MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1947: Blessing

Cenarius said: "It's no use you are anxious now, the Lord is not here, you tell us..."

Aviana suddenly said: "Such a big thing has happened, Liaoyuan, why hasn't it appeared yet."

The black dragon dragon queen smiled and said: "Sorry, the master is still adventuring on the second plane and has not come back. But if you give up the mother tree, then I think you don't need to ask, it's impossible."

"The dignified dragon queen is so shameless." Aviana's face changed: "Besides, since you have said it, it is your master's business, I am afraid you can't be the master."

The faces of several dragon kings are not ugly. After all, this matter is really disgraceful, but it's done, and the Liaoyuan can't turn their faces. In addition, both of them are voluntary. They can take care of the other dragons, but the Dragon Queen is with them. They are brothers and sisters, but not subordinate.

Especially the Blue Dragon King looked at Aviana angrily, which pot to open or not to mention.

After all, Cenarius had a good relationship with Aviana, and quickly said: "Everyone also knows the relationship between the bird and the mother tree. It is in a hurry, so please don't take it off."

The Green Dragon Queen nodded faintly: "It's hard to tell how things will develop in this world. I know you are in a hurry, but everything has a degree. The mother tree is so important that you are not the only one concerned."

Aviana nodded: "What the Queen said is that I am impatient. It's just that the mother tree is too important. Other things are easy to say, that is, I am afraid that the little friend Liaoyuan will not be able to protect the mother tree. This time the mother tree will appear Many demigods in the non-order camp have been injured, coupled with the King of Nightmare, this cancer will also hate his mother. Little friend Liaoyuan is a recruit after all."

The Black Dragon Queen finally couldn't help but sneered: "It's a joke, my master can't protect it, can you just do it?"

"Don't you think I can't be a demigod?" Aviana was not to be outdone.

"Hehe, I don't know who's father and daughter were beaten by the owner a while ago. You and your father can't join hands. You can only rely on you." The black dragon dragon empress had a hot temper, in order not to give Li Yao was looking for trouble, but he was already restrained enough, but he didn't expect that they actually wanted to take away the mother tree and couldn't help it anymore.

"That's just a coincidence. If it weren't for that weird place, the result would have changed." Aviana was also violent, and the storm crow controlled the wind and thunder, not joking.

"Really, it seems that your father was forced to start the field." The Black Dragon Queen was unwilling to show weakness: "Don't talk about age. If it is my heyday, you may not be my opponent. Not to mention, Master. Since his debut, not to mention the demigods, even the main gods and the ancient gods have been calculated by my master several times, and they are not still mixed. The demigods are really not enough."

"You..." Aviana was furious, but couldn't refute it.

Since the previous battle, Li Yao relied on one person to turn his hands for the clouds and hands for the rain, calculating the blood ancestor, the big demon that no one wants to provoke, and then crush the raven and Ivana to join forces.

The information about Liaoyuan was explored by the gods. This investigation was unbelievable. This guy has been tossing since he was born in Xinshou Village. Even if he has offended two or three ancient gods, he doesn’t even talk about the blood ancestor. Both of these super ruthless characters suffered under him, and the demigods were really nothing.

The gods who originally underestimated the prairie prairie fire all put away their contempt, once or twice, but the series of things are obvious, and they are still alive and well, which makes people sigh. After that, the mortal race has risen up a remarkable figure.

There was a trace of embarrassment on the faces of several other people. Although the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen said it was Aviana, it was not for them.

The mother tree is too important, and they naturally hope to move it to the Temple of Dragon Sleep. In this way, the entire Dragon Bone Wilderness is estimated to be restored to its ancient vitality.

Of course, the sacred sites of several dragons are all over there, which is also convenient for protection.

The Black Dragon Queen said leisurely: "Of course, if you want to start a decisive battle with the Scourge, I don't mind persuading the master to send the mother tree to the Dragonbone Wilderness."

Several dragon kings were silent, and a decisive battle with the natural disasters, even if they won a few dragons, how many people would be left, and each dragon had its own responsibilities, here it was won, and the whole world was probably in a mess.

Only then did I understand that it was unrealistic for them to protect the mother tree.

"It seems that it's safer here. How about a few of us blessing again." Red Dragon Queen said after thinking it through.

"Alright, I will make the mother tree and the main dream match. The power of the dream will nourish the mother tree, help it grow quickly, and will not be deformed. And to communicate the dream channel, my eldest daughter will take her legion to guard the passage, just to start a prairie The little friend and my daughter have friendship, and it is convenient for communication and coordination." Green Dragon Queen said: "Of course, the mother tree will help stabilize the dream and prevent the spread of the nightmare."

The Bronze Dragon King thought for a while and said: "I will release the power of time and isolate the mother tree from the connection between the Void, so as not to be perceived by the Void and the Burning Legion. The growth of the Mother Tree takes time."

The Blue Dragon King also said: "I will use the Focusing Rainbow to connect the mother tree, so that the power of the magic hub can supply the mother tree to grow, so that it can grow quickly. And give the mother tree the power of magic soaking, which can make the birds close to you more likely to change. Becoming a beast, protect the mother tree."

The demigods and the dragon king are here, but the surrounding birds are still endless. If it weren't for the dragon's might, those birds would have long wanted to roost on the mother tree.

The Queen of Red Dragon pondered for a moment and said: "My blessing this time will endow the power of Let the creatures under the mother tree obtain higher wisdom, the new life will be more intelligent, and the new life will be more powerful. Do your best to protect the mother tree."

"I don't have such a strong power, but I can go back to Ashenvale and gather a group of ancient trees to protect the mother tree." Cenarius said.

"Alright." The Queen of the Green Dragon nodded, "But it's the Liaoyuan kid who has been exposed to everything."

The dragon kings smiled bitterly. Judging from the results, this is naturally the case, but they can only do so to ensure the safety of the mother tree.

The black dragon dragon queen smiled very happily. The blessings of several dragon kings have benefited Xinghuo and several cities infinitely. The main city will be completely stabilized, and because of the blessings, more ethnic groups will be attracted.

"Anyway, I don't have a good place to go. It's better to stay temporarily. When the Liaoyuan comes back, the Soul Land needs me." Aviana said helplessly.

Everyone is even more bizarre, the mother tree also earned a demigod, although to protect the mother tree. However, Xinghuo is in danger, and the mother tree bears the brunt. Will Aviana not make a move...

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