MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 505: Terrifying high priest

? "Damn, I'm exhausted, I really can't do it anymore." The guardian angel lay on the ground without an image.

Not to mention other things. Except for the Spider Tank, all the tanks fell to the ground, including the Fruit Knight. Although they didn't say anything, they still sat on the ground panting.

The output is not much better. For fifteen consecutive hours, there is no rest time at all. If it is not for the blessing scroll in exchange, there is no need to worry about the amount of blue, they don’t need to be exhausted, just because the blue is exhausted, it is estimated that the centaur Submerged.

"This is too difficult, we must come up in one breath, that is, we, if it is another team, it is estimated that it will take a day and a night, this is not exhausted." Peerless Demon Ji said.

"I am very disappointed with you." Li Yao said with a sigh.

"Big brother, what are you talking about, aren't we here?" Tongtong said dumbfoundedly.

"Hahahaha, you people are really stupid, you have been fooled by some small tricks." The centaur priest laughed loudly: "Look at you scumbags, blinded by some nightmare illusions. Now you are so tired, how can you fight? I. I start to regret that you are so stupid that you are not even qualified to sacrifice to God."

First Li Yao, and then the priest, so that the members were all blinded and all looked at Li Yao.

"What the **** is going on?" Qin Fengyi asked.

Li Yao said: "You can see your experience value."

"Experience point." The Peerless Demon Ji's expression changed and said: "No, I had 15% experience at level 20 before I came here, but now it's still 15%, it hasn't changed."

"mine too."

"Mine too, there is no change at all."

The members are all trapped. They have been fighting all the way, how fierce the fighting is. I don't know how many monsters they killed. Even if they have little experience, they are all Yinying. It is impossible to say that they are not given any experience.

Li Yao said: "Just as you guessed, what we played was just a nightmare fantasy, all fake."

"Big brother, you found out a long time ago?" Hitomi asked.

"Yes, I found out at the beginning." Li Yao said.

"Then why don't you tell us, it's a day's time." Tongtong looked at Li Yao grievously: "Tongtong is going to be exhausted. The result is fantasy. Big brother, you are really bad."

"I want you to find out for yourself. As a result, you didn't find out in one day." Li Yao took out a scroll, shared attributes, and said: "Dreamland has many illusions. The way to crack is this scroll. Unfortunately, you didn't find out. But that’s okay. After a whole day of high-intensity fighting, our team is almost running in."

Everyone was speechless, but they had nothing to say when they heard Li Yao say that they would run into the team, because this kind of high-intensity battle with no rest time allowed them to cooperate more closely, and they also had a better understanding of each other's skills and spells. The understanding and understanding of this is very important for a team.

"Your bastard, meow, I am a treatment, I am a treatment, I am my wife's queen's big breast, but I don't know why I was fooled by you as a MT, uncle, I am exhausted, am I special You really believe in your evil." The guardian angel hates a toothache, but now he doesn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Okay, stop complaining to me and stand up for me." Li Yao kept standing and said: "Do you think this boss will kindly give us time to rest? Stand up and take a look."

The members now looked at the boss. It turned out that the boss did not wait for them to open the monsters themselves as they usually did.

But standing in the middle of a shining magic circle is obviously casting a spell.

"Scumbags, welcome the wrath of the nightmare god." Following the words of the centaur high priest, several big trees that were struggling behind him were suddenly invaded by black gas.

Then, two big trees rushed towards them, a big tree was casting a spell, and the sky suddenly appeared full of clouds, followed by lightning flashes, and large flashes of lightning fell.

The people of Xinghuo were dumbfounded, and the healers stood up quickly and began to increase blood crazily.

"What are you still doing? Actually, when we set foot on the spiral corridor, the boss battle has already begun. This cunning guy won't give you a chance to rest. Bedside table, your incomprehensible barriers are holding the two old trees rushing over. Guard, the fruit will sanction the boss and build up hatred. I want to be quiet, and you will limit the spellcasting of the balance tree man."

Starfire's output also began to hover over the target while dispersing, releasing spells to attack nearby targets.

Li Yao's spider tank rushed directly to the tree man with a green light on his body, and the spider tank directly knocked it back a few steps, and his spellcasting was also interrupted.

Attention to all output, first focus on the natural tree man, this is a treatment.

The Starfire's output also woke up and started to rush towards this side with a huff, and as a result the spell on the boss side was also activated.

The centaur priest cast a spell against the sky, and as the black vortex turned, a large number of black light spheres landed. The blood volume of the person hit by it was halved, and then the figure disappeared.

As more and more people are hit by the ball of light, fewer people are.

Then the ball of light slowly drifted to the distance, and then outside the tree platform, then the ball of light shattered, and half-blooded Starfire members appeared.

Then there were countless shouts, and then they fell down, knowing that it was three thousand yards in the sky.

With the screams, they also fell silent.

There were only less than six people left on the platform, facing the attack of four ancient trees and a super boss, let alone others, even Li Yao could not support it.

They had just boarded the platform for less than five minutes, and then they all hung up.

Ten minutes later they regrouped in the distance of the altar tree and rested around the bonfire.

"Your sister, this boss is too perverted, is it still fun?" The guardian angel complained.

The Peerless Demon Ji said: "This boss has 1 million HP, is a 2-star intermediate leader, plus the four Treants he controls. Treants have two melees, one spell-casting class, and one healer. They are obviously from a small team. Configure."

"More importantly, these four treants are also 2-star junior leaders, with a blood volume of between 500,000 and 600,000. It is impossible for a round of bursts to be lost in seconds." Sister Li also frowned. .

"It's all the elder brother's torment, we have no fighting power at all. At that time, we were tired to death. The ball of light was too fast, nowhere to escape. I fell from such a high place and almost scared me to death." Hitomi looked lingering.

Li Yao smiled and said: "This is a lesson for everyone. We are a team, so you have to use your brain, OK. Let's disband now, and all have a good sleep, but you all have to think of a plan to deal with the boss. "...

(To be continued.)

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