MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 433: Level 20

There is a small **** extending from the water under the diagonally opposite mirror image, through which the frogman can attack the mirror image, which is also the reason why the frogman general is confident.

In his opinion, the prince has really become a turtle in the urn, and there is no way to escape. No matter what the price is paid today, as long as the prince is killed and his head is brought back, it is victory, and he also covets the heritage treasure of the frogman clan Three feet. If there is no greater ambition, he will not betray the prince.

Frogmen also have long-range occupations, but shamans can heal very little, basically equivalent to elemental shamans with some lightning spells, and another law system is poison frogmen.

Then there are warriors with water forks, and there are no defensive occupations, many races are like this, and only races like the three major camps have a complete professional system.

It's just that they control the frogman, so Li Yaolien has no chance to collect it, and the Hydra directly absorbs the toxin.

The soldiers of the frogmen came up like a tide with countless poison dart frogs. They were basically 1-star elites, and more than twenty elites.

If it were not for the mirror image of the prince, it would be almost impossible for a few people to block the army's charge. Of course, if that's the case, Li Yao would also bring the Fruit Knights and the guardian angels over. This kind of occasion is most suitable for him to play.

Li Yao opened fire in an instant, and the first thing that stood in the front was the multi-headed snake. The falling snow restricted the frogmen's speed.

Li Yao used a charged arrow with multiple shots, and he used a blue moon bow, but the arrow tower was most suitable for this occasion, and the power of the piercing arrow could be maximized.

The three small artillery also continued to roar, causing a piece of damage.

There are a variety of totems around the dull pupil, which can release fireballs, wind blades, can cause group damage, can heal, and can bless.

An earth element and a fire element also joined the battle, blocking the frogman's footsteps with the Hydra.

Because they are called totems, they are truly invincible.

The totem is immortal, they are immortal, just like if the frogman cannot find their body, it is almost impossible to destroy their mirror image.

And Hitomi's own spell damage is not low, and the frogman's body is constantly raging with the light of lightning.

Sister Li doesn't have any summons, she is a pure output class, and she is supported entirely by spells.

The blizzard, the frozen ball, and the large-area freezing effect, both output and control are emphasized, and the output is not necessarily different.

With the rampant spells and skills, the frogmen fell one after another, and the experience of the three of Li Yao began to take off.

Of course, the frogmen's spells have also begun to wreak havoc, and the frogman prince pretends to constantly heal everyone, keeping everyone's bloodline, and it appears in the general's eyes.

The blood of the four people went up and down, as if they might be dropped at any time. The frogs around the general were also extremely excited, and they also thought that victory was in sight.

However, they didn't know that it was just an illusion. After all, the general is no more than a twenty-two one-star leader. In fact, he doesn't know much about the core secrets of the frogman. He only knows the general function of the inherited treasure. How can he imagine that it will be true.

They didn't even know that they had fallen into the trap.

At the same time, the ranking list has also changed.

Originally, because Li Yao's level as a mechanical puppet was stagnant, a lot of news from Xinghuo said that Li Yao was getting a secret weapon, and he didn't go out for several days.

Many players have also ignited the desire to compete for the rank list, so when Li Yao made the puppets, many players were actually already secretly working hard.

The situation that Li Yao was in the underground ruins was almost restored. By this morning, many players were already level 19. However, Li Yao's experience remained unchanged.

It’s just that Li Yao took the first kill of a boss, which made many lives have an ominous premonition. However, although Li Yao’s experience has increased a lot because of the boss killing, as the experience value no longer changes, these people began to hypnotize themselves. To say that Li Yao just wanted to take the first kill, not an upgrade.

However, the reality is cruel. After a period of time, Li Yao's experience began to increase wildly.

The ranking list is refreshed every five minutes, and each time Li Yao's experience is rapidly increasing.

"Your uncle, this guy must be on purpose."

"Nonsense, you still need to talk about this, it must be intentional."

"The hunting king is too slippery. This is deliberately playing with them. If nothing happens, stop upgrading for a while, give them hope, and then make them desperate when they are about to catch up. It is simply a master at playing people."

"What? This is called pulling the leveling atmosphere of the entire server and driving the game version update. Think about it, how slow the upgrade was at the beginning, but because of the hunting king’s lead and giving them hope, it formed two leveling frenzy. , Otherwise, I guess the top players are still dangling around level 15."

"What I said upstairs is too reasonable. Although I don't compete for the ranking list, in order not to leave the team, UU reading is also desperately upgrading."

"In the same desperate upgrade."

Because of the changes in the ranking list, every channel in the world has gone crazy. Except for those guilds who scolded Li Yao and wished to kill him, those who had no conflict of interest with Li Yao basically maintained a wait-and-see attitude and watched the excitement, and most of them were loved and heard.

However, Xiaoyao Studio knew the approximate location of Li Yao, and because of Li Yao's frenzied leveling, he was very upset, and led people to kill the beach again.

However, where there is still Li Yao's shadow now, those guilds have sent a large number of people to patrol continuously, and the result is still nothing.

After busying for three or four hours, many people began to doubt Xiaoyao Studio. Xiaoyao Studio bought breathing medicine and went to the sea to prove that they had to bear the pain.

It turned out that for a few more hours, they still got nothing.

In the meantime, Tongtong and Sister Li had reached level 19, and Li Yao had reached level 20 in the afternoon.

"The player started a prairie fire and defeated the crowd, and became the first player to become a level 20 player, rewarding 300 prestige for each race of the camp and 2 talent points."

"The player started a prairie fire and defeated the crowd, and became the first player to become a level 20 player, rewarding 300 prestige for each race of the camp and 2 talent points."

"The player started a prairie fire and defeated the crowd, and became the first player to become a level 20 player, rewarding 300 prestige for each race of the camp and 2 talent points."

The three colorful announcements immediately made the server boiling again, but the players were not surprised that Li Yao's upgrade speed was too fast.

And Xiaoyao Studio and several guilds also gave up looking for Li Yao and gave up the plan to stifle him. After all, it took a long time, but the person was not found and the upgrade was delayed.

On Li Yao's side, General Frogman has become extremely angry...

(To be continued.)

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