MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 437: The Battle of the Wolf King (repaying one)

After Li Yao is determined, even if he accepts the task, Irene nodded and said: "Very well, then I will tell you the rules. You have to listen carefully. This is related to how many pets you can bring, so don't be distracted. ."

"Teacher please elaborate." Although Li Yao knows the rules well, his attitude must be correct.

"Well, the trial is divided into stages. Each time you go through a stage, you can get the corresponding benefits. But it doesn't matter if you don't reach the high stage. Except this time, you will get a retrial for every fifth level. Qualification. Understand, so you don't need to have any pressure, just do your best." Irene said slowly.

"I know." Of course, Li Yao knows that this rule means that if you fail in the second stage, it doesn't matter, then level up. Every five levels you will get a chance to challenge again.

This is the humanized setting of the ancient gods, and the advanced mission does not mean that it cannot be compensated if it fails now.

After all, many people are not strong at the beginning, and can't achieve very good results in advanced trials. When they become strong in the future, the previous results will be flawed.

After all, I am not a master now, but it does not mean that I will not be a master in the future. In this way, it will not happen. The situation where the master has been suppressing others is one of the most praised settings.

For example, Li Yao, although his strength was not strong at the beginning of his previous life, his trial tasks were gradually improved when his skills were high.

"Very good, the trials are divided into three levels, one is the elite level, one is the silver British level, and the other is the boss level. For example, if you choose the elite level trial and complete the second phase of the trial, then you can summon If you have two elite pets below to help you fight, there is still one above the elite level. After completing the second stage of the trial, you can have two silver Ying pets help you fight at the same time, and the leader level is still one. The boss level is the highest difficulty. After completing the second stage, you can summon two boss level pets to fight. Of course, all you summon are ordinary pets, and the same is two." Irene said a bunch: "You understand this rule. Right."

"I understand that the quality of summoning pets is related to the difficulty of completion, but the number of summons is related to the stage of completion." Li Yao said seriously, he knew this was Irene's preferential treatment to him, and ordinary people came to test her. I won't say so much, just look at the task log, I don't understand, I don't understand, blame myself.

"That's good, you have a multi-headed snake, if you want to summon more pets, you must choose the leader-level trial. The first stage is very simple, the animal **** will let your mind control a powerful beast to fight , And you have to shoot with a bow and arrow, and you can judge that you fail the level based on your performance. The total score is 10, the evaluation is more than 6 points, and the score is more than 9 points to enter the next stage of the trial." Irene said: "If you understand, just tell me and the trial will begin immediately."

"I understand, let's start."

This is a simple one-minded two-purpose, which is quite difficult for ordinary players, but it is trivial to Li Yao,

"The second-tier recruit starts a prairie fire. You have three chances to fail, three trials, and the best result." What Irene can help Li Yao is to explain the rules clearly. It is impossible to cheat for him. : "Boss level difficulty, first stage trial, start."

Then the scene changed, Li Yao himself appeared in the arena, and there were many active trials of the grass man in the distance.

On the other side of the scene is an endless prairie, with countless magic wolves surrounding a huge field.

A young twentieth-level leader-level demon wolf and an elderly leader demon wolf looked at each other in the middle of the field, as if they would attack at any time.

"System: After the trial begins, there will be moving dummies that move and move, damage bonuses for hitting deadly parts, and eliminate the constantly appearing mobile dummies. On the other side is the fight for the wolf king, you will separate mind control young demon Wolf, defeat the old wolf king and become the new demon wolf king. The trial countdown begins on 15.14.13..."

The elite level is to control the elite battles, and the Yinying level is to control the Yinying level battles. Li Yao is not nervous enough. Now the magic wolf is his pet. Li Yao directly separated the spirit and took over the control of the magic wolf.

As for the target, just kidding, the bows and arrows for so many years were practiced for nothing. He didn't need to aim at this kind of moving target at all, and he could hit it accurately by feeling.

Li Yao took a look at the magic wolf's skills, sneaking, wild roar, claws, ferocious bites, wild jumping, frantic grabbing, and mutilation.

There is nothing to say about sneaking, which is the same as the sneaking of thieves. Savage roar is a buff to increase attributes. The others are damage skills.

The subjects of the trial are also random, and may be magic wolves, tigers, magic dragons, or even giants.

As the countdown ended, Li Yao directly launched a sneak.

The old wolf also entered a state of sneaking in an instant, and the thousands of demon wolves onlookers wailed, roaring to show their excitement.

The grass man's target also began to move, and Li Yao directly started shooting with the blue moon bow, but most of his mind was distributed to the demon wolf.

This site is a grassland. While observing the green grass that fluctuates with the wind, Li Yao slowly moved according to the law of the swaying of the and tried not to let the old wolf judge his location.

He didn't dare to be in his original position. If he was pounced, he would be in trouble. The opponent is the Wolf King, he is not now, and his attributes are still slightly different, and he can't fight the opponent.

And Li Yao didn't dare to take it carelessly. Now NPCs are much better than players. Players are too immature, but the monsters and NPC system give it.

As Li Yao moved, his ears were also erected, and he was observing the changes in the grass, trying to find the position of the old wolf king and try to preemptively.

This old wolf was also extremely powerful, and was equally proficient in sneaking. The two of them kept looking for each other's tracks, and five minutes passed.

The old wolf king did not reveal any flaws, and Li Yao frowned. As an old wolf king, he must be good at hunting, and the most important thing about hunting is patience.

Li Yao also doesn't lack this, but he doesn't want to consume it like this.

Li Yao deliberately pretended to make a sound accidentally, and the old wolf king suddenly jumped over.

Although Li Yao could not see, he could also feel the fluctuation of the air.

Li Yao didn't even think about it, after making a sound, he rolled out continuously.



The old wolf pounced suddenly and fell to the ground making a sound.

Having already rolled out, Li Yao, who had just stood up, also launched a wild jump.


Li Yao's claws that controlled the demon wolf severely brought out blood marks on the old wolf's body, and at the same time, both of them showed their bodies.

The old wolf had been thrown to the ground, and the demon wolf controlled by Li Yao was biting the old wolf crazily. There were six deep blood marks on the old wolf's stomach, and a lot of blood poured out.

And the young Demon Wolf also had three blood stains on his left body, also dripping with blood...

ps: pay back ing

(To be continued.)

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