MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1949: Ghost hunter

"What is this, how can I feel a force of resistance, and this voice makes people very uncomfortable." Demon Ji frowned and asked.

Li Yao smiled and said, "This is the sound wave of the soul. You can hear it, indicating that your mental power is already strong enough. Otherwise, you won't have a headache."

"If this state continues, I will basically have no combat effectiveness. It really doesn't work, I will monitor the sacrifice here, and you can pass." Yao Ji said helplessly.

There was a roar in her mind at this moment, there was nothing for a short time, but if it continued, she would definitely go crazy.

"You take out your lantern and release some soul power. It can offset this influence." Li Yao glanced at the direction of the square, the rising blood, and said: "Now the sacrifice has not reached the critical moment, it is just condensing With the power of faith, it’s not that simple to enjoy this kind of sacrifice. It requires a very complicated transformation process. It’s still early, so you don’t need to watch."

"That's it." The lantern in Demon Ji's hand flashed suddenly, a small amount of soul light whirled around her, and the feeling disappeared: "Sure enough, there is no problem."

"We still go down from the window above the church, which is more convenient, just search from top to bottom. The real destination should be under the church." Li Yao said.

"Since the key is the lower part of the church, what value is there? It is estimated that they are some religious objects. We can't use it or take it away." Yao Ji was puzzled.

Li Yao first jumped to the top of the church, and then shot out the spider silk. The enchantress also sprayed the spider silk. With the force of the force, the enchantress was also light enough to cross dozens of yards to the top of the church.

"It seems that you don’t know anything about Amon. Amon likes jewelry and wealth. It’s not an exaggeration to say that she is the goddess of wealth. Amon’s church statues are all made of gold, and there is a lot of wealth around the statue. I will express my devotion by donating these things. Do you think that the archbishop alone can collect so many expensive gems? Although there are a lot of collections, there must be reserves in the church. Our purpose at the upper level is This." Li Yao said.

"Since there is a lower level, it would be safer to hide the treasures underground." Although Yao Ji understood, she had new doubts.

"This is a long story, and it also has something to do with Amon's preferences. Well, this window is actually open, so I always go in here." Li Yao hung up the rope lightly and quickly jumped into the church.

After entering, there was a long corridor, and the enchantress also fell into the corridor along the window.

"This should be about Amon's legend," Yao Ji said while looking at the bright dome.

"Wait." Li Yao quickly took out the continuous accumulation of Xing Gong.

"What?" Demon Ji asked.

"There is a guard who is taking a nap inside the portal. It's wrong. Although he can't participate in the sacrifice, he is actually praying. He is very religious." Li Yao could see a clear outline of a human figure.

At first I thought I was taking a nap against the wall, but when I looked carefully, I was kneeling on one knee, actually praying.

The enchantress saw Li Yao let go, no sound came out, her eyes could only catch a glimmer of light, and she could not even see the shadow of the arrow.

"This is over?" Yao Ji was shocked.

Li Yao put the bow away, took the lead and walked to the room at the end and said, "Go and see."

The door was unlocked, and the two easily opened the door.

This is a resting and prayer room with a golden statue of a goddess full of maternal glory in the middle.

Below the idol, a person knelt on the ground, silently.

The enchantress stepped forward and saw that when she came to the front, this person's head was hung weakly, holding a black steel arrow with dark mist in both hands.

The steel arrow is inconspicuous, only occasionally shining with the light of runes, but it is also fleeting.

This person holds the arrow in both hands, which is actually the front end of the arrow. Purple blood drips down the tip, and the tail of the arrow is still in the person's throat.

His eyes were confused and painful, but there was very little pain, more dazed and helpless, apparently not knowing how he was pierced through his throat and how the arrow came.

Quietly, weird and fast, there is no time to dodge at all.

"You are too scary. I think the introduction at least increases the speed, travels through the void, and there is no sound. If you attack others, how will they survive. With this finger, you will become the most terrible ghost killer."

The enchantress said in amazement that Li Yao was already terrifying enough, and now that the blessing of this finger pull has increased Li Yao's terrifying degree by several levels.

Although the arrow used to be fast and powerful, it was not without the possibility of dodge.

But nowadays, it's so fast that you can barely see the trajectory, even the sound is gone, and others are still playing a fart.

"Void Arrow, this is a basic feature. If there is a sound and there are traces to follow, then what void is there to talk about. Now you should understand the reason why the Void Lord can tempt so many people to join the void camp without any action. Come on, Void is weird and powerful, without absolute strength, it is the most difficult to deal with. I don't demand Void's power, and I am upright and honest. However, I have been living with Void-related equipment. This can be regarded as God's will.

If he hadn't seen Li Yao looting the guard, Yao Ji would really believe it.

Seeing Li Yao split the soul energy of the other party's lantern, he shook his head helplessly.

"You, still look towards the light, look at your professional Dark Ranger, the means of seeing, the Death Scythe, the form of the Lich modified into a mechanical clone, the Touch of Insect Mother, this is the same as the void Is the relationship okay? Which point is brighter." Yao Ji vomited.

"You forgot, I have equipped many Titans, and Star Bow."

Li Yao stepped forward and touched the statue, shook his head disappointed.

"What?" Enchantress was puzzled.

"I thought it was gold, but it turned out to be bronze. This group of stingy priests, no wonder the church that believes in Amon has fallen. It's so rotten."

This place is very simple. Except for the statue, there are no other valuable things at all. The most valuable guards are the black crystal and the horse lantern, but for Li Yao, Mao is not useful, and the effect on the enchantress is limited.

The two of them walked out from another portal and saw Li Yao staring at the twinkling dome. The enchantress asked, "You don't think the shining light from the dome is a gem?"

"It's really possible. You are right to remind. We can't miss it. If it is really a gem, then we can make a fortune." Li Yao's eyes lit up, and then said, "But this time I am looking at the colorful paintings on the dome. , This is also something of archaeological value."...

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