MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 326: misfortune

There are many ways to enter the temple.

As long as you become a priest of the moon, the priest of the moon is a profession unique to the ancient elves.

It is an advanced profession for priests and an elite profession that requires the least clues. As long as you complete the trial of the temple, you can become a priest of the moon.

The other is to become a Moon Guardian. The Moon Guardian is an elite profession that can be advanced by both warriors and hunters, but there are some differences in job transfer.

Know a moon priest or moon guard, and you can enter the temple in a team.

The temple has beautiful scenery, and many couples or friends will gather and play in the temple.

Seeing Li Yao, a hunter carrying a bow walking in alone, the players who entered the temple were very surprised. Although they were curious, they did not dare to come up and ask if they saw the moon guard beside Li Yao.

Li Yao didn't squint, and directly followed the moon guard into a small temple.

"Priest, this young clansman got a drawing of the temple and wants to be blessed by the Moon God, look?" The Moon Guard said in a salute.

A faint moonlight enveloped her, and she slowly turned her head and said: "The drawings of the temple have not been published in many years, let me see."

After Li Yao gave the gift, he handed over the drawing. Even if he walked in, Li Yao couldn't see the way he was shrouded in the hazy moonlight, but it was beautiful. Priest of the moon, only female ancient elves can change jobs. Just as the moon guard only has male elves to change jobs, this is all rules.

"I feel the aura of decay, it really needs to be blessed and purified." The priest of the moon said lightly: "Thank you for your incredible faith in the moon god, bring it, otherwise the temple you build can only Communication with the ancient gods, or the blue boy."

Li Yao was shocked. He was just looking for an excuse to enter the temple. He didn't expect that there was a problem with this drawing: "Then the priest is in trouble."

"Well, you are good. Tonight, you can rest in the temple. You are devout believers who can enter the temple. You can choose the tree house you like." The priest of the moon waved his hand and said: "You can come and get the drawing tomorrow morning. ."

"Thank you, sir." Li Yao exited the small temple after saluting.

At this moment, only Li Yao was left, and Li Yao showed a slight smile. Free to move around, this is an opportunity.

The temple is very quiet and it is definitely a fairyland on earth. Li Yao saw many lovers along the way.

Li Yao wandered around, just like curious tourists, it took more than an hour to find a suitable tree house.

The tree house is very high, in the middle of the big tree, so no one can see the situation beside the Blue Moon Lake.

The lake is full of lovers and moon guards who are in charge of patrolling. Luna Lake, the moon is high in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, when the moon is in mid-sky. The large tracts of moonflowers were falling, and the whole lake was filled with faint mist. This is when the temple receives the daily blessing of the Moon God.

This kind of blessing can not only make the temple more stable, but also moisturize this semi-plane city.

Therefore, before the fog, the moon guard will disperse everyone, leaving only a few moon priests and moon guards to patrol and guard.

Li Yao watched the forum while observing the situation by the lake in the tree house.

Li Yao even saw the news that the Blue Moon Bow was bought. The players on the forum are betting on when the new guy who bought the Blue Moon Bow will sell the Blue Moon Bow again.

Li Yao smiled as he watched, I am afraid he will disappoint them, he estimated that it will take a while for Blue Moon Bow.

"You can, actually got Feng Huaxueyue into the guild." Sister Li sent a message.

"Unsuccessful, joining the guild is probably because of Fengyi's face. It is not easy to keep her." Li Yao frowned. Such a woman is the most difficult to deal with.

People have their own opinions and have been to the top. The key is that they are not short of money. I can only hope that the atmosphere of the Spark Guild can satisfy her.

"Don't worry, I have absolute confidence in Xinghuo. We veterans and some newcomers are very valuable in training. According to the situation you said, she cannot join a certain big guild, and she has experienced the last time. I don't think I will get a union and a club by myself. I can only find a potential stock. And the potential stock and the union can compare with us." Sister Li said confidently.

"I hope so." This kind of thing is too empty, who knows what she thinks.

"You have to do the exposure, leave the rest to us, you must not miss it, you must stay." Sister Li was full of confidence and said: "In this way, your friend mailed those things to me, just to add. The guild’s insufficiency. It’s better to get a batch of goods from the bright camp after a while.

"I will try my best." Li Yao saw that the players had been dispelled and the fog had appeared, and he said suddenly, "That's it, I'm doing the task."

"Well, you are busy." Sister Li hung up the communication.

Li Yao was constantly analyzing the patrol below while the fog was not too thick and he could see clearly.

To Li Yao's surprise, the patrol mission below was actually the player.

Li Yao activated the passive effect in the wooden house, and entered the stealth state directly, but he saw the area announcement before he got close to the Lake: Enemies with dark camp sneaked into the temple, the temple All entrances and exits have been blocked. The invader should have entered the range of Shuangyue Lake. The high priest ordered that all priests and guards who were armed tonight wanted this person. Killing this invader by the fire will receive a reward from the high priest. "

Li Yao's expression changed. Although he knew that he was not wanted, he also had an urge to scold his mother.

There are players from other dark camps who have sneaked into the temple, and they are not deformed. It turned out to be wanted.

Originally, with Li Yao's plan, using the phantom fog scroll and the natural fog, he avoided the guards without knowing it, and then obtained the water of Blue Moon Lake.

But now it seems that it is not so easy. However, at this time, Li Yao has no retreat. Otherwise, it will not be easy to wait until the drawings are blessed tomorrow and he wants to approach the temple just right again.

Li Yao hurriedly returned to his residence. Not long after he returned to his tree house, a moon guard knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, I'm here to remind you that there is a little guy from the dark camp sneaking in. You must be careful." While the guard entered the house to remind Li Yao, he kept his hand on the weapon and kept looking at the tree house.

Li Yao pretended not to see it, and said in surprise: "I have such courage, I also have some means to help find it."

The guard showed a smile and said, "No trouble, this is a small trial of the priests and guards for the new priests and guards. Those of us just guard the temple and don’t let him escape. I won't make a move."

"Well, then I should rest." Li Yao smiled.

"Well, then bother." The guard turned and left.

Li Yao closed the door again, looked at the guard walking away, and smiled slightly: "This trip is interesting."...

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