MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1921: Yin Yang River

Xinghuo spent a month and used 1.5 million ogres to build a water system around the city.

   The remaining ogres were not idle either, they were all mobilized to build a Gothic dark, this glorious city is called the Light and Dark City or the Light and Shadow City.

The water system surrounding this city is called Yinyang River or Binghuo River. Whoever makes it is a river, but the drinking water in Guangcheng is very clear, sweet and refreshing, and extremely clear. The river surrounding Guangcheng is like a peerless river. The clear spring.

   Moreover, the river water every morning has attribute bonuses, which can restore mana faster than the water of the wizard, so it has been caused long ago. This kind of water that can keep active for a day is sought after by countless people.

Although the attribute of river water is not too much, it is also a kind of buff, so many players will get some of this water in the morning and then go to wasteland. Because it is taken from the Yin River, it is called Yin River Water. It is also recent. Things to talk about.

   The temperature of the water in Yanghe River is quite high, which makes the dark city have many hot spring hotels. After the wasteland is opened, a group of people can enjoy the hot spring together.

  Of course, this kind of hot spring also has a buff bonus, so you can get a day's reputation and experience bonus buff by soaking for an hour.

   Also, Spark is divided into different grades of hotels according to the strength of the effect.

  This makes this city a wonder. In the morning, countless players go to the Yin River to fetch water, and countless players soak in the hot springs at night.

   Speaking of this river, it also has a history.

   The outlines of the two cities appeared, and Li Yao always felt that something was missing, and problems appeared.

   Guangming City and Youying City can be regarded as a main city, huge and vast. Now it has become a city, which is even more amazing.

   Without flying mounts, the best land mounts nowadays take several hours to walk straight from one end to the other.

   is not only inconvenient for the players, but also inconvenient inside Spark.

   In order to solve this problem, Xinghuo can only use a large number of domesticated pterosaurs for transportation within the city.

   But the problem is still very serious. Although there are many pterosaurs in Xinghuo, the demand is also very large. Both Xinghuo members and guilds need a lot of pterosaurs.

   Xinghuo is not only the only city, now that it can dispatch hundreds of thousands of pterosaurs at one time is the limit of Xinghuo.

   These hundreds of thousands of pterosaurs cannot be used in the main city, because the towns and resource points around the main city are also very important. Although the players have retreated, it does not mean that the main city of Spark is stable.

  The ancient elves of Feathermoon Fortress have landed and have established a forward position. The intention is unknown, but it is already the most intuitive threat.

   A little closer to the ruins of the Eastern Elf City, where it was once a coastal city, is now in ruins, but there are a large number of hawks gathered, and there are many trump cards, which is a huge threat.

   In the past month, the eastern towns have encountered dozens of harpy attacks. Although they were not large-scale attacks, they were attacked more than three times a day on average, making them a major city for Spark defense.

   Players want to complete the task of opening the door, defense here is an important part of the task.

   Nowadays players at full level, especially male players, are really distracted when it comes to this task, which is really not an exaggeration.

   The female players are okay, but they are killed by the Harpy, but the male players are miserable and will be taken away directly. Then it will be a two-fold sky.

   Why, because the male players who were taken away would be treated as stallions. Then the male players who came back from the resurrection mentioned that the harpy would look pale.

   Many wretched players even specialize in this task. After all, although the harpy has wings, he is also a descendant of the elves, with enchanting body and evil appearance, and has a special flavor.

   As a result, these wretched players were equally pale when they came back, and some even fled in terror when they saw a woman.

   When they were asked to tell me what was going on, everyone would avoid talking, looking unbearable to look back at the past, and even beating people with a grumpy temper.

   However, to complete the task of opening the door, this task must be done.

Of course, this is one of the most critical threats. In fact, in Feralas, a virgin forest with towering ancient trees, it is also an area that merges with the sub-planes. Here, there are groups of monsters, and they are invincible. Very, very dangerous thing.

   With various mutant creatures and some terrifying creatures, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the most dangerous maps of the ancient gods.

   Sub-level noodle ogres do not have so many air forces, so they send heavy troops to each place, but they cannot support each other.

   And Xinghuo had to use most of the pterosaurs to communicate with the surrounding resource towns.

   There are only a few used for urban traffic, which can at least meet the needs of Spark internally, and can also be used by other players.

   And for the safety of the city, the Moon God’s magic circle turned on a trace of power, and it was as forbidden as Silver Moon City.

   Therefore, either land travel mounts or Luna branded pterosaurs, but the price is more expensive, and only local players will rent it.

   This makes the early players who did door opening tasks miserable, because these tasks are not straight.

   It is imperative to study the urban river system of Stormwind, the main human city.

   Li Yao’s idea was to communicate with the unnamed lake in the mountains to the north of the This lake is located in the mountains to the north of the city.

   If it weren’t for seeing it with their own eyes, everyone would never have imagined that the towering mountains CNOOC is a huge lake with no end in sight.

   It's like an inland ocean, and the water volume is amazing, like a paradise.

   Li Yao’s idea is to open a river and build a dam, the river falls like a waterfall.

   But there are many problems in doing so. Let’s not talk about the difficulty of building a dam. It is very troublesome for the horrible creatures in the mountains to clean up, and it is not something that can be completed in a day or two.

   And Sister Li raised a more serious problem. Li Yao destroyed the dam and flooded the lizard-man main city. Then the dam of Spark is destroyed, we don't have a demigod to intercept it.

   This was caught in a contradiction. For several days, Xinghuo was helpless inside, and Li Yao had no better way. It is convenient to build a river, but it is equivalent to a sword hanging on his head, which may be cut down at any time.

   It was also the first time that Li Yao really made trouble, until the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen told Li Yao one day that two strange springs were suppressed in the veins of the two cities, and they communicated with the sea and two nearby large lakes with abundant water.

   After Li Yao and the two dragon queens' exploration and demonstration, it is finally determined that opening these two springs will form two magic rivers.

   In the end, a spring was in the Temple of the Moon God, gushing and falling from the moon held by the Moon God, forming a Yin River. A spring gushes from the underground channel of the Temple of the Raven God, forming the Yang River...

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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