MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1933: There are competitors

Li Yao shook his head: "Those in the chaotic camp have many races, and they are indeed tyrannical. If they are united like our three camps, then the overall strength will exceed any of the camps. With such strength, they are naturally unwilling to lurch and suppress. At the beginning, the alliance under the city was signed, but now that it has recovered, it is natural to want to fight back. The battles between the camps have always been cruel and irregular."

"Those people have wolf ambitions, if the warchief does not allow me to continue selling, I will kill them in fear." Yingyue said coldly.

"My sister Liwei's purpose has been achieved. If we continue to kill, it is unnecessary, and it will be difficult to get out if the demigod takes action." Li Yao said.

"You, the young man actually made the same argument as the warchief, without any vigour." Yingyue said helplessly.

Li Yao didn't explain, and there was no need to explain. Yingyue also knew that it would be basically impossible for her to retreat if she was a demigod.

A person can occasionally take action against thieves of one race, but if it is serious, it is not easy to provoke, and if you make a mistake, you will basically be finished.

The first shot of MI7 came back from a serious injury and almost died, which shows the danger during the period.

When, when, when!

There was another knock on the door.

"In," Yingyue said lightly.

There were actually six people who came in this time. Three of them were very similar in temperament to the enchantress, and they were all dressed up. They were all fallen leaf thieves, and they were all beautiful women.

Li Yao questioned the private chat demon girl: "These people?"

The enchantress said: "Naturally, he is also the inheritor of the mentor, do you think they are all the same as the queen, there is only one inheritor."

The chances of death of the growth of the ancient gods are too high, especially for thieves. A mentor rarely takes a student. The queen is indeed an accident.

"Your instructor asked you to come so long in advance, so it seems you are optimistic about you." Li Yao saw that in addition to the three thieves, the other three people who brought in help also covered the investigation with a cloak. I don't know if it is. Anyone who wants to come is also a top player, otherwise he would not be invited to participate in this kind of almost death mission.

"Very well, all four of you are here, and all of you have found a master you can trust. This trial is not only a test of your path to the strong, but also my number one successor. This time in this small world, you can be hostile to each other, or even make moves to each other, I will not interfere." Shadowmoon has returned to a state of smoke and fog, with a strong and domineering voice, letting the other three thieves bow and salute.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Yao wouldn't believe in the speed of Shadow Moon's transformation, not just his figure, but also his temperament.

"Instructor, although the small plane is small, it is also a plane after all. We don't have the key to positioning. The transmission is almost random. It is estimated that we will not be able to encounter it. Then how can we determine the winner?" Asked.

"This is also our question." The other three thieves also said.

"I have prepared for this. I have placed something on that plane, and it is also a special legendary equipment that I accidentally obtained that can change my identity and attribute bonuses. The four ghost lanterns in front of me, you just need to bring With it, you can get the corresponding clues, look for clues, and solve the puzzles I left. You can find this equipment, find this equipment, and complete the trial safely. Bringing the equipment back is the winner." Month's patient explanation.

"Tutor, I have another question. Is there a time limit for this trial." Li Yao noticed that although the person who asked this sentence was also an elf, but the eyes were light blue. Obviously, she was the elf of the Silver Covenant. , At least the high elves who have not been infested by fel energy.

"There is no time limit. The conditions for victory are three points. Complete this road to the strong, so that your strength can be sublimated. Find legendary equipment according to clues, and then ensure that you will not be snatched by several other people and bring it back safely. Any questions? ."

"No more."

The four Fallen Leaf Thieves looked at each other, and anyone could feel the sparks sputtered by the collision of their eyes, even the enchanting fairy.

Although the instructor did not say that there are any benefits to the first-ranked inheritor's name, but at least the benefits will definitely give priority to the first-ranked inheritor.

What's more, because of Li Yao's relationship, she knew the true identity of her mentor and wanted to get it. With Li Yao's support, she was also full of confidence.

"Since there is no problem, let's get ready to go." Yingyue took everyone to another room, a magic circle exuding dark power in this small room.

Following the obscure spell, Shadowmoon placed a gray rune in a special groove.

"The fragments of the law are really generous." Li Yao couldn't help but admire.

Generally, coordinates and magic circle are needed to enter the plane, but this kind of transmission is random. The second type is the coordinate magic array and the law fragments, which can be transmitted in groups. You must know that any law fragment is extremely precious to a world-class leader.

It seems that the two methods are similar, but those who really understand these broken planes know that the first method is really similar to finding death. Maybe it will be transmitted to the turbulent void and various dangerous places. This transmission has energy. Tendencies.

Using this method to teleport people is basically a player who has no strength and no chance and is not reconciled, and wants to embark on the path of the strong, but most of the teleportation in this way will die because of various accidents.

Although the second type is also random transmission, this kind of random transmission is to randomly transmit people to safe areas, such as camps, shelters, etc.

In order for the four disciples to better complete the road to the strong, Shadowyue has really invested a lot of money.

There is no rookie are the first batch of top players to take the road to the strong, and they are naturally no strangers to the fragments of the law. Although they have not seen them, they basically know the preciousness and the right of this kind of thing. The significance of world-class leaders can show the degree of love their mentors have for them.

And if it weren't for Li Yao, they didn't even know, let alone how great their mentor sacrificed.

"You don't need to be grateful, and you don't need to look at me. I train you now, but when you have enough strength, I will naturally use you to help me do things. After all, I earned it." Yingyue said.

A few disciples earnestly salute, and that's what they say, but the problem is that they are no more than senior leaders, and they still haven't made up for their origins.

Their goal this time is to make up for their origins and become a race-level leader. It is estimated that they will be able to help the instructor after the faction-level or even the world-level. That is really far away.

"Go, I hope some of you can overwhelm others. This time it's not just about you, but also about your fortunes and the helpers who are looking for contacts." Yingyue finished speaking and went out of the room...

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