MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1916: Retreat

Everyone was silent for a while, thinking it was over, who would have thought that in the end a reversal would happen again, and finally Xinghuo won the second game.

Then there is no need to compare in the third game. The coalition is to boost morale. Now even if they win the third game, they can't achieve their goals, so naturally there is no need to continue.

Especially in the second game, everyone realized the background of Xinghuo, not to mention the core group of Xinghuo, the background of the leadership of Xinghuo might not be lower than their super guild leaders.

It can be seen that Xinghuo is terrible, and of course it also made them wake up. After acquiring a main city and a race of players, Xinghuo is absolutely unmatched at least at this stage.

In fact, many people think that the good things in front of the Spark Warehouse are just the players showing their own things, not the real warehouse things. After all, Li Yao's weapons were placed for a while.

Now it seems that they are too naive, and Spark is really different.

And even if they can't understand the concept of occupying a major city, they also know that the development of Spark can no longer be compared with the usual guild model, which is meaningless.

"Sister Fengyi, why are you being merciful, if you summon two camp-level natal liches to crush each other directly." Hitomi said in the leadership channel.

Qin Fengyi smiled and said, "I have won her and she has shocked the world and made them fear our guild enough. If we use other cards and methods, I am afraid it will not be fear, but a complete hatred and isolation."

Sister Li nodded: "Yes, Fengyi has done a lot. It's not enough. This is not the first kill. You have to go all out. In this case, you can use less means if you can use them less. Let us see through their behavior to challenge us. Until then, they didn’t even realize the concept of occupying a major city.”

The guardian angel laughed and said: "That is, nothing else, just talking about gold coins, each of us is hundreds of millions of shares, but many super masters are worried about advanced flying riding skills. Will understand and know what people like us think."

"Cut, upstart." Hitomi snorted and raised his head.

"Stop arguing, let's see how Demon Ji negotiates with them, this battle is about to end." Sister Li shook her head: "It's a farce, but our time."

"Isn't it? My sister Fengyi and I have not finished planning yet." Hitomi also said.

The Peerless Demon Girl was in the middle of the field, and Edward was also in the middle of the field.

Edward sighed: "I really want to fight against each other, it's a pity."

"There will be a chance in the future." Yao Ji shook her head.

Edward shook his head and chatted privately: "I guess I am not your opponent at this time. It's not that the technology is inferior to you, but that you have won the main city. The background is too deep. The witch's fight just made me wake up. She is useless. Do your best."

Demon Ji smiled, did not answer, just said clearly: "I have accepted."

Edward smiled bitterly and handed Qin Fengyi the box with the dagger.

"Spark is really not easy to provoke, we admit it." Edward said.

Demon Ji was taken aback: "So, you are going to retreat?"

"If you want to continue fighting according to my ideas, even if you fail in the end, you will have to play with momentum. This is a bright sword. Unfortunately, I don't count alone. They want reconciliation, and I can't dissuade them. Of course, this is conditional. Yes." Edward said.

Demon Fairy raised her eyebrows: "You are the invaders, and you still have conditions, but I want to listen."

Edward said: "It's not an excessive requirement, that is, when we withdraw and merge, will President Liaoyuan stop too."

Enchantress frowned: "Presumably you also know about our Xinghuo situation. Our Executive Vice-Chairman's Guild will operate and manage the daily operations and management of the guild. It is true that I am in charge of war, but I can't control the president. This is the president personally. Action."

"He should listen to your opinions." Edward didn't believe it.

Demon Ji smiled and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that although the Spark management structure is subtle, the chairman of the shares occupies more than 80% and has absolute control. Besides, not to mention the shares, do you think in the Spark Guild, the chairman Several people didn’t listen to what they said. Me, Sister Li, and the other management team all together."

"If this is the case, it is a pity that the war will continue. I am not afraid to tell you that we also have a lot of hole cards. Our engineering equipment has been prepared, engineering tanks, blade carts, humanoid projectiles, and ultra-long-range catapults. Opportunity, if we work hard, even if we fail in the end, the city just restored will be hit and damaged." Edward said confidently.

Enchantress shook her head: "We naturally have our means. You are a fact, but the result will definitely disappoint you."

Edward laughed blankly: "If the Zerg comes, we will collapse naturally, but we have built a burning belt. As long as the Zerg wants to rescue and the burning belt burns, the Zerg cannot support it. The pet army can defeat even the ogres, we Naturally, he didn't dare to fight directly, so he was prepared."

"That's all that is said, so please ask President Edward to see what's going on over there."

The enchantress said that she took out a special whistle and blew it suddenly, but no one could hear any sound, but waves of sound spread.

Edward and the crowd looked at each other, and then before they could speak, the earth trembled.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Numerous roars sounded for a time, and huge and hideous terrifying death worms suddenly rushed out from the ground, and their exposed bodies were dozens of yards in length.

As they rushed out, engineering equipment such as trebuchets and artillery were either washed up into the sky, or directly crushed by the dense worm teeth.

At the same time, countless air gaps appeared from the rear of the dense cluster of Zerg appeared to intercept the back of the coalition army.

In the sky, the Withered Sun also flew out of the city, and the countless Lich and Skeleton warriors on it were ready to fight at any time.

The guild leaders of the coalition forces were ashamed. They dared to fight because there was no Zerg army. Now that the Zerg army has avoided their blockade from the ground, there is really no need to fight, otherwise the next one will be one. Slaughter face down.

"Well, if it wasn't for the invitation to fight just now, your coalition forces would have been corpses all over the field." Yao Ji said confidently.

"You Xinghuo calculations are so deep, I am afraid that this underground passage was not dug today, even if there are these worms, I am afraid it will not be too late." Edward asked unwillingly.

The enchantress nodded: "Our guild Suri captured the main city of ogres, but decided to focus on doom. Safety is naturally the first. Therefore, the underground zerg lair was established after the main city battle was over."

Edward suddenly felt that the Zerg was not suitable for living in a city. It was indeed the best way to build a Zerg lair below the city, but they happened to meet them, and they confidently thought that stopping the Zerg would be a battle. ……()

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