild, so the battle ended, the losing side was not frustrated, the victorious side did not cheer, and all the masters present were all remembering the battle just now.

The resurrected Maffee looked gloomy, and his president was about to comfort him, when Maffey suddenly raised his head and said, "I have decided to change my job."

The president of this super guild changed his expression: "What did you say?"

"I want to change my job. This job is not strong enough. I want to switch to a strong job." Ma Fei said firmly.

The smile on the face of the president who wanted to comfort him is gone, and his eyes are full of disappointment: "Do you think you failed this time because the other party's career is better than you."

"Isn't it?" Ma Fei sneered: "If the other party had that kind of lamp first, then became an angel, and completely restrained me, I would lose."

The president sneered: "I really indulged you too much. Do you know how many members have sacrificed their ranks and how much the guild has paid for you to change this profession. I told you at the beginning that this profession is at a disadvantage. , What did you say at the time, say that technology is crushing everything. Now you tell me that you want to change your job. Haha, okay, you said you want to change your job, then what do you transfer. Thieves? Thieves' stealth will also be illuminated and flared Take it out. You are transferred to a warrior, and the warrior is restrained by the ice method. You are transferred to the ice method, and a warlock with a dog can completely crush it. You should also know what profession the warlock is restrained by."

"But!" Maffey was speechless.

"Nothing but, Shi Na Fanghua is right. Hunters and Dark Rangers are symbols of invincibility in people's But now if you look at other hunters, there are very few hunters who can enter the core group. The dark ranger is also very popular. Although it is very difficult to change jobs, many guilds spend a huge price to transfer hunters in order to have hunters, but the result is. The dark ranger is not restrained by the power of light. Of course, the power of darkness also restrains the light. mutual."

The guild leader's tone slowed down: "Our guild also spent a price to transfer to the Dark Ranger, but as you can see, the output is too low, let alone compared to other classes, even the Beastmaster with a good pet hunts better than the Dark Ranger. High. As for pk, our guild's hunter archery is pretty good, but he can hold on for a few minutes under your hand. And you can hold on for a few minutes in front of the Liaoyuan who is also the Dark Ranger."

Maffey was frustrated and no longer had her original arrogance.

"Think about it carefully. If you continue to be self-willed, I am afraid that someone from the guild will be able to replace you soon. Then you can count on your boss and me to indulge you so much. Even so, will others be convinced."

The president shook his head when he finished talking, and stopped paying attention to him. Instead, he discussed with the other presidents about the first person to play. After all, he lost one game. If the second game loses, then the third game is unnecessary. Than go down.

And they must also be cautious, because in the second game, it was Qin Fengyi who came out.

Although Qin Fengyi withdrew from the commentary and stayed at Xinghuo Guild attentively, he managed Xinghuo in the official forums and layouts with great influence and great influence.

In the layout of the ancient gods, Xinghuo is the only guild that dominates the guild page and becomes a classified guild.

There are only a few prominent banner sub-pages on the official website, and Xinghuo occupies one. There are a lot of forums, but Spark’s layout is placed behind each professional split.

Of course, if someone else ignores her strength because of this, it would be wrong...

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