MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 471: select

Romeo knew that they had suffered a big loss. Although the people of Xinghuo certainly had casualties, it was negligible compared with their casualties.

The main reason is that the formation was broken too quickly this time, and there was no time to dispatch, to fill the vacancy, and the line of sight disappeared. If the dispatch was at a loss, it would only be more chaotic.

Li Yao's sonic arrows allowed him to keep track of the situation on the court at any time. Romeo could not. He has basically lost control of the situation now, but he still can't say, otherwise, the scene will inevitably collapse.

Xinghuo directly tore through their melee line of defense, allowing Xinghuo to enter the interior, and the crispy skins lost their protection, making them vulnerable.

Although there are close combat internally, it is impossible to form a new line of defense at all. With strong firepower, it can basically only attack the street.

Romeo sighed, and the plan to stop the Spark Guild had failed.

What comforted him a little bit was that because of the obstruction of the fog, no one could see the situation of the battle clearly, and still reserved some face for the Devil Alliance.

Romeo didn't want to fight anymore. This time it was really a loss. His plan was that as long as he intercepted the Xinghuo team, it didn't take long. Even if he stopped for one night, Liaoyuan would be able to defend himself and lose the qualification for the first kill.

But now, it's useless to say anything, failure is a foregone conclusion, and because of the appearance of a prairie prairie, the opportunity for their Devil Alliance to soar into the sky has also disappeared.

"Spark Guild." Romeo clenched his fists.

"Now is not the time to deal with Spark Guild," said the female priest next to her.

Romeo nodded and said: "I know that this time we are exposed, we will inevitably be suppressed by the guild alliance, hate it, I hate it, this prairie fire not only destroys our plan, but also uses us as a shield."

"There is no other way. I can only blame Liaoyuan for being too enchanting." The female pastor didn't understand what it meant. They originally wanted to lie in for a while, but the blocking incident showed them an opportunity.

After getting the first kill and making a name for himself with this battle, the early stage was very smooth, but because of the appearance of Liaoyuan, things changed, which was embarrassing.

What made them even more upset was that the Spark Guild was originally the public enemy of many guilds.

Now that they appear in advance, the guild alliance, especially those top guilds, will target them.

After all, what the Devil Alliance did this time was too unreliable. It was a ruthless calculation for them. This matter seemed to be over, but it was just the beginning of the dispute.

Because of their appearance, Xinghuo will inevitably resist a lot of firepower and give Xinghuo a chance to develop.

Now this kind of emotion is impossible for them to stop.

It's just that if Romeo and the others want to give up, will Spark Guild give up.

"I have seen the camp of the dungeon and killed them." The voice of the guardian angel echoed in the guild war channel.

Except for Li Yao, no one knows where he has been. After all, this kind of fog does not distinguish between enemy and me.

Now that the Guardian Knight said that he had killed the opponent's formation, he was immediately excited.

"Xinghuo will win!" The cute and adorable Tongtong shouted excitedly, and she was very hilarious.

Let alone Hitomi, everyone was extremely excited, this kind of fun and dripping victory was really a morale boost.

"Spark will win!"

"Spark will win!"

Originally, they were afraid of influencing the command, and no one shouted. They all listened to Li Yao's orders. Now Tongtong is taking the lead. Their passion suddenly exploded, and nearly a thousand people shouted, especially in this kind of valley.

Now everyone can know where the Spark Guild is.

The others are okay, but the people of the Devil Alliance have a ugly face, even if they can't see it, but listening to the voice knows that the Spark Guild has already appeared in their rear front.

It was impossible for them to let them go. The only possibility was that the Starfire Guild had already killed them. Thinking of this situation, all the members of the Devil Alliance looked like earth with trance expressions.

This blow was really too great. You must know that they are multiple guild alliances, and their coalition forces were actually killed by a small guild in Xinghuo, which is really difficult for them to accept.

"Liaoyuan, he is indeed a person who can bring miracles. In the eyes of others, he won the battle that cannot be won." Serena sighed.

Ozawa said: "Unfortunately, I don't know how Xinghuo broke through the devil alliance's defense line, it feels too unreal."

"Yeah, otherwise, how could it be a miracle. I thought it was a battle of life and death. In the end, Xinghuo lost. After all, there are too many people between the two sides. After the Xinghuo Guild has experienced this battle, the cohesion will inevitably be stronger. Even if Spark cannot get the first kill this time, no one can stop the rise of Spark Guild."

Serena sees very Spark Guild has unintentionally achieved what the Devil Alliance wants to achieve but cannot achieve. In front of so many players in various administrative areas, it is a blockbuster and wants to join Spark Guild. Players and masters must be expressed in the form of a blowout.

"It's hard to say, now that Xinghuo enters the dungeon, it will definitely become the team to compete for the first kill." Ozawa said: "It's a pity that this time is not a live broadcast, and I still can't see this battle."

The audience is also very excited. Today's live broadcast is really wonderful. The battle of masters, all kinds of high-level absolutes, is not weaker than international competitions.

Although the final war was in the mist, they also felt the blood boiling after hearing the mighty scream.

The war entered a short and stable stage. Because the front line was smashed, the players of the Devil Alliance had no fighting spirit, as if all the spirits were taken away.

They knew that blocking Starfire from entering the dungeon had failed, and naturally lost the will to fight.

Li Yao said: "We have frustrated their plan, and now we have two paths in front of us. One is to enter the dungeon and work hard to open up wasteland. We fight for the first kill."

"What is the second type, president?" asked the newcomer Muzi.

"Yes, talk about the second one." The guardian angel also said.

Li Yao loudly said in the guild war channel: "The second one is that we turn around and kill back. Today is the **** battle to the end. Only the victor can exist in this valley, and the scum who wants to contain our spark will be destroyed. If it hurts, even if we fail, we must let them understand that we are not easy to provoke."

The entire channel suddenly fell silent, and everyone was stunned by Li Yao's crazy plan. You must know that although the opponent's line was defeated, the opponent's force was still many times that of Xinghuo...

(To be continued.)

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