MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 310: Dislan

Sister Li smiled and said, "You don't know. At first, they went to the guards to report to our guild, saying that we also changed the building privately. The result was no one. Then these people went to the forum to find the official complaint. You know how the official responded. Is it?"

Li Yao shook his head and said: "These people are looking for hardships, and they know that the official people can't change the data. They must have gotten a bit of dust. I guess the official will say that they can't manage these things, and they can't manage them. They make a shop. No matter what, if you have the ability to turn the auction house into your private property, we will not interfere."

"It's almost the same." The cute and cute pupil who walked over said dissatisfied: "These people are too shameless, complaining to us for a long time without results, but directly asked what we used, huh, let alone no way, just I can't tell these bastards."

"Tongtong is too right. These people are sick and ignore them. Go, let's go to the auction house and spend money." Li Yao pulled Tongtong and said.

"Okay, okay, I haven't been a rich woman yet." Hitomi's interest greatly increased.

Li Yao took Tongtong to the auction house. Naturally, he didn't buy equipment. The guild warehouse had enough equipment, but there were never too many rare materials, skill books, and drawings.

It was only until dawn that Li Yao stopped the raid and got the things done. Li Yao bid farewell to the still-satisfied Tongtong and boarded the airship on the West Continent.

Li Yao had already contacted Sharp Claw Wuhen, Li Yao decided to help them with a side mission, and then got the position of the headquarters, and then tried to sneak in.

Li Yao soon came to the gloomy valley, Sharp Claw Wuhen had been waiting for a while.

"Hi, master, here we are." The Pokemon waved.

Li Yao looked at it for a while and asked, "Why are you two?"

Li Claw Wuhen said: "They all have things, they can't come today."

Li Yao nodded and didn't ask more, and said, "Can the mission be shared, let's start."

"Okay, really troublesome expert." Li Claw Wuhen said.

Collect ghost necklace

Task description: Colin Firefeather needs to collect some ghost necklaces, which can be obtained in the Ruins of Dislan.

Disslan, once a splendid ancient city of elves thousands of years ago, was submerged by the roaring sea after the sky collapsed, and then the sea receded, and the entire city became a ruin

The souls of countless ancient elves could not rest, wandering in the ruins. The ancient elves couldn't bear to purify them. This undead city has existed for thousands of years.

Task requirements: Collect 200 ghost necklaces.

Task reward: 12% experience, skill book, goodwill of Colin Huoyu.

Li Yao nodded, not bad task, you can get a skill book, very good.

"You have done a few steps, how many necklaces have you collected?"

The Pokemon said: "This is an ancient Elf uncle's mission. He is very poor. I have collected materials for him three times. This is the fourth time, but this time the materials are so far away. We can’t make it through the deepest part of the bright camp."

"So, come with me." Li Yao summoned the Reaper 4000 and sat directly on the shoulder of the Reaper 4000.

The siblings looked at each other and all followed.

Li Yao knew the location of Disslan very well, just north of the copy of the Abyss Temple. That is, the bright camp.

Another reason why Li Yao agreed so simply was that he wanted to unlock the position of the command headquarters, and Disslan was a place he must go.

Li Yao’s Reaper 4000 is too special, and Li Yao is now in a period of great fame. The recent record and the record of smashing the dark valley not long ago are still being talked about by players in the bright camp.

Seeing that some players in the bright camp of the Reaper 4000 chose to retreat, some players assumed that they couldn't see Li Yao, and they didn't see anything.

"Master, you are too tricky." The Pokemon looked at Li Yao with bright eyes.

"It's okay, the players in the bright camp are too naughty, and they will be honest after a fight." Li Yao said casually.

"Brother, you, I only have one word for service." Sharp Claw smiled bitterly.

They have been huddling here in recent days, and they don't know much about the situation here. After the two camps met, it was a chaotic battle.

The other members of their team just couldn't stand the loss of experience, so they avoided having something to do. He loves his sister the most, and he takes her to do tasks with her.

They also tried to go deep, but yesterday they almost made dumplings by a player from the bright camp. He had already persuaded his sister to give up this mission, but Li Yao did not expect to contact them.

Today was totally two treatments. Li Yao went all the way, and no player from the bright camp dared to take action.

Li Yao was even so arrogant that when he saw the players fighting between the bright camp and the dark camp, he directly commanded Death 4000 to rush over, and then the two waves of players turned into birds and beasts.

The two brothers and sisters who were watching were stunned, she was too sturdy.

The city of Dislan is not large, although it is not close to the coast, it is not far from the coastline.

Li Yao let the fire eagle fly a circle, which confirmed the situation here, in other parts of the city, the players are still upgrading here.

The undead here should be regarded as banshee.

Banshees are special undead creatures after female elves die. Although their bodies are ghosts, they have entities. And can fly.

Undead Banshee

Rank: 16 2-star elite

Life: 36000

Armor: 450

Resistance: primary arcane resistance.

Skills: Arcane Blast, Arcane Missile, Soul Siphon, Soul Scream

"This elite is so strong, and **** so many banshees nearby?" Pokemon tangled: "My fire elf simply can't hold it."

"Let the brother's mechanical puppet be a mt, I can add blood." Sharp Claw Wuhen said.

"Okay, just my pet is a mt. You wait here, I'm going to blame." Li Yao said that he had entered the city.

"Brother, isn't this strange? Why do the masters want to pull inside." Pokemon puzzled.

"This, this, I don't know too much, maybe you will ask about it later." After thinking about it, Li Claw Wuhen couldn't understand Li Yao's plan.

"Okay, then I will ask later." The Pokemon nodded.

But soon they understood why Li Yao had to go inside, and saw Li Yao running fast, with at least twenty female demons following him.

"Fuck, have you been found sneaking? Let's run." Li Claw Wuhen said with a change of expression.

"Don't, get ready to fight." Li Yao quickly shouted when he saw his brother and sister running away.

"Huh?" The brother and sister were stunned.

"I said I was ready to fight and remember to treat my pet." Li Yao explained.

The two brothers and sisters were speechless, and there were more than 20 1-star elites. How to fight or kill?

To be continued. )Previous page Return to next page

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