"Amon, Yao!"

The strange man's voice was extremely sharp, and a sword fell behind just now, bringing out the wound that was too huge, directly injuring him, and being able to teleport once was already the limit.

At this moment, his state can no longer continue to teleport, and his actions and agility are also affected by serious injuries. He can only shake hard. This move itself is fast and too sudden.

Countless blue light spots condensed into a light shield, blocking the sky above his head, while shining endless light, as if to pierce the eyes of people.

However, Li Yao himself is a **** eye, and has the blessing of pupil technique, so he is naturally not afraid of sudden glare. Even the light has a special effect.


The big sword fell, the light shield collapsed suddenly, countless light spots were reprogrammed, and the big sword fell on the shoulder of the strange man, directly cutting off his arm carrying the lantern.

"Do not!"

The weird man was so horrified that he ignored the mechanical clone, but rushed to the lantern of the other arm.

"Sure enough, everything is deliberately on this lantern."

Li Yao's eyes flashed with obscure gloom, but it was only a flash, even if he paid special attention to it, it was difficult to find it. This was completely two extremes from his previous use of the divine eye burst.

The weirdo stopped immediately and became stunned. The opponent was already controlled by the mental power he wanted.

In fact, Li Yao's original plan was to directly control the opponent, kicking the door was to attract the opponent, and when he looked at each other, he activated his divine eyes. As a result, the opponent's lantern soul power seemed to form a barrier, preventing Li Yao from controlling the opponent.

But at the time, it was just a wrong guess, so I was not sure, so I immediately activated the mechanical clone, severely inflicted the opponent and cut off the arm holding the lantern.

Then tried to control the other party again, and it succeeded in one fell swoop.

"Open the prison door."

The weird man was muttering words, a weird symbol was drawn across his arm, and the prison door burst open.

"How to wake up the sleeping person?" Li Yao asked again.

The weird dullly took out something like a black crystal: "Put the holy crystal on the eyebrows of the sleeping person, and you will wake up after absorbing it."

Li Yao took the black crystal divine eyes and started to see the rough stone of this thing.

Blackwater Curse Crystal

Quality: Normal

Can be used for inlays, with mental attacks when attacking.

Can make up for the origin, make up for the origin power of the race-level leader.

The grade can be improved, and the grade can be increased by a little bit later, and the accumulation to 100% can raise a small grade. The upper limit of ordinary quality crystals is the advanced boss.

Note: Creatures on the plane of dream spell are called holy crystals.

Li Yao raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect to encounter an item that could make up for his origin and upgrade his quality.

The things in each sub-plane are different, and Li Yao has never heard of this dream curse plane.

In other words, this plane is only known to a few people, and it will soon collapse. Whether it is naturally dissipating or being targeted by the strong to hunt for the will of the world and obtain the fragments of the law, it is not a good thing here.

It’s not surprising that Li Yao doesn’t know, and this plane is really about to collapse. This weirdo must have been similar to the humanoid creatures on the main plane before, but now it has been transformed, most of the physical skills have been invalidated, such as the internal organs, most of them Unpredictable.

The body shape was also distorted and mutated, and the plane completely collapsed. They either died out or were twisted into brutal void creatures.

Li Yao put the demon girl down, then crushed the crystal, a little bit of light melted into the center of his eyebrows, and then left a slight black vertical mark.

The enchantress woke up quickly, glanced suspiciously, and asked softly: "It looks like we have had an accident."

"Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and it's not all bad." Li Yao explained the matter as follows.

The enchantress regained consciousness in a moment: "It is true that good and bad things depend on each other. The last time I worked with my instructor and other disciples, I worked hard for two days. Everyone only obtained three or four black crystal shards, which just made up for our origin. Elite, if you want to upgrade to Yinying, you need at least a hundred crystal fragments. As a result, only one crystal will raise my origin to Yinying level. It seems that the exchange rate between fragments and crystals is 100 to 1."

Li Yao handed the small cloth bag in her hand to Demon Ji. When Demon Ji saw it, there were a dozen crystals in it.

"So many, so many crystals for a jailer." Yao Ji was surprised.

"As far as I know, they should treat this kind of crystals as food. There are not a dozen crystals. If my calculation is correct, you need a hundred ordinary crystals to raise the source to the boss level. The more you go, the more difficult it becomes. The origin, the promotion of the rank, and the road to the strong need to integrate with you. I don’t know how much you need to add up. It seems that you need to find a higher-quality holy crystal. Although this jailer is not at the camp level, it has a stronger combat power than the average. The faction level is strong, and the vitality is extremely tenacious, and the gravity here is weird. We need to explore this place well before making other plans."

The enchantress gave the bag to Li Yao, but Li Yao did not accept: "I'm already at the camp level. Ordinary crystals have absolutely no effect on me, and the road to the strong is useless. My chance should be fragments of the will of the world."

"Okay, then I'm not welcome." The enchantress didn't pretend, and she put the cloth bag away.

"The gravity here is huge, it should be about three times that of the main plane, you have to adapt well, but this time we were forced to change, which is not bad, it is good." Li Yao said.

"The attributes are increased by a quarter, and the skills are also enhanced, but it seems to be repelled by the main plane. It should only be changed here." Demon Ji said: "It is indeed a lot easier than last time."

"It's not necessarily. Maybe it will become a battle form. You can use it as a transformation skill." Li Yao said and looked at the weird person, and asked: "Where is this place, and where is it on the plane of dream spell."

The jailer replied sluggishly: "This is Zhongcheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ where the oldest Amun Ancestral God has fallen. This is the Eastern Holy Spirit Mountain Range on the Plane of Dream Curse. To the east is the Void Storm. China’s chaotic sea, the West is Middle-earth."

"Who are you?" Li Yao continued to ask.

"We are pilgrims who have slept for tens of thousands of years. The plane collapsed, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the holy city appeared. We were also awakened by Amon's will for more than ten years. Now we have all joined the holy religion."

"What is your purpose?"

"The purpose of our holy religion is to awaken the sleeping ancient kings, and then gather forces to stabilize the broken world according to Amon's guidance."

"Then what do you catch these people, why should you let them change?"

"These people don't have holy blood. They must obtain holy blood and Amon's power bloodlines through consciousness, and then sacrifice them before they can be absorbed by Amon, thereby making Amon stronger."

"Go well." The mechanical clone decapitated the controlled jailer...

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