When Captain Ten thousand's blood volume was still 5%, Captain Ten thousand's body suddenly disappeared, and the central position of the light beam of the magic circle appeared soon.

A golden light entered his body, and the entire Captain's body suddenly turned golden.

The captain's body suddenly grew in a circle again, and it was like pouring gold, even the big knife in his hand had become golden light.

"Mortals, you cannot defeat me, because God is standing behind me."

Captain Wan's body crashed to the ground, and the ground cracked every inch. At the same time, a shadowy figure was initially selected behind him.

As if the gods responded, only a pair of evil eyes looked at the player clearly.

"I don't feel the power of God. Under God's gaze, you will become God's sacrifices," said the captain, rushing directly to the crowd.

"Come on, stop him." Li Yao said.

At the same time, following Li Yao's order, the three tanks were always ready to rush directly up.

Especially Amani War Bears directly launched a charge and stopped in front of the captain.


The captain directly smashed the Amani War Bear into flight. At this moment, the centaur had a big sword in his hand and a golden shield with a weird rune color in the other.

Then came the immovable barrier. The golden captain smashed the immovable barrier once, and I wanted to be killed directly by the guardian angel while flying out.

But the captain's speed was slowed down because of their obstruction, and the Fruit Knight saw this situation, his body suddenly jumped up.

The same golden electric light on her body, she seemed to transform into a golden holy sword, directly smashed on the body of the Centaur Wan Captain.

Sword of God's Punishment!

"It's not just you who have the power of gods." The holy sword that the fruit knight transformed into directly hit the phantom behind the centaur. A little ripple appeared in the phantom, and then a number of -1 appeared.

Li Yao frowned and said: "Attention everyone, stop attacking the Centaur, and all firepower will directly attack the phantom behind the Centaur."

Everyone woke up, because their attacks fell on the captain's body without any damage, all of which were immune prompts that kept flickering in the corner of their eyes.

A layer of thorny power emerged from the fruit knight, and with the attack of the centaur captain, divine lightning began to appear on her body.

Holy Armor of Thorns!

This is the twentieth-level heart skill of his Crusade Army. The effect is similar to the immovable barrier, except that there is no immovable barrier that can be released forever. But in the same way, she used this skill, and she would not move as slowly as the immobility barrier.

This skill increases defense, blood volume, skill damage, and the most important thing is to counterattack.

The centaur captain finally failed to break through the fruit knight, and could only continue to attack the fruit knight.

"All melee combat, stop approaching Captain Ten thousand, you can't reach the phantom behind him, I want to stay quietly, and don't resurrect the guardian angel, keep the warrior, if it is a fruit knight war Die, resurrect immediately." Li Yao said quickly.

"Understand." Standing up, I wanted to quietly stop the skill that was about to resurrect the guardian angel.

"Damn, why is it always me who is injured." The guardian angel was speechless.

Sister Li smiled and said: "What you mean is that the president left the resurrection to your daughter-in-law and you are not satisfied, so you should discuss it with your daughter-in-law."

"Cough cough, forget it, I'm tired too, it's nice to lie on the ground." The guardian angel suddenly wilted.

Peerless Demon Ji said: "You can only drop one drop of blood at a time. This is too terrifying. Is this the armor of the gods you said last time?"

Peerless Demon Fairy asked quickly while Li Yao stopped commanding.

Li Yao said: "This is the armor of the gods. This should be the **** of nightmare they believe in."

Qin Fengyi asked: "Then can you tell which **** this **** is?"

"You can’t see it clearly, and I’m the same. Maybe it’s an existence from another main plane. This is not good. The world of ancient gods is very special, with many powerful energy sources and cores, very attractive. The attention of the person.” Of course Li Yao knew who this guy was, after all, he was born again.

This guy is also the ultimate boss of a later version of the super large copy, and is considered the biggest villain of the version. However, it is still lurking for robbery now. The activated tentacles are very long, the degree of danger is second only to that of the ancient gods, and the methods are weird. At that time, many NPCs that bombed the sky were controlled by him.

"Boss, we don't attack in close combat, so what should we do?" I want to ask quietly and suspiciously.

Li Yao explained: "Except you, when other melee preparations can't stop the Fruit Knights, you line up to stop them."

"Damn, this is going to be queuing to die." I wanted to be silent.

"Then you have a better way?" Li Yao asked back.

The melees are speechless, and they have no other way. Those who can use the hand crossbow can still play shooting, anyway, it is a drop of blood.

Those who can't use the hand crossbow can't help melee now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no other good way except to send the sword to death.

As Li Yao said, in the state of the immortal golden body, the fruit knight can't delay blocking for a long time.

Even if a lot of treatments were added at the same time, the fruit knight still died. Although I wanted to resurrect her quietly and in time, the captain had already started to go crazy.

The melees went forward to death one by one under Li Yao's name, and it was not until the captain killed the sixth melee that the fruit knight held the boss again.

And the phantom of the **** with a thousand health behind it was wiped out, and the captain returned to his normal state again.

Then he resumed his normal rhythm, and the captain, who was 5% of his health left, fell to the ground no matter how violent he was.

"You invaders, if you kill me, you won't be the final victor." After the captain finished his last line, the huge body crashed to the ground.

The people of Xinghuo uttered fierce cheers. This time, most of the people who opened up wasteland were left, but they killed the first boss and were very excited.

"Resurrect the dead." Li Yao said and reminded: "Everyone stays away from the corpse. After everyone is resurrected, let our little corpse toucher touch the corpse, and then divide the equipment."

"Understand." The rest of the members, the resurrection of the resurrection, are very neat.

Soon, the people of Xinghuo had been rectified, and Li Yao said to Tongtong: "It's your performance, go on, Tongtong."

"Is this really for me to touch?" Hitomi was a little surprised.

"Naturally, you have always touched the corpse. Of course it is still you." Li Yao smiled.

Hitomi saw everyone looking at him and ran to the boss with joy...

(To be continued.)

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