MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 503: 2nd boss

"Big brother, don't sell the guanzi. What's the matter, hurry up." The cute and adorable Tongtong threw the rest to Li Yao and urged Li Yao not to sell the guanzi.

Li Yao smiled and said, "Do you remember the promotional video of the beginning of the ancient gods?"

"Of course, this is the first animation that can be directly put into my mind and can be substituted by myself. I don’t know how much it caused a sensation. It was just after seeing this animation that I asked my sister-in-law to help me get an adult account, otherwise I can only Playing in the mud with the little kids in the neutral camp," said the cute and adorable pupil.

"That's it, do you remember that hunter?" Li Yao asked.

"Naturally, the hunter was so handsome at the time. He was holding a big bow burning with orange-red flames. His eyes were like stars, and his body was covered by the phantom of this layer of phoenix. With one arrow, he flew straight through countless distances. Directly killing the gods in the sky, it's so handsome, if I didn't know that there is a free mode, and I need to contact the bow and arrow and shooting skills, I will be a hunter sooner or later. "The cute pupil is full of excitement.

The expressions of the other three changed, and Sister Li said incredulously: "You mean, this skill..."

Li Yao nodded and said: "This is a construction combo technique that requires learning multiple skill books to learn. Destroyer sniper and **** kill. This skill has only one tyrant character. Other skills are estimated to have heaven, sniper, and god. , Kill a few. If you collect these skill books, you can learn this heaven-defying skill."

"According to what you said, the thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow released by the ice mage are also this kind of skill?" Sister Li suddenly sounded, and the mage promoted the scene of ice mage in the animation.

"If you didn’t guess wrong, it should be. As I read in the book, this skill is a taboo, because it’s too bad, so it’s scattered. The frozen thousand miles you mentioned is probably a super forbidden spell. It needs to be collected. Only skill books can synthesize a taboo skill." Li Yao explained.

Li Yao didn't say too much in detail, only a rough idea, but it was enough to shock them.

In the first rebirth, Li Yao had seen too much, and this super magical skill was also very familiar to him.

Before the rebirth, various taboo skills became the main topic at the time, but as far as Li Yao knew, only no more than five of the 20 billion people at that time learned the real taboo skills.

Without exception, they have become the top super players, a little bit of people have gathered most of the skills, but the rest can't be obtained anyway.

There are also a small number of basic skills that are easy to obtain, but most players have only heard of the title of taboo skills, but have never seen branch skills.

Thinking of this, Li Yao suddenly thought of a question.

In the last life, many players got some skills, but they didn't know that the taboo skills were sold. Later, after learning about it, the value of those skills had increased by tens of thousands of times, and each of them regretted not.

Now that Li Yao has obtained a branch skill of a taboo skill, it is impossible for him to be so lucky. There will be more people playing it. Although it is only the most basic and common branch, its value is also incalculable. of.

"Sister Li, please pay attention. After the land reclamation is completed, you should inquire more and check the auction house. If you encounter a forbidden skill branch, you must buy it. These things are not measurable by money." A crazy idea came to Li Yao. If it were the core group of the Starfire Guild, everyone would have a complete taboo skill. In that kind of scenario, what kind of enemy would fall under their feet.

"Well, I'll take it as a top priority." Sister Li also thought of the same question.

"If this is the case, our team..." Peerless Demon Ji also thought of the game.

"We only need to know about this matter for the time being," Qin Fengyi said.

Several people, including Hitomi Hitomi, nodded silently. They were all startled by the scene they had imagined.

"The quest items are already in hand. The rest are gems and money. Just put them in the warehouse." Li Yao gave the money and gems to Sister Li and took the lead to walk outside.

Soon, Li Yao and the others were in front of the ancient tree.

"Why come back soon? Didn't you find the cave? Or you can't beat it at all. It doesn't matter. Although my strength is exhausted, I can still give you some blessings and let you gain some strength in a short time." The old tree is old. Said the voice.

Li Yao took out the quest items and said, "No, it's just that the guy is too weak and he won't fight at all."

"It's great. Without that monster, our power would not be consumed so fast." Gu Shu showed a smile: "This is the reward you deserve."

Li Yao also smiled and said, "Thank you for some pointers, where is your next companion."

"Okay, you take this thing and go to our leader to get some help, but you'd better use this thing when dealing with priests." Gu Shu said it gave it again. Li Yao is an unknown seed.

Li Yao nodded, and the group directly started to move towards the next location.

The cleaning work of Xinghuo went very smoothly. At noon the next day, the task was completed, and then the people of Xinghuo gathered together, and then the people of Xinghuo found a place with dense spawning of monsters and began to clean the crystals.

By the time Li Yao ordered a rest, the number of crystal nuclei in Li Yao's backpack had exceeded 20,000. Although Li Yao was still a bit dissatisfied, the expected time had arrived. Li Yao didn't want to waste too much time here.

The next day, they gathered the natural ancient tree side, ready to let the ancient tree open the barrier.

Everyone sat together, and Li Yao said, "Fengyi, tell me about the progress of other guilds."

Qin Fengyi nodded and said, "According to the information I have, apart from us, the Devil Alliance and Haikuotian’s guild are progressing faster. The Devil Alliance has cleared three outposts, and Haikuotian’s third outpost is estimated to be cleared today. , Others, basically are still clearing the second sentry. As for the general guild, even one sentry can't be gnawed down."

"The Devil Alliance has the advantage of equipment, and it is excusable that it can win the most outposts. However, now that three days have passed, the Devil Alliance time limit equipment has expired, and it is estimated that the progress will also slow down." Peerless Demon Ji said.

Sister Li nodded and said, "It seems that it is not a big threat to us. Since we feel that the crystal nucleus is not enough, do we want to look at it for another day?"

"No need." Li Yao shook his head and said: "I won't be able to reach 50,000 in one day, and my idea can't be realized. I can only use a backup plan. Okay, we will eat and drink to supplement the state. We will start the second boss immediately."... …

(To be continued.)

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