MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 497: Breaking news

Li Yao finally had some general impressions of the second boss, but it was still vague, but Li Yao didn't get too entangled, and soon fell asleep deeply.

He has been exhausted these few days. Just thinking of strategy will consume a lot of mental power, and he is even more troublesome when commanding.

What others saw was his easy command, and then he fell a few blocks second in output, but who knows how amazing his mental energy consumption is.

If it weren't for the actions of a centaur in my mind, it would be a foolish dream to win this difficult boss three times.

However, Li Yao didn't sleep too long before he was awakened by Qin Fengyi's communication.

"What's going on, why don't you take a good rest? These days, you have been practising with the outside world and getting information while copying. You are probably tired." Li Yao looked at it, and only four hours passed.

"Where do I dare to rest now? Something has happened." Qin Fengyi's eyes were heavy, and he didn't take a good rest at first glance, but his eyes were full of excitement, obviously something extraordinary happened.

"Big thing, what big thing?" Li Yao asked curiously.

Qin Fengyi said: "Naturally it is about the dungeon. It turns out that the Devil Alliance did not fight the second boss, it was the third boss."

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, and said, "I thought of this a long time ago. If it were just a boss, they couldn't have so much equipment."

"It's not this. There are two shocking news. One is the equipment you mentioned. Guess what." Qin Fengyi smiled brightly.

"Don't buy it anymore. Let's talk quickly. No matter what the news is, go to rest as soon as you finish talking. I will take care of the rest." Li Yao said distressedly.

"Okay, I see. I'll take a bath and rest as soon as I finish talking to you." Qin Fengyi said, "The first one is about equipment. Do you know that except for the equipment of the first boss, the second one is After the third boss is played, the dungeon is shown to pass the level, but the problem is that from the second boss, all the equipment disappeared."

Although Li Yao knew the result a long time ago, he still pretended to be very surprised and said: "Disappeared?"

Qin Fengyi said: "Yes, it's not completely disappeared, it's just that the equipment has a countdown and will disappear in forty-eight hours."

"Then they are having fun." Li Yao smiled.

"Well, this second news is even more absolute. It shows that they have cleared the dungeon, but there is no prompt for the first kill. Now the people in the Devil Alliance are crazy. They have complained on the forum and complained to the official." Qin Fengyi smiled. : "You guessed it right. Our style of play is definitely correct. There is no doubt about this."

"Then I can rest assured. Just now you said that you can't take the first kill, and I also jumped. Now it seems that they have a problem with their style of play." Li Yao nodded and said.

"Well, this matter has been caused by the Devil League, and the official has no way of doing it, so they explained that although they passed the dungeon, it was another simple method. The official said that the correct play is too Overbearing, so this kind of trick can temporarily allow them to gain a certain amount of equipment accumulation, so as to find the correct style of play and help complete the dungeon, oops, no, it's ridiculous." Qin Fengyi laughed for a while before continuing. : "People in the Devil League are going to vomit blood."

"This thing is really depressing. I thought I got the first kill. The result was nothing but nothing." Li Yao shook his head and said, "Now the Devil Alliance is really bad enough. If it's your statement, they will pass this kind of clearance. The way it can indeed accumulate some equipment. Although it is temporary, it is also very strong. It originally occupied a lot of games. Now that this matter is so big, it is estimated that other guilds are also messing up."

Qin Fengyi nodded and said, "Isn't it? Those guilds are crazy now. Many guilds scold the official while looking for the correct way to play the dungeon. Some people thought of pulling out the guard post, but after all, this is only 25 people. There are 18 out of six guard posts. It’s not too scary. Except for you, a crazy guy, and the members trust you, although we won’t choose this crazy method. Fortunately, we chose the right one."

"Anyway, we are ahead of a boss, and it is not us who are anxious now." Li Yao had known this result a long time ago, but he didn't expect other guilds to discover it so quickly.

"Then what are we going to do? Do you want to convene members and continue to open up wasteland now." Qin Fengyi asked.

"Don't be so urgent, you forgot, the six outposts are not so easy to remove. Take a step back and say, even if they are removed, it doesn't matter. The boss level requires at least one or two days. We may have completed it. I'm the second leader. Again, sharpen the knife and chop the wood." Li Yao said confidently.

"Well, it's fine if you know it in your heart. Take a break anymore, you are the one who is the most tired." A soft color flashed in Qin Fengyi's I know, but I'm already resting. , You go to sleep, I will wake you up in four hours. "Li Yao said.

"Well, it seems you have to do something again." Qin Fengyi smiled softly.

"Haha, you go to bed first, and just wake up and watch the excitement." Li Yao didn't say directly.

"Okay, remember to call me earlier, I'm not too sleepy."

"Sure." Li Yao hung up the communication after finishing talking.

Then I directly opened the forum and official website. Sure enough, the forum is very lively now, and now everyone is discussing a topic, that is the mainline copy.

Many well-known IDs have also appeared one after another, and the entire forum has become a mess, especially the people in the Devil Alliance, they are simply crazy, and finally got the copy to pass the level, but in the end there is no first kill, and even no equipment.

Poorly they calculated too much, and even made up a video strategy incident, but no matter what they were calculating in this incident, but since the dungeon was not played like this, their calculations would be useless.

This time the Devil Alliance has been completely planted. The reality is that Li Yao's variable has made a mess, and now it is God's will to make people, it is really depressing.

Li Yao watched the excitement for a while, then went online directly, and saw a lot of private chat messages.

Li Yao will not read information that is familiar or unfamiliar, and that is not a friend.

After that, the information of members in the guild was left, and then friends such as Flame Red Lips, Broad Sea and Sky, and even the information of Brother Xiaoyao.

Without exception, they were all inquiring about the dungeon, and Li Yao directly communicated with the broad sky.

"Oh hello, brother, you can be considered online, and after such a big incident, you are still in the mood to go offline." Haikuotian connected the communication anxiously...

(To be continued.)

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