MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 335: Single player combo

When Li Yao returned to the Undercity, he didn't go anywhere else, and ran directly to the Royal District. He was really not very reliable with a bottle of the essence of Blue Moon's power.

This kind of thing is not very stable, especially if it is condensed in a bottle, it is like a timing, it is better to hand it over to the queen early.

After all, in case of any accident, it would not be so easy for Li Yao to get into the temple and get the lake. In fact, the melancholy song will inevitably give Li Yao a scapegoat.

The power of Blue Moon, although the temple doesn't use it much. That's because this kind of power is full of curses, and the disaster of werewolves taught the ancient elves a profound lesson.

But this does not mean that they allow others to take advantage of this forbidden power. The object they wanted for last night was near Blue Moon Lake, and then the energy of Blue Moon Lake was reduced a lot the next day, and they would be discovered. This is a lie. Unstoppable, this black pot will naturally be placed on this wanted person.

In the same laboratory, the queen felt the mysterious energy fluctuations in the bottle, nodded with satisfaction, and said; "I did not misunderstand you. I didn't expect you to complete it so soon, and it was intact."

Then he whispered: "Is the defense of the Moon God Temple really lax now? I actually filled a bottle, and one-third of it exceeded my expectations."

Li Yao's black line, this queen is really unreliable, but there is no way, the situation is better than the others, let alone now, there will be more things to count on her in the future.

Although this queen is a little bit arrogant and unreliable, but at such a low level to be able to get closer to the world wave ss, it is worth paying any price.

In other world-class waves, every identity is no less than that of the queen, but if you want to accept what missions like this, it is also a daydream. Now players do not have this qualification, in their opinion.

To be able to catch the Queen’s line, I don’t know how many steps I have led others. Although I have been accepting difficult missions at this stage, it is a world wave after all. If the mission posted is too pediatric, wouldn’t it be a joke.

This can be regarded as an invisible threshold. If it fails to meet the queen's expectations of the rookie, it will naturally lose its qualifications.

"Ahem, look, I have completed my mission, should I be rewarded?" Li Yao reminded him to pretend not to hear her mutter.

"The reward is naturally indispensable for you. What are you worried about." The queen retracted her gaze and said indifferently: "At this stage, I can teach you two tricks, one is active skills and the other is passive skills. Now let you choose , Which one do you choose."

Li Yao was slanderous, could the mission reward be changed, but his face still looked serious, which was obviously another invisible test for the queen.

In her capacity, she doesn't need to talk nonsense to herself, if she teaches any skills, directly pass it back to him. But letting him choose is bound to be a temptation and consideration.

Of course, this consideration does not affect his learning skills, but it does affect the Queen's favorability towards him. If the answer is in line with the Queen's wishes, it will definitely increase her favorability and make her pay more attention to it.

Li Yao thought for a while before saying: "I choose to be passive."

"Yes." The queen's eyes flashed with light, and a little finger touched his brow.

Li Yao knew that he had passed this test. In fact, this test was a problem.

What the queen wanted to ask was, at this stage, for Li Yao personally, is the increase in active skills or passive skills increased?

The first thing Li Yao thought of was that it is impossible to learn any stunts or super skills with active skills at this stage, and Li Yao’s offensive power is too strong. In fact, there is an additional active skill. The significance cannot be said to be small, but compared to passive skills It's bad.

Passive skills seem to have no effect, but in fact they are very useful, especially for the passive that suits you, the improvement is not a little bit.

And feeling the passive skills he had learned, Li Yao was even more certain of his judgment.

A golden light enveloped Li Yao. After completing so many tasks, especially after this highly experienced task, Li Yao upgraded to level 16.

Due to the arena, players are now accelerated to upgrade, but Li Yao is still far ahead.

"This passive skill is very special. It is not about blessing attack power and strengthening certain attributes, but it is one of my housekeeping skills. It depends on you how much you can comprehend and whether you can use it freely." The queen smiled. .

"Thank you Queen." Li Yao sincerely thanked him. Although this skill is passive, it is definitely one of the magical skills. Although he has long wanted this skill for a long time, it was in his thoughts.

If you want to get this skill, level 20 may be an opportunity. If you can't get it at level 20, you can only wait for level 40 or 50.

Twenty level is also a stage of qualitative change. Many elite professions and talents are powerful starting at level 20. This is a watershed.

For example, if Li Yao's mechanical hunter wants to truly become a torrent of steel, level 20 is a hurdle.

Now it seems that the mechanical hunter has a small effect, but as long as it reaches level 20, that is the beginning stage when the mechanical hunter begins to show its power. The real mechanical torrent will be built from that Of course, in fact, Li Yao’s plan is to start preparing for the twentieth level after working on the guild station, and some mechanical drawings need to be obtained.

Single player combo skills · Two skills can be combined to use, and different skill combinations have different effects. It may be a good effect or a bad effect.

Li Yao used to be able to match a few skills with charged arrows, but that was the characteristic of charged arrows, and many of them could use combo skills. Having this passive means that he can complete any combination of skills.

"Combinations are not so easy to use. Although I have mastered it, I don't want to tell you that you can use it freely only when you understand it. You should understand." The queen withdrew her finger.

"I know."

Of course Li Yao understands that, for example, when his parents told you that many things were right when he was young, but he didn't experience it personally, but he didn't believe or agree with it. Only by secretly trying and experiencing it would he be convinced.

"Ahem, it's okay, I will finish the second task first." Li Yao couldn't bear to try the combo.

"Wait, who said it's all up to you." The queen released her hand, and the bottle containing the lake water floated in front of Li Yao again, and said: "Why do you think the Moon Temple can't find this bottle? That's because the bottle was sealed by me. Your personal thing is covered by your soul. No one can use this thing except you. Go and pour out the lake."

Suddenly, Li Yao also had ten thousand grassy horses galloping past. This kind of small bottle, to be completely poured out, is simply torture, but there is no way, he can only suppress his own mood and honestly get out the contents. , I can comfort myself by getting a space container...

ps: There will be an outbreak of four or five shifts after the early hours of this morning, ready to go to the monthly ticket list, please keep the monthly ticket in your hand and give me a vote. Thank you Mario. (To be continued.)

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