MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 484: occupy

"Damn, our tribe never communicates with the outside world, why bother to our w..lā" The chief leader of the sentry is a three-star silver Ying, and when he sees the people from the Spark Guild come up, he roars immediately.


Li Yao said: "You have been controlled by the devil. Don't think that we don’t know if you hide in such a small place. You use sorcery, and now even your body has changed. It is ridiculous to say that you and you are peaceful. You have a clear conscience, let us clear the way and let us explore the sentry?"


   Samsung Yinying suddenly changed his complexion and said, "Since you are looking for death, then don't blame us for being polite. You have disturbed God's sleep. No one can walk out of this valley alive."


   "Let's give it a try." Li Yao was a little disappointed. He thought it would trigger a special plot, but he didn't expect to say that he would still have to fight for a long time.


   "Kill." Following the leader's words, arrows shot at him.


   Ding Jing Dong...


   With the arrows, the bones in the front continue to fall, and the blood volume of the spider tank also drops crazily.




   The people of Xinghuo immediately charged and launched an attack.


   "Follow closely, don't drag the team because of output. Let's go to the central account." Li Yao said loudly.


Members know that there are no traps to use here, and there is no pestilence barrel. If it is besieged by a centaur, the team may not have enough tanks to stop it, and under the siege, Li Yao’s bones cannot be refilled in time. .


   The people of Xinghuo were blocked by bones this time, and rushed into the opponent's formation with great difficulty, but the centaur did not like to stand out.


   They began to disperse, the melee began to look for a breakthrough in the Spark camp, and the long range started to attack while running.


   "Speed ​​up, the bones can't keep up with the supplement." Li Yao's face was very serious.


   They have rushed into the sentry post, now it is impossible to look back, they can only kill with their heads dull.


   Without the barrier of bones, the crispy skin of Xinghuo could not withstand a blow with Xing Yinying.


The attrition caused by    is very bad, and it may fail.


   "All long-range, the first on the road, instant spells to deal with the melee centaur ahead." Li Yao kept giving orders.


   The long-range centaur was constantly running, it was very difficult to hit, and the melee centaur that blocked their way afterwards had the possibility of hitting.


   Finally, when their bones were almost lost, they entered the huge building in the middle of the sentry post.


   This building is obviously different from the centaur tent in style. It is made of wood, and there seems to be something like an altar inside, but no one has come to look closely.


  Because they saw them enter here, all the centaur started to attack them frantically.


   However, the close combat between the Spider Tank and Spark has blocked the doorway.


   The centaur can only continuously launch a crazy charge, the long-range centaur does not run and wander away, and shoots arrows frantically in the distance.


   But they are also very careful, whether it is melee or long-range, as if they have such extraordinary awe of this building, and will not attack the building.


   "Damn outsiders, you have entered the forbidden land of God, get out of me quickly." The centaur leader saw that they couldn't get in at all, and suddenly roared.


   "God, what **** do you believe in, say it, maybe we can sit down and talk about it." Li Yao wanted to get some information.


   Although he knew what was going on with this copy, he knew that it was one thing, and it was another thing that NPC said.


   In the dungeon, it is also possible to start a special plot. Even if no one triggered it in the previous life, Li Yao did not care about it and was still very cautious about the news.


   He knows very well that many special plots need special conditions to trigger. Every NPC has his background and different personalities.


   For example, an old man who likes to drink and spends six years in the main human city. Many people think this is a post-shaking NPC. I don't know how many people brought this old man some wine from all over the world. There is even a Perseverance Emperor who has given away good wine for five years. He brought some wine to the old man almost as soon as he made money, and he was almost ashamed every day.


   Of course, this old man can also be viewed, with amazing equipment. Is a camp leader.


   As a result, the perseverance emperor got nothing, so he drank it to the drunk old man, and chatted with the old man, but Mao didn’t get his tasks and benefits.


   Later, an innocent sister-in-law Rang helped the old man who was addicted to alcohol to give up drinking, and became the inheritor of the old man. Five years later, the Battle of the Conferred Gods, although there was no Conferred God, it was also the top master among the players.


   This Guliang's career is very strong. Although the technology is good, it is not top-notch. Many people predict that as long as she has a high level of technology, it will be natural for her to become a god.


   And Li Yao is synonymous with sorrow. In the previous life, there was never any adventure. The only luck was that it took a lot of hangs before paying a considerable price before arresting a sub-divine-level pet war bear.


  The battle of the gods, masters gathered, not only the top-notch skills, but also the luck and chances are also against the sky, Li Yao finally hated. Until he was reborn, no hunter was able to successfully enshrine the gods and became the laughing stock of various professions.


   "I'm going, and only we can rush in, what about other guilds?" The guardian angel's immovable barrier was broken several times and even hung up once and was revived by the war.


  He still has this kind of pressure, not to mention ordinary occupations. If the spider tank had not opened the defensive posture, the spider tank would not be able to hold it.


   "It is estimated that they would not have thought of this method. With more than a thousand troops, they rushed in because they were stupid." Sister Li said.


   "Sure, hey, there is no mechanical pet of the big brother, it is estimated that it was directly shot by a round of centaur volley to destroy the group." The cute and adorable pupil constantly released the totem.


  As a Totemsa, she likes this kind of battle of positions the most. All the totems are released, even if she doesn't understand while standing, the damage is also a leverage.


   As the spider tank transforms into a defensive form, their line is also stabilized, and members have also seen the metamorphosis of Li Yao's mechanical pet. If the centaur can't come in, the remote and healing will naturally be a lot more comfortable, so he relaxes a little.


   "In fact, Zai wanted to come. The entrance of this hall is the best place for a decisive battle. In other ways, it is very difficult to kill more than a thousand centaur, even if it is estimated, it is very slow." Qin Fengyi said.


   Peerless Demon Ji said: "Yes, in fact, other teams can also come in, but it will be more troublesome."


   Sister Li nodded and said: "Dragging the corpse is the only way to do this. If you cooperate with other means, you may be able to hold the hall, but it is impossible to be as relaxed as we are."


   Everyone nodded in approval, it has become inevitable for this sentry post to be taken down...



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