MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1952: accident

Seeing the downward spiral staircase appearing behind the idol, Yao Ji was speechless: "Why is this mechanism a little bit..."

"It's a bit blasphemous, right." Li Yao shook his head: "This Amon likes gold jewelry. He looks like a pragmatist. Perhaps in his opinion, it is not as good as donating a gold coin to pray once. Such an institution cannot be safer. Let alone his believers, even if you are not a believer, you would never think of using this method."

"Really, I'm even more curious. Watching the last scene, the world will become more prosperous. It has to become a medium-to-large plane. How could it have fallen to this point." Yao Ji shook her head helplessly.

"I'm just faintly guessing, but I don't know too much, so I'm not sure. I hope that the church below will not let us down." After Li Yao summoned the mechanical clone, the mechanical clone took the lead down the stairs.

The stairs are very long, and it took a while to reach the lower passage.

"This is actually a bifurcation. It seems that there is no human rights below level nine, and the other side should be full of agencies." Yao Ji can see the general situation of the two forks.

If the madman has a low level, he would not see the second intersection.

In other words, your madman's level is not enough, and you will not even be aware of or know the real situation.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "What we see may not be the most real. The higher the level of the madman, the more peculiar the perception will be, allowing people to feel extraordinary things. Some people say that this is the way to get closer to the essence of the world. Just like the same. It's a slash, without any gorgeous special effects in the eyes of ordinary players, and there is not much danger. It only needs a side shift to dodge."

"However, the more you understand, the higher the level of fanaticism, the more you can understand the essence of things. In the eyes of people of level one to three, this slash may bring a sound attack and deter your mind. In the eyes of people of level four to six , Perhaps waiting to carry a knife, the power is unmatched. And the space that may be shocked in the eyes of people of level 7 to 9 has an impact and shock wave on the surrounding space. In the eyes of people of level 10 to 12, it may be destruction. A blow from the sky."

"This is what they said, the closer you are to the truth, the more you can understand the world, and the more you can know the horror of the world. However, in my opinion, it may not be accurate for a madman with a high level. People with a low level can also see it. What is essential and correct, because in his vision and world as he perceives, this is an ordinary knife."

"In the eyes of people who are engaged in ranks, is it really ruining the heavens and the earth? In the eyes of high-ranking people, it is natural, but in the eyes of low-ranking observers, he is like flank dodges ordinary hacking. What's the difference? In my opinion, this is a matter of horizon. Maybe we see a different situation when we upgrade to the tenth level, and we don't even see this underground palace."

The enchantress suddenly said: "I understand what you mean. You mean, apart from the impact of the horizon, in fact, no matter whether it is a level or a low level, killing the slashing enemy, there is no difference. And you have to express The thing is, there is no need to demand a high level, depending on what we want. If we don't need it, like ordinary players, who can't open the ancient treasure chest, there is no need to be that high, right?"

"Well, that's what I meant." Li Yao nodded as he walked.

"That's not right. If it's not a high level, how do you know that there is nothing else? If a low level, we can't see this passage, we can only go through another one." Yao Ji reacted: "You almost went around by you. "

"I didn't forgive you, what you see at a low level is real, how do you know what will happen at a high level. Just like your question, do you mean to become a level twelve, and you can see even more differently? This is back to the topic just now. The more you perceive, the more dangerous it is.” Li Yao sighed: “There is no way to make sense of this kind of thing. You can only look at your own choice. At least now, our level 9 is enough. If you raise it further, it will be the realm of the gods. At least it won’t be transcendental and holy. It’s best not to rise to the tenth level, or just wait for death."

"Huh? There seem to be a lot of guards here, so I'll deal with it carefully."

Through his divine eyes, Li Yao could see several guards behind the door, bend their bows and shoot arrows, the silent arrows soared, and those enemies came to the end.

When the two entered the door, they saw the fallen guard stand up again, and then the magic and the light of the sword were crisscrossed, almost blocking the passage.

"No, it's an undead creature." Li Yao just hit the deadly with an arrow, but these guys were still moving with arrows stuck in their bodies. Their faces were not rotting corpses, but pale-faced figures. Only from their gray eyes can you tell that they are undead.

This is the disadvantage of a madman's high level. In their eyes, the enemy's random offensive has great power.

This is also the reason why Li Yao always likes to hunt down opponents in advance. If they don't give them a chance to fight back, no matter how powerful the tricks are.

This also made Demon Ji realize that the monster is powerful, but after all, he has not really faced it.

Li Yao quickly backed away, but the demon girl was shocked. The attacks of seven or eight undead creatures were too magnificent and vigorous, and it was normal for people to lose consciousness in an instant.

The mechanical clone waved the big sword in his hand to resist the attack, but the attack was too sharp and bright, and it was directly torn apart by the skill.

That is to say, Li Yao's body was already enough to stop the moment, and he could not take care of anything else to directly block Demon Ji's flexible waist, the world retreated, flashed, and then a kick.


The huge stone gate closed again, and all those attacks fell on the stone gate with constant roar.

Li Yao threw the demon girl out with a backflip, the star bow was held in his hand, and the arrow shot continuously, penetrating the stone gate and falling to the undead who rushed to the stone gate to open the stone gate Biological body.

The demon girl was just a dazed mind, she returned to her mind and landed in a roundabout, and then turned into a state of smoke and mist and merged into the other side of Shimen.

Ten seconds later, Shimen opened again, this time these undead creatures became real corpses.

"Sure enough, the people outside like to sleep in the fake undead in the coffin, while the underground creatures have become real undead. It seems that there is something hidden inside." Li Yao frowned at the fallen corpse.

The enchantress carefully inspected the corpses, and then said: "Apart from not being creatures, the most obvious difference is that these underground creatures don't have those lanterns. But they are obviously dressed as temple guards and priests, not civilians, which is very strange. "

"Well, the lantern absorbs soul energy, and obviously there are some tricks we don't know. It is getting more and more interesting. Let's continue, don't be careless this time."

This is the first death of a mechanical clone...

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