MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 444: Ancient God Fel Spider Framework

Sister Li saw Li Yao slipping out, and said with a smile: "It seems that your relationship is restored."

Qin Fengyi shook his head and said, "Not yet, as if there are still some shackles. Maybe this time I'm too excited."

"You haven't lived together yet, can't you." Sister Li was puzzled.

Qin Fengyi said: "No, I always think he is running away, but I don't know why."

"Come slowly, wait a minute, I also want to see what the combination of engineering and undead technology can make." Sister Li turned off the topic.

"It seems that my proposal is useful. I should go to the Queen now." Qin Fengyi and both are smart people. Li Yao didn't say anything, they knew that Li Yao must have gone to the Queen for help. , The high-end things like undead creation are not something that current players can play.

Their guess was not wrong. Li Yao did indeed go to the royal quarter, but instead of looking for the queen, he went directly to the female officer next to the queen.

This matter is important to her at the top, but it couldn't be smaller on the Queen's side, and now the Queen probably focuses her energy on the war against the centaur, and it is not a smart thing to disturb her now.

The female officer next to the queen is actually the female secretary next to the queen. In addition to her strength, she has great power to manage the daily affairs of the Undercity when the queen is away.

In Undercity, the queen is of course the highest status, followed by the president of the Great Apothecary Association, and there is a demon with a relatively detached status.

It's just that the queen doesn't trust them very much, so they can't have much influence on the Undercity except for the little power they own.

The female officer was originally strong, coupled with her good management skills, and won the Queen's trust.

According to the news from the royal guard, the queen is not in the Undercity. However, as the queen's inheritor, he has obtained the qualification to pass in the royal district, and he can enter and exit the most secret laboratory. It can be said that there is no forbidden place for him here.

"I heard that your trial has attracted much attention, and it’s not bad." The female officer was dealing with official duties. Seeing Li Yao’s familiar greeting to Li Yao, she understood the Queen’s thoughts best. As Li Yao showed more and more Dazzling. In addition, she has done a few very difficult things for the queen, and has truly gained her trust and respect. Although the queen has not shown it, she has followed the queen for too long. This kind of thing is naturally understood.

Coupled with Li Yao's deliberate use of favorability, she now treats Li Yao as a younger brother, so she has no respect for the guests.

"That's a fluke, my little scum, it's not worth mentioning to you sister." Li Yao was not polite and sat directly beside the female officer.

"This is wrong. The strong also come from the weak step by step. As long as you maintain this momentum, you will surely become the right-hand man of my king in the future." The female officer said solemnly.

"My sister taught me." Li Yao arched his hands.

"Let's talk, what's the matter this time, the queen is not there, if it's the same for small things, you don't have to trouble the queen every time." The female officer laughed.

"I can’t hide anything from my sister. That’s it. Didn’t I pass the third stage of the boss-level trial? I can bring three boss-level pets, but I ran into a little trouble making a powerful pet. I want to ask my sister to do me a little favor." Li Yao said straight away instead of selling it off.

"Tell me what's going on." The female officer put down the quill and said seriously.

"That's it." Li Yao said to the problem that he encountered, and then said: "So I want to ask my sister to help me find a master to see if I can complete this creation."

"This is a bad idea for you, but the idea is correct, and it really works." The female officer said: "Presumably you also know that the Burning Legion has gathered many intelligent races of the main plane, which are good at engineering and magic circles, and magic artillery. You must know the magic mecha, and the Scourge inherited the technology of the Burning Legion, and extended and developed according to its own situation, but was good at the production and fusion of soul and body. You said this is in a creature It is actually not very difficult to incorporate steel on the body, but there are some requirements."

"Sister, please tell me, what kind of spider talent and steel are needed, I must turn it into a mechanical type, otherwise it will benefit me less." Li Yao explained.

"The requirements are very simple. You can't find real flesh and blood creatures, or you will become undead creatures after the production is completed. Real flesh and blood creatures cannot withstand this forging." The female officer continued, "It would be best if you can find a shale spider. It’s difficult to define this kind of spider in beasts and elemental clocks."

"Shale spiders, this is unique to the earth element world, and even if there are other places, my level is not enough." Li Yao frowned: "Are there any other spiders, is there only one suitable?"

"There is also a very rare kind of spider, the crystal spider, but this kind of spider is too difficult to find, and the conditions for its appearance are very harsh. As long as the shale spider is strong enough, it can be found, but the crystal spider needs a chance. Can know where it will appear." The female officer said: "It's not easy for you to get this kind of spider horror."

"Crystal spider." Li Yao thought of the crystal spider that hadn't come out after having used it once except for level ten copies, and summoned and said: "Sister, is this what you said."

The crystal spider was released and immediately rubbed Li Yao's, which made Li Yao a little guilty. He took out a crystal and fed it directly. The crystal spider's originally low happiness suddenly increased.

"It seems like it's a godsend, it's much easier to do with this." The female officer nodded and said.

"But this spider's rank is too low, I'm afraid after transformation." Li Yao said worriedly, after all, the crystal spider is just a silver eagle.

"You can't underestimate this kind of spider. The conditions for its formation are very harsh. The soul is different from ordinary creatures. It has a crystal core like a mechanical core. The core is not bad. This creature can be resurrected even if it dies. The key is its The body is easy to transform and fuse. Don’t you have something from the ancient gods? If you keep it for what you do, you can use it on the crystal spider, and you can already have a powerful fel spider leader, and then fuse your spider tank shell to become a Imagine that the spider tank is even stronger, and the principle of the magic mecha is almost the same." The female officer explained patiently.

"Since my elder sister said so, it's all up to my elder sister." Li Yao was overjoyed, the evil machine is naturally stronger, there is no doubt about this.

"Well, well, wait for me for half an hour. After I have handled these official duties, I will find some people to come to your laboratory to make this thing together. I also want to see the combination of crystal spiders, ancient gods and mechanical metals. What is the effect?" the female officer said enthusiastically.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here. Sister, please be busy first." Li Yao nodded and didn't say anything, really looking forward to it...

ps: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, thank you for your continued support to Mario, thank you for your subscription, rewards and comments, thank you all.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. On the night of the fifteenth day, some red envelopes will be sent to thank you. The event is held in the group 427590697, and the VIP group 577209540. If you are interested, you can add it.

(To be continued.)

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