MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1913: Moment of life and death


The performance of the two people in the battle just now can be said to be evenly divided, both of them are calculating, opponents.

What Qin Fengyi thought was that when the opponent's body appeared and used the bone cage to restrict the opponent and at the same time severely inflicted the opponent, thus securing the victory of the battle.

The president of the Pantheon wanted to take advantage of the opponent's attempt to kill himself, by surprise, using the blow that turned into a meteor to break the opponent's defense.

It can be said that the calculations on both sides are good and the plans are also very good.

It's just that both sides are too strong, and they reacted swiftly during the fierce confrontation, and their respective abacus was lost. The two faced each other again.

Only the broken battlefield showed the fierceness and cruelty of the battle just now, with earth and rock splashing, ravines, magma dotted, and broken bones everywhere.

The audience was also very addicted to watching, this kind of battle between top masters was interesting, and the audience was very addicted to watching.

This represents a contest between the top players today, and many people can learn a lot.

In fact, this is also very understandable. The audience has long called for the official to hold the first real competition, but the official said that the time has not arrived, and the last preliminary round was relatively hasty, the impact was relatively small, and the profession was not mature.

Now that everyone has reached the level, the players think it has reached the foundation for the first World Series.

Not only for the game, but also because I can learn and see many techniques and methods that I don't usually see, such as now.

If it weren't for a well-matched opponent, it would be impossible for them to see the methods of these top players.

Compared with the previous battle, this battle is the real battle. In the first battle, I always felt that a mature adult played with an immature child and was crushed by his mind.

Even though it is actually the peak match, but I still feel that the intention is still unfinished.

Although Li Yao made a lot of shots and the video was also circulating, Li Yao is now a myth.

There is no opponent at all among the players, and the top players are basically crushed, and there is no suspense at all.

That’s not to say. Nowadays, the classic battles about Li Yao often collide with world-class or even those gods. There are too many levels of difference. Not to mention ordinary players, even super masters see it in the cloud, the top There is no way to explain the essence of the commentary, they can't understand it themselves.

Instead, players are more looking forward to this kind of battle between super masters.

And just when everyone thought they were going to fight again on language, the two sides shot directly without warning.

The president of the Pantheon felt that Qin Fengyi was still some distance away from the stone demon and lacked protection, which was a good opportunity.

However, Qin Fengyi felt that the other party's footing was not stable, and once again launched a corpse explosion.

The two sides fought fiercely again. Although Qin Fengyi did not move, there were many pets and he called quickly.

In addition to the skeleton team, Qin Fengyi began to use a special bone medium to summon other necromantic pets. These pets have different functions and types, which are very different from the neat skeleton team.

Qin Fengyi leaned on these pets, constantly walking back and forth, avoiding the other side's wild bombardment.

Especially when the stone demon came to Qin Fengyi's side, although Qin Fengyi did not always hide under the protection of the stone demon, the key skills were all blocked by the stone demon.

Qin Fengyi was not idle either, bone spells, curses, etc. fell on the opponent at various appropriate times.

The president of the Pantheon seemed to have become a real Vulcan, with a taller and more enchanting body, but his body had actually become semi-elemental.

The resistance to all kinds of damage is greatly increased, even the curse effect is greatly reduced.

Her figure floated, and as she flashed, her figure was erratic, and the violent blue flame magic appeared endlessly.

You come and I fight endlessly. When the two fight, they keep moving. It's not that the battlefield is not enough. It is because the place where they are fighting is either the earth cracking magma, or the bones and broken zombies are everywhere.

Naturally, Qin Fengyi couldn't stay in a place where magma was raging. Not only did she bless the opponent's spells, it also restricted her and his pets from moving.

Although the bones and the zombie zone are broken, these corpses are the best materials for corpse explosions. Although she has become a senior race leader and her body is semi-elemental, she is not really invincible. The power of the corpse explosion cannot be underestimated. .

Both sides are extremely careful, and while fighting while shifting the battlefield, both sides have lost their minds. They both devoted all their attention, because they knew that at least a little carelessness might be taken by the opponent.

Both sides were almost dumb and nervous, and the scene was almost silent.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast were also obsessed with it. For nearly half an hour, there were not many bullet screens, and they couldn't help being immersed in the battle between the two sides.


The huge fireball smashed the stone demon to pieces, the sputtering flame ignited Qin Fengyi, and the bone shield burst into pieces.

However, the president of the Pantheon, Yi was pierced through his body by a bone spear that suddenly appeared, flew upside down and hit a boulder before spouting a mouthful of blood.

The battle between the two sides was too tragic, and Qin Fengyi finally couldn't keep up with the opponent's killing speed.

But the president of the Pantheon was also Both sides looked very miserable, there was no goddess fan at all.

The president of the Pantheon had several blood holes in his body, and there was a bone spear inserted in his body, and his body was full of colorful smoke. This was the effect of toxins and curses, and his blood volume was already low.

Even the flying flame hair became extremely dim, and his eyes lost their original look.

Qin Fengyi was similar, his body was scorched, and there was a scorched smell, and the evil blood volume was also low.

Especially the stone demon shattered and lost its strongest protective power.

The more serious problem is that the blue amount on both sides is not enough. Both of them are super masters, and they unconsciously abide by a rule during the duel, that is, not to use any potions, except for occupations related to potions.

In other words, both of them must carefully choose the next spell to be released. As far as their spellcasting profession is concerned, there is no magic power, and they will basically be slaughtered.

"Xinghuo really has a deep background, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." The president of the Pantheon was full of surprise. She had always regarded herself very high. She felt that the opponent was not the top three in the Starfire core group. It was not enough to worry about the opponent's combat effectiveness. The equipment and props are completely comparable to yourself.

You know, you are provided by a guild, and the best things in the guild are naturally used by the strongest people, especially if she is still the guild leader.

As a result, they are not bad at all. You must know that even if the skills are similar to hers, she will eventually win.

"Where is this, I said, I have so many cards, but I don't need to use those to deal with you." Qin Fengyi said naturally.



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