MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 193: Magical

"I said uncle, can you do it, you have been sitting for five minutes, and everyone has started to boss." Da Vinci asked uncomfortably first.

"Hush." ​​Sister Li said, "Don't you know how tired this is to simulate and calculate, don't interrupt him."

"Is it that difficult?" Da Vinci muttered.

"Sister Liang, look at my finger." Haikuotian stretched out a finger, drew the track and then said: "I will give you two minutes, you will simulate the track of my finger in your mind, and then draw it out."

"Damn, you are fooling me, how is this possible." Da Vinci said dissatisfied.

"Who said it was impossible? Brother Liaoyuan observed the patrol routes of those monsters for five minutes, and then printed the details of the cave into his mind. Now he is simulating the ejection situation after the arrow is released. You can't even draw a trajectory of my finger. Come out, how difficult is it for him to simulate these?" Haikuotian explained.

"Go away, you monsters." Da Vinci was speechless.

"You will practice it sooner or later. This is a way to exercise your mental strength and will soon be promoted. I practiced for a year before I could barely remember and simulate the trajectory of a finger movement. Liaoyuan is a metamorphosis. It's time to simulate the scene, it's not a human being." Haikuotian said.

Sister Li also said: "I also practiced indirectly for a year, and the results are basically the same as yours. I can't do his situation at all. I am so talented.

"It turns out that you are also practicing. Originally, I was shocked. Looking at your appearance, I am relieved." The fruit knight who has been silent said.

A few people who have never heard of mental training and ordinary players are suddenly confused, and it can still be like this.

"This method is not a secret, it's just that you didn't pay attention to it. Go to the **** website and download a basic mental training course. Everyone can download it." Haikuotian said.

Many people feel that they are born protagonists, but the time has not come, and when they hear such good things, they start downloading.

Only a few people who have practiced know how boring this method is and how difficult it is to practice. That kind of suffering and mental exhaustion is even more exhausting than long-distance running for 10,000 meters.

Not to mention ordinary people, even people with strong willpower such as the sea and the sky and Sister Li want to give up many times, because the pain of practice is weak, and the kind of suffering can be endured by abnormal people.

"Well, you guys are ready to pick up the blame, I will try, and of course, be ready to destroy the group."

Li Yao stood up with a hoarse voice and sweat on his forehead. This was the most talked about in the ancient gods' simulated reality, as if it were not a spiritual body, but a real physical body.

"Are you okay." Qin Fengyi asked.

"It's fine."

Li Yao took out the heavy flame crossbow as he spoke, slowly stood in a position, and then constantly adjusted the position.

"It should be in position, 3, 2, 1..."

Li Yao pulled the trigger suddenly.

Everyone saw a flash of light ejected from the hole and disappeared around the corner.

Players who watched the live broadcast saw that the steel arrows continued to eject.

Two blade demon were patrolling, they heard the noise and turned their heads abruptly, that is, when they paused, the steel arrow had already submerged into the body of a blade demon.

Due to multiple ejections, the power of the steel arrow has weakened a lot.



The Blade Demon was about to scream, but did not see any figures. The two blade demons looked at each other and walked slowly towards the corner.

"You can see it by watching the live broadcast." The sea and sky reminded.

The team members acted and clicked on Qin Fengyi's live broadcast.

"3, 2, 1..."

Li Yao, who had filled the steel arrow, silently counted down again, and then pulled the trigger.

The crisp bounce sound surprised the two blade demons, especially the blade demons who hit the arrow just now, and took two steps back in anger.

However, it was his two steps back, as if he had hit a steel arrow that had ejected.



The tragic blade demon hit the arrow again, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"Oh my God, it's all right, it's not blind, right?" Da Vinci exclaimed.

"Cover wool, do you think his expression looks like a blindfold." Haikuotian took a deep breath and said.

Everyone looked at Li Yao and found that he was still loading the steel arrows leisurely, and began to count again.

Then, pull the trigger.

In the picture, with the sound of the steel arrows, the two blade demon accelerated their pace this time, but this time it was the turn of the other blade demon to hit the arrow.

The Blade Demon let out a roar, and the leader in the distance also roared something.

The two blade demons continued to walk reluctantly.

"Brother Liaoyuan, I only have one word now, take it." Haikuotian extended his thumb.

"Uncle, you monster, even the monster's reaction can be counted." Da Vinci said excitedly.

The live broadcast room exploded again, and golden ingots began to occupy the light curtain.

Needless to say, they all know that the first hit is extremely difficult, and the second hit is more difficult than the first. I don't know how many times, because none of them knows how the monster will react.

Whether it stopped moving, whether it was moving forward or back, but as Li Yao continued to pull the trigger, there was no one missed, as if two blade demons hit the arrow by themselves.

What they saw was that the two blade demons clearly wanted to avoid the steel arrow, but they always hit the steel arrow.

On the fourth arrow, the two blade demons finally cornered. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cOM


The Fruit Knight, who was already ready to go, immediately launched the Shield of Vengeance, pulling the hatred of the two monsters, and the players also began to output two blade demons.

At this moment, everyone can no longer use words to describe their mood. It feels too dreamy and unreal. It's like shooting some kind of stunt movie.

However, the reality is that this is not a movie at all.

"You have played the hunter to the extreme." Haikuotian said.

"There is no real extreme." Li Yao shook his head, but the output did not drop.

"Too modest is to pretend to be forced, you are not the ultimate." Da Shitou muttered.

Li Yao smiled, without explanation, in the Conferred God Battle, any of those conferred **** players can achieve this level of their own.

Soon, the two blade demons fell.

Li Yao did the same, and kept seduce the blade demon until seven or eight monsters were left by the bonfire, and then he swarmed up, but at this time it was harmless.

The two powerful tanks, stone demon, and crystal spider were scattered, completely within the team's tolerance.

The road that followed was a little smoother, and never hit the camp again, just scattered, or a small group of demons. It simply couldn't stop Li Yao's team.

After spending a little more time, they finally came to a cave like an underground palace.

To be more precise, I wanted a temple dedicated to gods, but the bones and black blood stains everywhere let them know that this is definitely not a good god.

Everyone saw a graceful figure kneeling in front of a hideous statue...

ps: The number of subscriptions has reached a critical position. I would like to subscribe for support, especially those who watch piracy. I hope to subscribe to the original Chinese website at Qiqiang. Thank you.

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