? For Amon, all other creatures in this world are like ants, and naturally they don't care about the ideas of the ants, so there is no hesitation about their own plans.

However, these ants not only discovered her protection, but also calculated her, and they were the kind that couldn't turn back.

Now that this plane is about to be destroyed, Amon must make a desperate move. If it fails this time, her doom will come.

The enchantress has long been left alone. Her character is not suitable for being an anchor. She is sitting directly on the top of the building and watching the sacrificial scene. In fact, she is digesting what the Dance King passed to her, some fighting skills and skills.

I have to say that although this plane is small, it is still very powerful and stunning as a top-notch powerhouse like Salary King.

In terms of the skills acquired, it cannot be said that it is not strong, but it is too crude and primitive, far inferior to the integrity of the main plane.

Of course, it may be that Amon will not inherit real good things at all, but this has also fulfilled them.

Although these fighting skills are weaker, the fighting skills are mesmerizing.

This reminded her of Li Yao's fighting rhythm and pace. With Li Yao's strength, the combination of combat skills and combat skills is very clever and stronger. Recently, she has rarely seen this kind of technology wandering between life and death.

Most of the experience and images passed to her by King Xin are the positions that can be displayed in the face of various complicated situations and the various fighting skills of four or two.

Through the video, the enchantress knew that the Dance King was once the last protoss princess, said to be a princess, in fact, with the seal of the holy city, the pure descendants of their protoss, the phoenix who was in trouble, were not as good as chickens.

She is good at singing and dancing, and for a while she traveled to the mainland with a performing arts group by dancing.

Later, Awakening the Holy Fire, gained the inheritance of four generations of Kings, and then embarked on the road of the strong.

Later, she became the king of salary, and in a long period of exploration, she incorporated her dance skills into combat skills.

This is also the origin of the King of Dance, from which the Wanjun, amidst the raging magic, a graceful figure dances lightly, looking pleasing to the eye.

However, this kind of pleasing is the dance of death. As her figure flickers, the enemies fall down one by one. That is the battle for her to become the king. One person breaks the army and saves a city.

Her fighting skills are integrated into the dance, and her figure is more erratic and flexible.

This has caused her to dodge attacks that ordinary people seem to be unable to dodge at all. It also means that she can launch an attack from an incredible angle.

Although full of beauty, but tricky and weird, murderous.

And through analysis, she came up with an amazing conclusion.

Because many of Li Yao's skills and techniques are based on strong mental power, through absolute insight and control of himself, he can exert a strong fighting power beyond his own rank.

Unlike the dancer, she did not cultivate her mental power, but relied on her fighting skills to naturally hone her mental power, relying on the fighting skills themselves.

This also shows that she can master it quickly as long as she researches it well, instead of the things taught by Li Yao, which need to be based on spiritual power.

Of course, there is no difference between the two, and there is no conflict or contradiction.

On the contrary, the two can complement each other and are most suitable for you at this stage. The benefits of strong mental power are undoubted, but when the mental power is not strong, the dance king skills are the key, and studying these skills can also enhance the mental power, thereby increasing the control of oneself, and the ultimate control of oneself can also be more Freely use the dance king's skills and techniques, endlessly.

This can’t be blamed on Li Yao. In the previous life, there was no one to give pointers. They were all explored by a group of people. Many of them came up with theories and then tried to verify them.

In the process, it was discovered that the key role of mental power was that Li Yao believed that mental power was the basis.

Of course, this is also true, it's just that the improvement is slower when there is a system, but that is the opinion of Xinghuo people, in the eyes of others, this method is very fast.

It can only be said that the starting point is different. The people of Xinghuo, especially the core staff, can intuitively feel Li Yao's toughness and are naturally more urgent. They feel that their gaps and shortcomings are naturally not satisfactory.

Demon Ji's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, as if she had seen a new door. Hungry for the study of the skills of the dance king inheritance, full of harvest.

Li Yao worked hard for more than half an hour, and finally set up a magic circle glowing with purple light on top of the manor's main building.

Then he sat in the center of the circle, and his body gradually began to oscillate with purple ripples.

"Ready, what do I need to do?" Demon Ji asked.

"You don't have to do anything, just watch the show, but if there is a small mess, you also need to deal with it." Li Yao said.

"Yes, I will pay attention." Yao Ji nodded, stood up, and stopped watching the inheritance.

Li Yao took out a crystal glowing with purple light and suddenly crushed it. The crystal fragments did not fall apart, but gathered in the center of his palm, forming a weird rune.


Li Yao initiated the transformation of the ancient gods, and the runes and nodes of the magic circle burst out with more brilliant light, and a beam of light soaring into the sky appeared in the twisted space.

The light here has also attracted some attention, but now is the critical time for sacrifice, and no one dared to be distracted. Even the archbishop's face changed a bit, but he continued to chant the sacrifice.


Countless black misty tentacles rushed out of the beam of light frantically, and then seemed to melt into the void.

Then the space above the sacrifice, that is, the space around the golden giant suddenly shattered, a large number of smoke-like tentacles rushed out, and then frantically began to absorb the extreme vitality and soul power.

A loud roar came from the golden giant. The golden giant slapped the cracks in the space with a slap, but even though the tentacles were broken, they couldn't be wiped out at all, and they were still madly absorbing the sacrificial power.

What made the Golden Giant even more annoying was that its illusory palm was also penetrated by a lot of small black energy, but absorbed his own power, so that she could not be destroyed to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why the ants disturbed the god. Sacrificial ceremony. "Jin Ran's eyes suddenly opened, and two beams of light suddenly shot out.

"Do you want to kill with your eyes? I will too."

Li Yao's gloomy eyes suddenly burst with gloomy light, and the dark purple light shot out, colliding with two golden lights, colliding in the middle of the city.

Zizi, Zizi!

The light collided and sputtered, and the house below actually started to burn.

"Damn, who are you and why are you stealing my power?" The golden giant saw that he couldn't help the other party with this move, and he was a little angry...

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