MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 373: Gemini level

Several people walked a distance again, and said in a flash, "There really is a door in front."

Li Yao was overjoyed. He didn't expect to have a harvest soon after he came in. This was a very good start.

"Look at their situation, to what extent has the goblin engineer opened the portal?" This is Li Yao's most concern.

Because each of the portals of Titans is almost different, many portals are invincible to a certain extent, and in this kind of ruins, the person who opens the portals often gets a piece of inheritance information.

It is said that it is inheritance, but in fact it is just some basic information of Titan language and some Titan technology, which can make people understand some knowledge of Titan technology.

Many mechanical gnomes have obtained these cores, and they often make such portal levels to guard their underground cities.

In fact, most of the mechanical gnomes are not particularly intelligent. Although the mechanical gnomes who have escaped the seal have gained freedom, they prefer the life of the underground city rather than the troubled ground world.

For people with low engineering attainments, it is useless to obtain these fragmentary information, and it is easy to be confused in the cloud. A large amount of information needs to be searched to combine and become useful information.

In fact, whether it is a goblin or a dwarf, their creativity is not very high. They have been using and unlocking the technology of the Titans to improve their level.

Li Yao has been collecting this information for two years after his last life, but he has collected few useful things. Now that there are more opportunities like this, there is no reason why Li Yao should not cherish it.

"Strange, they seem to be different teams led by two goblins. The two goblins are talking and laughing, and they didn't open the level." The short-lived voice revealed doubts.

"How many people are they stationed now?" Li Yao asked.

"About forty, and both goblins are seventeen-level intermediate bosses." said in a flash, "the other party has too many people, and the high-end combat power also strengthens us. I think we should detour."

Zhan Tianya also said: "Master, I also don't think it is easy to head-on. We have too few people, and we can't protect you at all."

Of course Li Yao knew their plans. They were afraid that they would not be able to protect themselves, and they simply didn't want to take this risk.

"You protect me, don't be kidding, if it weren't for Miller's hospitality, I wouldn't invite you at all. Since you are afraid, just stay here, I can solve them alone." Golden quality machinery With the puppet in hand, and still at the level of the boss of the faction, Li Yaoke was not afraid at all.

Even if outnumbered in the end, it will not be easy for the other party to keep themselves.

What's more, now goblins and dwarfs are developing this ruin. It is simply a delusion to want to get the good things you want without fighting.

Since fighting is inevitable, why avoid it.

Li Yao said that he had quickly passed a few people and ran to the forefront.

"Damn." Zhan Tianya cursed secretly, and several people looked at each other and quickly followed.

They got this task after several rounds of screening, the reward is very attractive, but the corresponding task failed and the punishment is very serious.

And when they came, Miller had made it clear how the underground decided what Li Yao had said. If they disobeyed the order and were exposed by Li Yao, it would be considered as a failure of their mission.

"Yeah, boys of the bright camp, you are really slow in coming."

Seeing Li Yao showing up with a few people at the entrance of the passage, a male goblin who was also sitting on the puppet said in an extremely sharp voice.

"The so-called coming early is not as good as coming by coincidence. Now the level is still not opened." Li Yao began to look at the situation in the hall.

Sure enough, there are two goblins, one standing on top of the puppet is the one who just spoke, and the other is sitting on the neck of a huge humanoid monster.

The monster is also tall and tall, like a gorilla, but fierce and taller than the gorilla, with a dazzling scarlet light in its eyes.

At the same time, there are still a lot of explosive barrels and mines hanging on the monster's body. Obviously this guy is not a good person.

There are four or five teams around them to protect.

In comparison, Li Yao's team seemed too thin, and Zhan Tianya's face was not very good-looking.

Although they are strong, the players on the opposite side are obviously elite players. They can be one enemy, two enemy five, but not one enemy ten.

"It's not enough for you to look at it." The female goblin said. Obviously, she didn't look at the few players around Li Yao.

"One is not enough, then add another one." Li Yao blew his whistle, and the new image of Death 4000 appeared beside him.

There is a sniper rifle on one side and a hand cannon on the other, both very deterrent weapons, pointing at each other.

"It turns out that you are also a mechanical hunter. The mechanical hunter uses a warrior's puppet, which is a bit interesting." The male goblin pointed to the door and said, "You come and take a look at this level. If you can see what door it is, we may still cooperate. , Hey, so sorry, you have no value for existence."

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, and heard the The original idea of ​​preemptive strikes also stopped. Li Yao slowly walked to the door and stretched out his hand to press on the huge door.

A series of mysterious symbols appeared in front of Li Yao. If he hadn't had the experience of the previous life, Li Yao would definitely be confused, but because of the accumulation of the previous life, Li Yao quickly understood the meaning of these obscure Titan expressions. .

"I said how you kindly waited here and didn't act. It turns out this is a twin door."

The so-called twin gates require two people who are proficient in engineering to start unlocking at the same time. If two people who also know the correct steps unlock it, there is no danger at all.

But if you don’t know the correct method and unlock the two at the same time, then one of them will unlock half of them, and the other will be sacrificed.

It is one of the relatively rare levels, and if it is unlocked by someone who does not understand engineering, the level will not be solved at all. This is the wisdom of Titan.

"It seems that you really see what this is, how about it, dare you to unlock this level with me?" The male goblin came to Li Yao and said.

"Sure enough, it's a good calculation." Li Yao saw that the players were still confused and didn't know what they were talking about.

This is the status quo of the player. Now the player knows too little and can only be regarded as a spectator, not even a participant.

"The two of you will inevitably die when you turn it on, so I'll come, so even if one of you dies, then the other can kill me and get the level."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll just ask if you dare." said the male elf.

Li Yao sneered and said, "Although I know this is a trap, I still have to look around."

Saying that, Li Yao actually has nothing to do. If he can't find another engineering master, this level won't open at all...

(To be continued.)

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