Li Yao sneered: "If the Titan is a Titan that has not been corrupted, as for the Titan's consciousness and form that has been obliterated several times, they don't care about it. Now that you know that Ulduar's furnace can reshape the Star Soul, then you know Uldum’s furnace can destroy the world. As long as it is activated, all life on the entire ancient **** plane will be extinct, including the elements. This world will be reshaped, and the age of elements will be restored. This is the two-handed preparation of the Titans. , Even the guardians are divided into several groups, guardians, supervisors, enforcers, and even guardian dragons, just to ensure that the will of the Pantheon can be executed."

"No, it's still not right." Yao Ji shook her head: "If it's really what you said, Titan will reshape the star soul, why bother to use two sources to nourish the star soul and the planet."

Li Yao sneered: "That's because the ancient **** world, the main plane, is also the top plane of the main plane. They were already ecstatic when they discovered this place, because as long as the star soul becomes the Titan, then it will be born again. God king level, so that the strength of the Pantheon skyrocketed."

"The universe is too vast, even if the Titans return to a certain place, it is in ten thousand years. It is a little bit powerless to repeat the back and forth where they particularly care. When they came for the second time, they found that the Star Soul had already Corrupted, the Titans of the Pantheon were furious."

"So there was a battle between the Legion of the Ancient Gods and the Legion of Titans, and the thing that made the Pantheon even more irritated was that their Guardian Legion could not defeat it. The King of God went mad and squeezed the most rampant ancient **** Y'Shaarj. ."

"This matter is tricky, you think, the pantheon and the void are estimated to be in units of billions of years. They would not know that the ancient gods parasitic planet would be linked to the planet itself, and they would not know that the ancient gods were actually other Is the plane of the star soul corroded? So the question is, now that I know why Y'Shaarj was squeezed and it seems to have killed an ancient god, but in fact the corrupted star soul has been severely damaged, even this bit Unpredictable damage appeared on the face."

"Since they know, why do they still do this. Because they want to annihilate the corrupted star soul. In order to compensate for this damage, they built two sources to compensate for the damage, to compensate for the star soul, and to accelerate the growth of the star soul. The melting pot corrects the development of the world of ancient gods. It is also ready to destroy the world."

"It's just that they didn't expect that the Moon God was stunning, her consciousness was not completely annihilated, and she did not want to be corrupted, she did not want to be corrupted, she actually transcended the star soul, condensed the moon, and cut herself apart. Blue Boy, relying on the affinity of the ancient **** world and the sound laws of the pinnacle's main plane to quickly become a true god. Although she will not be corrupted, she is not willing to be with the Titans of the Pantheon."

Demon Ji suddenly said, "If what you said is true, then what is the Star Soul today?"

"Today's star soul can only be a star soul. It is estimated that it is a pure law body and should not be able to generate consciousness, but this is unclear. Maybe some new Titans will be born in the distant future."

Li Yao said uncertainly.

"You said these are too far, let's continue to explore below." Yao Ji sighed, the ancient gods world is too real, it is inevitable that people indulge in it, and even blend into it, sometimes even she herself is sometimes confused, herself Is it a person in reality or a real assassin?

After descending to the grassroots level, they were all graves. Both of them were numb, and seeing the horror of the strong inside these big graves, the two of them couldn't steal the tombs. It can be said that the two of these layers have not gained much at all.

When the two descended to the sixteenth floor, the scene changed, and the two realized that they had come to a strange scene.

As the setting sun goes down, the burning clouds are burning on the horizon, which is particularly beautiful.

The ground is full of various flowers, the air is full of fragrance of flowers, the breeze is blowing, and the falling leaves are colorful, just like in a dreamlike world.

The two people uttered a rustling voice on the ground, as if it were not an adventure, but a couple walking out.

"What's going on?" Yao Ji said in surprise.

"It’s hard to say. According to the structure of the big tomb pyramid, the higher the identity goes down. At first, hundreds of people shared a tomb, then the exquisite coffin, then a single tomb and coffin, and then there was a separate coffin. A tomb, and it also imitates the starry sky. Now, like a real world, it should also be a tomb, but this tomb has a higher status." Li Yao guessed.

"Higher than the pope, is that?" Demon Ji frowned: "The kings of all races, but it has nothing to do with this church, right."

Li Yao smiled: "At the grassroots level, look at the titles of the owners of these tombs. There are fire protectors, fire bearers, and fire adders, but don't you think that the final title is missing?"

Enchantress suddenly said, "The Creation Stove, or the Origin Stove is spread and maintained by fire spreaders, isn't it?"

"Hahaha, really smart two alien little guys, you are right to guess, we are the fire spreaders, to be more precise, we are respected by Wanmin as the king of salary, and there is only one salary for each generation. The king cannot be passed on, but the king does not always exist, and in some times there is no king."

A beautiful voice appeared in the ears of the two of them, and then came the elegant figure wearing a tight leather jacket, covered with a layer of veil, her appearance was hazy, and there was also a veil on her face.

But those eyes were simply stunning, no one would doubt the peerless face under the veil, which unconsciously attracted people's eyes and made people intoxicated.

Li Yao sighed: "The fifth-generation fire spreader, also known as the King of Dancers, is really enchanting."

"Oh? The little guy is You know who I am at a glance." The dancer chuckled.

"It's not surprising that the church hall has the throne of the salaried kings of the past. There are a total of eight salaried kings, six of which are men. There are only the third and fifth generations of female salaried kings. The third salaried king should be the great witch, right? The image is the image of a mysterious mage holding a spell and a magic book. With the arrangement here, it is not difficult to guess your identity." Li Yao said.

The enchantress also said: "Isn't this elder sister also very smart? As soon as we meet, we know we don't belong to this little plane."

"Small plane? It turns out that we are called by visitors from the main plane." The dancer sighed.

"To be precise, it is a minor plane in the secondary plane." Li Yao corrected.

"I'm even more curious about how my sister knew at a glance that we don't belong to this plane." Yao Ji asked.

Wu Niang shook her head slightly: "You don't have the smell of fire on your body, even though you have this kind of lamp. In our world, everyone has the smell of fire, and we are all firewood, whether you like it or not, but you are different. ."...

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