MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1945: Waves

The concussive events were one after another. Now the four dragon kings gathered, Aviana and the Moon God’s sons arrived, let alone players, it was a shocking event for the entire world.

Not to mention the players, but many demigods started to pay attention to this side, but everyone present was too strong, and the other powerhouses and demigods just watched and did not show up.

"Sindragosa, is that you? Are you really resurrected?" The blue dragon king looked straight at the blue dragon queen. The other dragon kings had complex expressions, but they were more delighted.

Because they can feel each other's breath of life, rather than endless death.

A trace of sadness flashed in the blue dragon queen's eyes: "Didn't you always know that I have recovered."

"You know, that's different. Our dragons can't lose a dragon king." The blue dragon king showed pain on his face.

The Red Dragon Queen sighed: "My sister, you should be clear about our responsibilities and the state of Icecrown Glacier. We can't get in and we can't get you out of it. You should be able to appreciate his pain."

"Yes, duty. I have defended everything I used to insist on with my life, including everything that Titan has enriched me, and I have paid off with death." The sadness in the eyes of the Blue Dragon Dragon Empress retreated, and said with a smile: "I am The blue dragon and dragon queen, but the blue dragon and dragon queen is not me, my life has been reincarnated, now my name is Lan Yi, and I am the guardian of this city."

"No, you know, the blue dragon needs a queen." The blue dragon king roared.

"Yes, but the blue dragon queen has died. Your wife, the queen of the blue dragon clan, didn't exist as early as 10,000 years ago." The blue dragon dragon queen shook his head.

The Green Dragon Queen said: "Is there anything wrong with my sister? You can talk about it."

The Bronze Dragon King also said: "Yes, although I first met with the little friend Liaoyuan, the little friend is still very reasonable and has a good relationship with our dragon clan. If it is because of the contract, we can give him other conditions."

The red dragon queen nodded: "The last time the little friend Liaoyuan saved me, he saved the black dragon clan. Now he has brought my sister back to life. He is the benefactor of my dragon clan. It will naturally satisfy the little friend and won't cause any trouble."

The Black Dragon Queen chuckled: "Brothers and sisters, if you want to tell the old feelings, then I have time, but if you want to get in touch with the contract, it's not just a problem for the owner. You have to ask the blue sister's opinion, sister. The meaning of is clear, she is no longer the blue dragon queen."

"Why." The Blue Dragon King looked at the Blue Dragon Queen in disbelief.


The queen of the blue dragon regained her body, like a shining crystal dragon: "I am no longer a blue dragon, nor a guardian of magic, and I have noticed a new path. I repeat, I have paid off. Thanks to the gift of the Titans, now I want to live for myself, and I will not re-enter the rules that I can't get out of."

The black dragon dragon queen said sadly: "Our dragon king is crazy because of this, just like Sargeras. This endless guardianship is meaningless at all. Since the fate is doomed, what else do you have to guard. Someone has already seen it. As a result of countless tragedies, I also foresee the fall of my black dragon clan and the death of my blue sister, but I stay silent for a word of duty. What's the point of keeping it like this."

"I don't care about other timelines, I just need to keep our timeline developing normally." The Bronze Dragon King sighed.

"As far as I know, your enemy is no one else. It is the future you and the fallen time dragon. It is really ridiculous that you now fight with you in the future." The black dragon queen mocked.

This time the dragon kings are silent. Although they have gained extraordinary power, they are also limited by some kind of power, or the duties assigned by the Titans, or if they do not perform their duties, then what is the meaning of their dragon clan? Well, this is a question that the Dragon Kings have thought about for thousands of years without results.

The bronze dragon king saw the blue dragon king in a certain timeline also went crazy, and in the end the red dragon queen killed him by herself.

Seeing that the Red Dragon Holy Land was destroyed, all the dragon eggs were burned. But he couldn't say that, just as he foresaw that his most trusted brother was infested by the ancient gods and killed countless dragons. Seeing the misery of the Red Dragon Queen being caught, I still can't say.

In the end, he saw that he was tortured crazy, finally blackened, and he was killed at the end of time, he couldn't even say.

"Responsibility." Red Dragon Queen sighed again.

Aviana couldn't help saying: "We don't want to care about your dragon's housework. You should know the purpose of my coming here. I just want to know if there is any error in what I sensed."

Cenarius smiled and said, "Little bird, I know you will come as soon as you feel this kind of breath."

Aviana's eyes dimmed: "I have been lonely and helpless since I was a child. She took me in and allowed me to grow and gave me protection. Now I feel a similar breath again, naturally urgent. Queen Ysera, you are the guardian of dreams. , Is the person who knows her best."

The green dragon queen said leisurely: "The breath is similar, hasn't my child already told you about it."

Cenarius smiled bitterly: "Mother really asked me to be this wicked person. Yes, the aura is almost the same. Even though she is countless times weaker than the original one, it is of the same origin. However, this is not her. This is not too clear. Her wisdom was once the world tree, so it’s not an exaggeration to say that it is her child."

The viewers who watched the live broadcast were all dumbfounded They didn't know what they were talking about, only a few players could understand it.

"Isn't it her? How could this be possible? If it weren't for her rebirth, how could it be possible to produce a new mother tree. Without the Well of Eternity, it would be impossible. The world tree of Mount Hyjal absorbed thousands of years of surging in the magic lake. Energy has also become a mother tree, which is blessed by you dragon kings. I know that the world tree of Spark is a seedling that is about to die not long ago. How could it be possible." Aviana couldn't believe it.

"It's unbelievable, but it has happened now. Little friend Liaoyuan has always been a little guy who creates miracles. What happened this time requires an explanation in black." Red Dragon Queen said.

"It's the seed of the world." The Black Dragon Dragon Queen didn't sell it, and she said it directly, because it couldn't be concealed at all, and there was no need to conceal it: "The master is now adventuring on the secondary plane, from an ancient city with a long history. Obtained, it was integrated into the world tree for the first time, and only then has the result now."

The players don’t know what the seed of the world is, let alone its preciousness, but the few dragon kings know that they can’t help but feel moved...

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