MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 508: Shadow of the High Priest

Rage of dreams!

As the centaur high priest cast the spell, the tree man's corpse burst suddenly, and then transformed into a ball of light floating on the high priest's staff.

Then the light ball of the staff was divided into four and fell into the three treants and their bodies respectively.

Although his body shape has not changed much, his apparent momentum has grown a bit.

And the eyes of the other three treants were originally confused, and their bodies became even bigger.

Both the attack and the defensive head have grown a lot.

"It's so abnormal, the level of these trees has increased by one star." Ying Wu Kuang said on the team channel.

"How is it, is there any pressure?" Li Yao asked.

"No." Several tanks said there was no pressure.

"That's good, all the Treants who activate the balance system." Li Yao even started the rapid shooting and started to output with all his strength.

Treants and Druids are actually the same. The so-called Nature Department is the Healing Department, which uses the power of nature to heal teammates.

The Treant of the Balance System (Ancient Tree) is actually a spell of the Nature System, using the sun or moon, as well as the power of wind and thunder to cause damage, which is equivalent to a mage capable of various spells.

The only difference from the mage is that no matter which type of mage, they must be connected to the magic net, but the druid of the balance system or the input, they need to communicate naturally.

The so-called ancient trees of war and ancient tree guards are actually equivalent to warriors, but because of their own characteristics, they also have some simple spells.

The input of the balance system is not easy to provoke. As the rage begins, not only is the size increased, but the attack power, defense, and blood volume have also increased a lot.

The people of Xinghuo obviously discovered that they attacked the tree, and the damage was much less than before.

More importantly, as the rage began, the spell damage entered became more severe and the pressure of treatment increased significantly.

"President, no, the treatment pressure is too great." Da Vinci, who had become much silent, spoke for the first time.

Li Yao frowned and said: "Everyone is scattered. The first and second teams change their targets in close combat to attack the targets that are quietly held. But be careful not to get too far from the center to prevent the boss' nightmare ball."


With the adjustment of the formation, the bloodline of the Spark team has stabilized again.

The tree man’s blood volume is getting lower and lower. The fruit knight completely grabbed the boss’s hatred, and constantly attracted the boss’s hatred. In addition, there was a Nightmare·Counterattack Shield. With her reaction, she could even destroy a certain part of the boss. Some single-line spells counterattack back.

And often this kind of single magic attack power is the most terrifying.

"This Nightmare Counterattack Shield is really great. It's better than the **** in my hand. Meow, I don't know when I can pick up this kind of good stuff." The guardian sky didn't understand the barriers.

What he held was a defensive old war tree, which was not pressured at all, and kept observing the surroundings. Seeing the fruit knight use the effect of the Nightmare Counterattack Shield to the extreme, it was really envy and hatred.

This is how you play games. As a mt, there is nothing more attractive than an awesome shield.

"Those who hit the sun and moon mark quickly put aside the crowd, don’t be greedy for output. Forget what I just said. Look at the three of you for greedy for output. As a result, you almost gave a few teammates a second. I don’t want to See the next time." Li Yao said loudly and sternly.

Li Yao's temper is relatively mild, but even when he used to command the team, he would not be so harsh.

But Li Yao knew very well that this new dungeon was extraordinary. If it were in the same state as before, it would be impossible to want this boss in the past.

Therefore, seeing some members make mistakes, the tone has become particularly harsh. After all, the previous copy of the copy can make up even a small mistake, but this kind of copy is certainly strong, but at most it is icing on the cake. It is too difficult to turn the tide like a ten-level book.

"Finally liberated." When the balance tree died, his eyes were filled with joy and liberation, and there was no such thing as losing his life.

"Your doomsday is here." As the Centaur High Priest cast the spell, the Treant of the Balance Element also burst.

Three more powerful forces were injected into their bodies, and the tree man's body made a clicking sound, and the body suddenly became bigger.

Whether it is attack or defense, it becomes very scary. The two tanks holding the Treant have also become very stressful, without the ease and comfort just now.

With the death of the third Treant, red light began to appear on the body of the centaur high priest, and his rank rose by one star.

What changed more was the last defensive ancient tree, which was at least double the size of the first.

"Ignorant mortals, accept the baptism of nightmare."

The centaur high priest waved his staff, and patches of green mist began to randomly appear in the field. The members dodge one after another.

"Pay attention to Li Yao said: "Kill the last ancient tree with all your strength. "

"You killed my comrades, and you will all die." The War Old Tree let out a heartbreaking howl.

Serial wood thorns!

With the explosion of skills, a large number of wooden thorns came out randomly on the ground. The wooden thorns appeared too quickly, and even Li Yao had no chance to react, let alone others.

The skills of the two bosses are dead together, not only to dodge the poisonous fog, but also to dodge the wood thorns, and the people of Xinghuo continue to die.

"Mortals, never know how terrifying the power of God is." A light flashed in the high priest's eyes.

Life balance!

A red line connected between the ancient tree and him, and the blood volume of the two suddenly increased. This is an increase in the upper limit of life, and the amount of blood they have lost has also been replenished.

"Damn, what the **** is this." The guardian angel didn't move the barrier, but was hit by a wooden thorn and fell into a semi-paralyzed state. With the appearance of the poisonous fog, his life was instantly emptied and fell to the ground.

With most of the members of Spark to the end, this wasteland reclamation also declared a failure.

The people were resurrected in the distance, sitting together, Li Yao asked: "Let's talk about it, what do you think is the reason we can't make it?"

The fruit knight said: "It feels like we didn't kill the last ancient tree fast enough."

"Well, the combination of the two skills is too abnormal." Peerless Demon Ji said: "And every time you kill a Treant, the rest gets stronger."

"Can you just kill the Nature and Balance Trees, and kill the boss directly without killing the others?" Muzi said.

Li Yao shook his head and said: "Impossible, you have seen the life balance. He can't release this skill only once. With the existence of the tree, the boss will have unlimited blood."...

(To be continued.)

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