MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 358: select

? Chocobos are racial mounts of high elves, and they are also domesticated by Arcane Guardians during training.


   The advantage of this mount is that it gives the wizard a certain bonus, but this bird is too bumpy, and besides the high elves, players in other dark camps generally don't like this mount.


   For the mage, no matter what race it is, this mount must be used.


Among    ancient gods, powerful mounts have attribute bonuses, and the more high-quality mounts, the more abnormal their attributes.


   Even some other mounts can be used as pets to a certain extent to help players fight.


Although Chocobo is good, Li Yao doesn’t consider it for the time being. For him, this attribute bonus doesn’t make much sense. For example, Li Yao’s racial talent now uses more ancient elves’ racial talent instead of High elves.


"It seems that you don't like chocobos. You can get one in the future, but now you should choose another mount. Velociraptors are good. Although they are trolls domesticated, they are very suitable for you." The queen pointed Said the Velociraptor.


   Blue Velociraptor


  Quality: Excellent blue


   30% increase in movement speed bonus


  The gift of Swiftness, the Velociraptor is the overlord of the low-level land, gains the gift of the God of Nature, and increases the player's sensitivity by 5%


   Loyal partner, it is said that the Velociraptor has the blood of a giant dragon and can help players fight together.


   Li Yao nodded, this mount is indeed very suitable for Li Yao. Although the sensitivity bonus is not much, 5% still has a certain effect.


   Loyal Companion is a good special effect, which is equivalent to getting an elite pet when Li Yao fights. Although there is no hunter's attribute bonus, it is also good.


  Of course, this kind of goodness is only aimed at ordinary players. An elite is nothing to Li Yao at all. It is really a bit tasteless and a pity to abandon it.


   Velociraptor is a troll tamed mount. Although it is a mount, it is very wild, so it can help players fight. It is not easy for ordinary players to get the recognition of a Velociraptor.


   For example, now, the velociraptor looked at Li Yao with blood-red eyes. If it hadn't been chained by a lasso, it would have started attacking Li Yao directly.


   Li Yao then looked at the next mount.




  Quality: Excellent blue


   Increases movement speed bonus by 30%.


   Brutal power, Kodo is a very gentle, but very powerful creature, the player’s strength increases by 10%


   Carrying heavy objects, Kodomon can carry very heavy goods, can be made into a transport vehicle, can carry heavy objects.


   Kodo is a mount that was domesticated by the tauren. In fact, the tauren is very good at running and is not weaker than the mount.


   only accepted the culture of the dark camp before starting to domesticate this gentle creature. Kodo animals are more used for transportation. After all, Kodo animals are strong, cold-resistant, heat-resistant, and endurance.


It is a very good attribute to increase strength by 10%, but Li Yao finally shook his head. Kodo has more restrictions and is suitable for walking in hells with flat terrain. In some places with many mountains, Kodo has lost its mount. The role of.


   Li Yao looked at the next mount again.


   skeletal war horse


  Quality: Excellent blue


   30% increase in movement speed


  The thorn of the dead, the bone warhorse gains the power of death, and the effect of dark skills is increased by 5%.


  Death tracking, the bone warhorse allows players to perceive undead creatures around 100 yards.


   Needless to say, this is the mount of the forgotten.


   is basically the resurrection of the bones of war horses, and the thorn of the dead is of great effect to Li Yao.


   As for death tracking, it is equivalent to learning a tracking skill. It is a very good ability.


   There is another advantage of the skeletal war horse, that is, no feeding is required.


  In the ancient gods, the mounts don't consume nothing. For example, the Velociraptor needs to feed a lot of fresh meat every day. Otherwise the velociraptor may betray.


   So there was a very weird situation in the last life. Many people wanted to get more mounts to get attribute bonuses.


   But many players can go bankrupt just by feeding a bunch of mounts. Generally, unless they are particularly good mounts, few players are willing to raise so many mounts.


   Unlike the ancient war horse, it is enough to supplement the death image once every six months or so. The supplement is also very simple. It can be supplemented by the skeleton war horse where the undead gather.


   It can be said that the bone war horse is the most worry-free, and it is a very practical mount.


   "This is more suitable for the Dark Ranger." The Queen said, "And it's very worry-free."


   "I understand." Li Yao nodded, but this mount was good.


   If it is a single player, Li Yao would naturally not think of getting many mounts, but he is now a while long, and will soon have his own field station.


   In this case, the mount is the same as a pet. You don't need to stay in the pet space when you are not called. Instead, you can stay in the station. Then, find an npc to feed your own mount. This is his plan.


   It’s just that the level is too low now. It’s not easy to get a mount now. Collecting mounts can only wait for the later accumulation.




  Quality: Excellent blue


   Increases movement speed by 30%.


   Howl of the wolf, the wolf howls, the player gains 5% attack power.


   Loyal partners, once the wolf recognizes the lord, he is loyal, because he has a strong fighting will and can help his lord to fight together.


   Wolves, now orcs choose to domesticate their mounts after they come to the world of ancient gods. Orcs advocate barbarism, and they want their race to be united like a pack of wolves.


   The attributes of this mount are also very good. Attack power bonus is a very useful attribute. Loyal partners and Velociraptors are the same and can help players fight.


   Li Yao only looked at the last mount. Why is it? Because this is a product of a goblin, a mechanical car, not a living creature.


  Mechanical Vehicle


  Quality: Excellent color


   Increase the movement speed by structure, the attributes and effects of all mechanical items are increased by 10%


   The trunk, the mechanical car has a large trunk, which can store things 0/35


   Li Yao's eyes lit up. This mechanical car can increase the attributes of mechanical pets. If you use firearms, the skill attack power will also be increased. It is tasteless for other players, but it is superb for yourself.


   The trunk has expanded its storage space again, so that you can bring more supplies and bring back too much loot.


   What’s more important is that as long as there is fuel, a mechanical car can move forward. I don’t know if I’m tired.


   And if you change different tires, it can also be applied to different terrain. Just what Li Yao needs now.


   "I have already chosen, so I will choose the mechanical car." Li Yao picked up the car key on the mechanical car and said...


   (To be continued.)

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