MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 466: End of round

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "Brother, we are going to open up a wasteland, what are you doing for fun, explain what is the use of this, let's go next."

Broad sea and sky continued: "Brother, explain how much time it can take."

"Big brother, just talk about it, I want to know what's going on. How did you perceive this thief, the thief is too annoying in the wild, I want to learn too." The cute pupil tilted his head and thought. After a while, continue to say: "Of course, if it's the secret stunt of Big Brother, don't talk about it, just tell us a few, and others don't care about it."

"If it's really your secret, don't say it." Haikuotian said.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "What secrets are not secrets. Since you want to know, I'll tell you. But I guess it won't be of much use to you."

"Since it's not a secret, let's talk about it. Anyway, it won't take any time." Ozawa said: "The Hunter King is humble, and he has never been able to hide himself. It must be another technology that can be promoted."

"Okay, I have to talk about it, so don't put a high hat on me." Li Yao pointed to the place where Laurent was standing, and said, "Actually, he could be found, because he showed a flaw."

Laurent was taken aback, his face changed, and said: "Impossible, I know very well, there is absolutely no movement, there is no sound at all."

Li Yao shook his head and said, "Not a sound."

Laurent was taken aback, and said: "It's not a sound, what's that?"

Li Yao said lightly: "It's the environment."

"It's even more impossible. I soared and noticed. I didn't step on the vegetation at all. In addition, the wind is not small and the airflow is messy. How could there be a flaw." Laurent retorted.

"You have to know that the so-called stealth is only integrated with the environment. It just looks transparent, but it is not really transparent. Do you understand that." Li Yao smiled and continued: "If you still don't Understand, then your thieves skills probably only stop here."

"What do you mean?" Laurent changed his face and said, "You mean, you can find flaws by observation?"

Li Yao said: "That's natural. There is a video today. You will learn the comparison slowly by yourself. Of course, you still have a flaw, that is, standing still. Forget it, I have said everything that should be said, if you understand Yes, I understand it naturally. If I don’t understand, it’s useless if I explain too much. If you are a thief, you can study it, and ordinary players don’t waste their time."

Many people heard what was in the clouds and mist, but after listening to Li Yao for a long time, they were still confused.

Many thief masters seemed to have realized, but they were also confused for a while.

"I've said it, and it's useless to explain it. If you don't understand, you don't understand." Li Yao pointed in the direction of the Devil Alliance and said: "The next game, hurry up."

The Devil League is also very upset. The morale of this side has changed. They think they will win this gambling battle.

After all, there are only the remaining five people. From their original point of view, even if Liaoyuan came up, it was not for abuse. Liaoyuan was strong, but how strong could it be.

However, in fact, up to now, these players who can defeat even the top masters do not even have the qualifications to fight Li Yao. They are basically spikes, and they are still dead and confused, and they are extremely disturbing.

After so few games, the morale accumulated in the front area was exhausted, but it became sluggish, especially this one, it was really horrible, and I felt hopeless and powerless when I thought about it.

"Morren, you can do it this time." Romeo said.

Moran suddenly smiled bitterly and made him go. Originally, he was eager to make a name for himself by defeating Li Yao, but now he has no such thoughts. Going up now is simply looking for abuse.

But Romeo has called his name, and if he doesn't go, he will be too embarrassed, how can this work.

So he stood up with a bitter face, did not speak, and directly launched a life and death fight against Li Yao.

Li Yao chose to accept, and the battle between the two immediately started.

Moran is a mage, and because of the staff, he can flash infinitely.

At the beginning of the game, Moran began to flash crazily, his body erratic, from left to right.

And began to release spells, constantly bombarding Li Yao. Her attack range is also very long, and she can launch an attack on Li Yao from within the distance of the Hydra Snow.

Because of the ice method, the Ice Snake has always refused to resist the ice spells, biting it, no matter how he attacks, it will not hurt Li Yao a single hair.

Many people once again felt the horror of Hydra. A certain head has a passive spell immunity, and the resistance must be particularly high, because Moran's spells fall on Hydra's head and hurt little.

Many Devil League players showed hope on their faces. In their opinion, Li Yao couldn't figure out the trace of the mage at all, and because of the blue moon bow, he didn't dare to empty the arrow at all.

Many players think the same As time goes by, disappointment has also flowed out, thinking that Li Yao's weakness has been found.

"I gave you twenty seconds to give you a chance to kill me, but besides flashing, it is this kind of painless attack. It seems that you are only here, so let's stop here."

Li Yao said that the charged arrow that had been charged to level 4 suddenly shot out, and the mage just flashed out, and the arrow had already arrived and went directly into his throat.

The mage's eyes were full of disbelief. There was no need to replay this time, many people could see clearly, as if the mage hit the arrow himself.

Because if the mage did not flash, the arrow would not attack him either.

Now no one doubts that Li Yao's hitting Laurent in the previous game is luck, because this situation is exactly the same as the previous one.

Li Yao pointed in the direction of the Devil Alliance and said: "Next game."

Next, the Devil Alliance kept sending people up, but few really wanted to confront Li Yao.

Faced with this abnormality, their hearts are full of powerlessness, and they are really too aggrieved.

After all, facing top masters, they still have contacts and can deal damage, but so far, Li Yao has not lost a drop of blood, which makes people too weak.

"There is no hope of winning at all. Does this kind of battle make sense," a player said before going on the court.

Romeo said: "In our Devil League, we must fight to the end if we lose or not. Whether we win or lose."

Then continue to lose. Although I didn't elaborate, everyone knew that the Devil Alliance was already overwhelmed.

In front of so many people's live broadcasts, if they don't fight, then they will truly become clowns. Even if they get the first kill, it doesn't make any sense...

(To be continued.)

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