MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 469: collision

All the players were in an uproar, and no one would have thought that Li Yao would be so straightforward, and he would just do it. It's too rigid to start with the weaker party.

And seeing the thieves ambushing by the big trees and valleys by the side of Xinghuo, a chill suddenly appeared in my heart.

As if Xinghuo had long known that battle was inevitable, he had already arranged manpower.

Romeo of the Devil League didn't react until the scroll landed.

Said loudly: "Everyone pays attention to defense, and treatment pays attention to increasing blood."

The battle broke out so quickly, Romeo didn't think Li Yao dared to do anything if he didn't agree with him, so he was caught off guard.

However, they had to be wrong, and the thieves were not throwing a scroll of damage.

As the scrolls fell, a large amount of mist began to spread and raged, and immediately enveloped the battlefield.

Li Yao's actions were not just for the Assassins, but also for all the members behind him.

Following Li Yao's words, the players in the front row also threw the scroll, which was also the scroll of mist.

For a moment when the fog was filled, Li Yao said on the guild-frequency war channel: "All the legal systems that have been assigned the Hydra Scroll, the top one hundred, throw."

Wow, hundreds of Hydra's scrolls were thrown out, turning into huge fireballs burning on the way.


Hundreds of foremost Devil League players were instantly recruited. After the fire hit the player, it did not disappear, but fell directly into a flaming hydra.

A sea of ​​flames suddenly formed, covering a large area of ​​Devil League players.

Because of the fog, let alone the audience, the players who are slightly behind the Devil League don't know what's going on.

The player in the front has been enveloped by the wall of fire, and his blood volume is falling down.

"Don't mess, it's just a scroll of spells. They are definitely not many. Pay attention to the treatment and increase the blood. The tanks are not chaotic. They prepare group attack spells remotely, aiming at the frontmost position, and spell bombardment." Romeo couldn't help it, because of the fog. , Can't see anything beyond fifteen yards at all. Moreover, when the opponent cannot be seen and the target is locked, the hit rate of single spells is too low, so you can only use group attacks.

Moreover, there are too many top players in the Devil League, so although it started to suffer, the formation was not disrupted by the flame hydra.

Of course, Li Yao didn't expect the Flame Hydra to mess up the opponent's formation, he just wanted to hold the opponent temporarily.

The audience was the most anxious at the moment. The large area in front of the copy was shrouded. They could not see the battle at all, but could only see the flickering of fire in the fog and the sound of spell explosion.

When Li Yao gave the order, he had fired several wave arrows in succession, and at the same time he had collected the Hydra. After the fog was enveloped, he directly summoned the Spider Tank, followed by Fire Eagle, and then Death 4000.

"Order, use spider tanks, fruit knights, and guardian angels as arrows. At the end of the Senate regiment, the others will keep the current awl formation and charge with me." Following Li Yao's order.

Li Yao also buckled the bed crossbow that had long been loaded with huge steel arrows...


The people of the Starfire Guild also launched a charge like an arrow from the string.

With the charge, the players of Xinghuo have also entered the fire coverage of the Devil Alliance, but the range damage spell can not kill the player in seconds.

"Entering the spell coverage area, all remote start attacks." Li Yao gave the order again.

In order to keep the formation neat, Li Yao did not order the soldiers to use the charge skills.

With a scream that pierced the air, the steel arrow directly penetrated five or six players, and these five or six players were instantly killed.

The quality of the Devil League is too high and it directly fills the vacancy.

Romeo's face was gloomy, and it was too bad for them to fight in this kind of visual situation.

After all, there are more people than Xinghuo, if he has a wide field of vision, he can mobilize and surround each other.

But now, the two sides are entering the so-called busy battle. In order to guard the door of the instance, he can only distribute his forces evenly in this way, not daring to hit them, or implement a siege plan.

This was not alarmist talk. He had also learned about Li Yao through other channels and knew about Sonic Arrow. With that clear, they were blind, and Li Yaoque could roughly understand the situation on the battlefield through Sonic Arrow.

Random mobilization can only let the other party find flaws. Therefore, they are still in their original formation, blocking the door of the instance. He believes that with such a hard shake, the Spark Guild is not an opponent of the Devil Alliance.

However, as the spider tank approached, the players who saw the spider tank couldn't help but exclaim.

"What the **** is this."

This is all the thoughts after seeing the spider tank, the spider tank is too powerful and huge.

Over time, the spider tank at this moment has undergone small changes.

In addition to the gleaming rune light, the body seems to be and it also seems to be countless barbs, as if countless black tentacles like link metal spread out of the metal shell.

Six compound eyes gleaming with evil light, on the back is a huge barrel, on both sides are two smaller secondary guns, the black hole is full of deterrence.

Li Yao did not allow the maximum firepower output to be launched, but after the opponent saw it, he caught the opponent off guard.

With the exposure of the spider tank, the main gun of the spider tank was launched, and the new fire eagle, which had been exposed to people's sight long ago, also pounced and launched an attack at the same time.

The Reaper 4000 standing in front of Li Yao also fired at the same time, and the rockets roared into the Devil Alliance formation.

Many viewers outside the venue and watching the live broadcast have seen Fire Eagles. Now that they saw Fire Eagles again, they found the difference. It was much larger than the original size, and the flames were more dreamy and more noble. .

"Liaoyuan's pet has obviously changed again. It turns out that it has retained its strength, but it is a pity that it is blocked by the fog and can't see such a wonderful battle." Ozawa sighed.

Those who don't understand the situation also sigh and regret that it is a pity that this wonderful battle is shrouded in fog.

And they didn't know that under the combined blow of Li Yao's three pets, the front area of ​​the Devil Alliance had already spread all over the field.

Li Yao's pets are too strong. They are all at the intermediate boss level. The attack is too high. With such intensive damage, coupled with the impact of the Starfire Guild spells, the formation of the Devil Alliance was suddenly torn open.

"Opponent, the camp has been torn apart, and they charge with all their strength to crush their front."

The players of the Starfire Guild immediately boosted their morale, and then uttered cheers.

And the Fire Eagle had already released a round of firepower and was picked up by Li Yao...

(To be continued.)

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