MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 179: Death in the Net

When Li Yao explained, Qin Fengyi had closed the live broadcast. Although Li Yao was more confident that others would not be able to replicate his boss fight this time, for the sake of safety, he still didn't want to let others know the strategy after spending the boss money.

"You can start the live broadcast. I just said it very clearly. Everyone understands." Li Yao looked at the nine players and said, "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, just follow my command."

"Confirm that the buff is all, go to the boss for the fruit."

The fruit knight nodded, a hammer of sanction opened the boss, and then slowly backed away while attacking. He didn't stop until he retreated to the edge of the Rock Hall.

"The hatred is stable and can be exported." The Fruit Knight said.

The output was all in place and started to attack the boss, while Li Yao placed an arrow tower.

Then he stepped back slowly, looking at the boss' blood volume, and said: "Just like what I said, don't break out, all output smoothly."

And Li Yao walked to the center of the Rock Hall and summoned the crystal spider. Li Yao observed in the middle position for a while before closing his eyes to accurately simulate his plan.

Then the mind controlled the spider to start weaving the web, yes, it was weaving the web.

Spider silk is one of the toughest materials with high toughness. Tougher than steel wires in reality.

Li Yao chose a location to drop an arrow tower, then looked for a location, and then dropped an arrow tower again.

"The fixed point is not enough, the selected fixed point rock wall is not strong enough, Xia Yao, put your stone demon to the position I specified."

"Okay." Qin Fengyi directed the Stone Demon to stand at the position determined by Li Yao.

Subsequently, the crystal spider began to continuously spin silk, weaving its own big web.

"The output is slower." Li Yao controlled the spider to weave the web while observing the situation on the boss side. "

Of course, it's impossible to make a dense spider web. Let's not say that the crystal spider can't have so many spider silks at once, even if it does, time is too late. Longitudinal non-sticky spider silk is erected more, while the circular sticky silk that can adhere to prey is relatively few. There are six loops from the inside to the outside.

Li Yao has been observing the boss's blood volume. When the blood volume is about to release the elemental force field at the first attempt, he said: "Except for the fruit, all melee combat is 20 yards away from the boss. Two treatments give the fruit a shield. , Be ready for instant healing at any time, don’t remove the skeleton Xia Yao summoned."


Xia Yao can summon three long-range and two melee skeletons. Although the attacks are not high, they add up to be terrifying. At this time, the five skeletons all replaced the melee position and surrounded the burning body.

"Please explain to the goddess, why did Liaoyuan God do this?"

"Goddess comment."

"Pray for the goddess to explain."

Most of the water friends don't know what Li Yao's real purpose is.

Qin Fengyi said: "That's it. After the last attempt, Liaoyuan knew the mechanism of the elemental force field. It should be to launch a magic bullet with random attributes, and the target of the magic bullet is a random target within 20 yards. Let my remote skeletons be near the boss, because mt cannot be retired. Skeletons can reduce the chance of magic bullets in mt."

"You have to know that the attributes of the fruit and the two healing magic shields will not be lost in seconds even if the blood volume is not satisfied, but if two random magic bullets in a row will definitely die." Xia Yao said.

Then the boss released the elemental force field five seconds later, mt's lucky magic bullet did not have its turn, and Xia Yao's three skeletons died heroically.

"You can go forward and output, or don't burst, output smoothly, don't be greedy, don't worry about the boss's blood volume. Pay attention to the transfer of the boss between the two mt."

What Li Yao worries is that the more blood he consumes, the boss's skills will become uncontrollable. In the last attempt, no one knew the specific effects of the other two skills of the boss, so it is better to be careful. Even if it was rebirth, he couldn't remember when the tenth level dungeon put what skills.

Subsequently, under the control of Li Yao, the team spent the second elemental force field. But behind it became strange again.

Fortunately, the spider web that Li Yao made the crystal spider structure has also ended. Although it is very simple, it has reached the requirements of the simulation in Li Yao's mind.

"Now listen to my order. Except for mt and the two healers, everyone stays away from the boss and gathers in front of the stone demon. mt slowly retreats and guides the boss to the outermost spider web. Pay attention to the fruit. The vertical spider silk can be trampled on. , Don't be stuck by the sticky wire of the outer ring." Li Yao commanded methodically.

"I know." The fruit knight's tone was still flat, without a trace of waves.

In the expectation of everyone, the Fruit Knight slowly backed away while using a shield to block the attack of the boss. Everyone was extremely nervous, watching the boss step on the sticky silk.

In fact, Li Yao was also very nervous. This strategy was made by himself. Although it was okay to simulate in his mind, no one could say anything. If it weren't for the dungeon boss that couldn't break the move, Li Yao would have done it himself.

In reality, many details and accidents cannot be simulated, and if you are not careful, you will fail.

The body got angry and finally stepped on the sticky wire, and the body was controlled.

"The fruit retreats, keeps a distance of more than 20 yards from the boss, and is ready to respond at any time. All remotes wait for me to output for five seconds and then full firepower output."

Li Yao replaced the tenth-level and used the death mark for the boss, and started to output frantically. One by one, more than 400 damage numbers floated out. Because of the departure of mt, the hatred reached Li in a moment Yao's body.


In three seconds, only three seconds, the sticky thread linked by the two longitudinal spider threads broke.

The corpse got angry and let out a weird roar, and ran towards Li Yao, but if Li Yao wanted to meet Li Yao, he would inevitably step on the next piece of sticky wire.

The body will be stuck for another three seconds.

"Full output." Li Yao slowly backed away while calculating. The others were overjoyed when they saw this situation and succeeded. All the output is strong.

After that, Li Yao kept leading the boss to step on the sticky thread, and the crystal spider re-installed a new sticky thread beyond the two sticky threads of the boss to supplement the consumption of sticky thread.

Because the melee gave up the output, the boss skills could not hit people at all, and even the elemental force field at a distance of twenty yards was useless, and could only utter an extremely angry roar.


The live broadcast room has been filled with such barrage.

"This wonderful method is really successful."

"It's really a weird method, but it seems to be very effective."

"Kneel to the Liaoyuan God, is there anything you can't do."

Li Yao didn't relax, but said: "Don't be happy too early, seize the opportunity to output, don't be greedy, the boss breaks the sticky wire and retreats in time, don't let the boss approach the 20-yard range."

"I see." This time the players finally had the confidence of the boss...

ps: Write a copy, too much consideration, writing is very slow.

Okay, thank you so handsome that the donkey has cried for the reward of my friend, and I owe another more, but now I can still reward it every day.

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