MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 515: Clearance

As the boss fell, everyone was silent, and as the boss's huge body crashed to the ground, a prompt appeared on their panel.

It was a sign of resurrection, and everyone realized it. They really passed the second boss.

"All resurrect, we will meet below." Li Yao directly sat on the edge of the platform, looking at the distant scenery.

He didn't expect that the second boss would be passed so soon. The original plan was to try at least ten times.

After all, the team formation time is too short. In this case, it is a miracle to pass the boss in less than five times.

Although there are reasons for its own super high output, the most important thing is that the Xinghuo team did a good job this time.

If this is maintained, it will inevitably become a strong team with cohesion and combat effectiveness.

The members of the group let out a warm cheer, and then the whole guild channel became lively.

Now ordinary players are desperately upgrading, but now the most lively thing is to open up wasteland.

They want to reach twenty and to participate in this flourishing age. Although they can't get any first kills, getting good equipment is also the most important thing for all gamers.

The technique is not good, so you can practice slowly, but the equipment can make up for the lack of technique.

The Spark Guild has been cleaned up several times, but it is inevitable that there are eyeliners in it.

As the players of the Starfire Guild boiled, the news that the core group of the Starfire Guild cleared the wasteland through the second boss spread like the wind.

In a short time, you, this news is almost well-known.

Ordinary stubborn illness is to watch the excitement, think that the Spark Guild is very powerful, and go to the front of all the guilds, but it only stops there.

Only the top guilds felt the tremendous shock and impact, and no one was more difficult than the boss after opening the magic circle.

Now with the passage of time, now the top guild has begun to pioneer the first boss of the full version.

Without exception, all the desired top teams were beaten to death by the first boss.

This is because they watched Li Yaofa's boss skill video to understand the situation. If they completely discredit the boss, they need to spend more time to understand the boss's skill.

Now that I know the skills of the boss, he is still being abused and killed. What does that mean, the boss is too difficult.

Many top players sighed about the difficulty of this dungeon. After all, they were all bosses who hadn't turned on the magic circle mode. Although it was not easy to pass, it didn't take much effort.

However, they had not beaten the first boss to more than half the blood, and the Spark Guild had already passed the second boss.

"Damn, what kind of enchanting group is Xinghuo." Romeo of the Devil Alliance said angrily after destroying the group again.

"Liaoyuan, it's really not easy." Edward smiled bitterly. "But don't be discouraged. With the difficulty of this copy, maybe he is stuck somewhere."

"Is this really your brother? Take me to Spark." Sister Li Yao's classmate said to Li Jia.

Today, Xinghuo has been discussed in different ways by most players through the topic of the second boss, either jealous, admired, or yearned, and Xinghuo once again engraved a trace in everyone's hearts.

Xinghuo’s wasteland reclamation group did not control the disturbances outside. They gathered below in a hurry, and Li Yao flew down when his wings were good.

Soon, they gathered together.

"Hey, let's talk about it, what was going on at that time." All the members of the team were focused on the centaur.

At that time, they were all expecting the centaur high priest to rush off the platform by himself, watching the movement of the centaur, without even noticing Li Yao.

They believed in Li Yao too much, and believed that Li Yao would definitely have a way to return to the platform, but unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Li Yao not only returned to the platform, but also hit the centaur that had not rushed down by himself.

Qin Fengyi looked at Li Yao and nodded, then shared the video, and the members only saw it.

It turned out that while the Centaur High Priest adjusted, Li Yao did not sit idle, using the magic spider ribbon to move his body to rush to the platform again, and then an upward shadow wheel turned, his body was already above the parallel line of the platform , Followed by a back jump, has reached the back of the centaur, dozens of yards away.

"I'm coming together, this reaction speed."

Others are also full of admiration. Under this circumstance, being able to complete such a series of actions is indeed very dangerous.

And the shadow wheel jumps after flipping, it seems very simple, don't you just add the shadow wheel to jump after flipping? What's so great.

You know, Li Yao was in the process of falling, and the shadow wheel turned over at this time, and his body was also spinning quickly three hundred and sixty-five degrees.

One was not well controlled, he jumped directly away from the platform, and those few fell to death by himself.

The timing of this judgment is really terrible.

Moreover, there was a scroll in his hand before he landed. The moment he landed, the bed crossbow also appeared steadily. The position of the steel arrow was exactly facing the centaur. This kind of control ability Not to mention the players in the first class, even the top players can hardly be so precise.

Then the boss turned his head, Li Yao activated the crossbow, and the great power slammed the centaur down.

Seeing the steel arrow poured into his chest, he just stepped back and knew how heavy he was now. If it were a centaur high priest in an ordinary state, he would have been knocked into flight by a powerful force.

"Huh, what a monster, are you calculated?" the guardian angel asked.

Li Yao shook his head and said, "My original plan was to kite, but it didn't succeed at all. I wanted to give up. At that time, I just saw that there was no corridor blocking here, but another idea came up. Then he failed. The speed is so fast, and it can brake in time, but it is amazing."

Peerless Demon Fairy was speechless: "Then you thought of using a bed crossbow to attack the opponent again. In such a short time, you can think of so much. The key is that you can do it in such a short time. Not bad. Originally you were a pervert. I still didn't believe it, but now I believe it. With your superhuman handling and reaction ability, it would be difficult for you to find a few opponents without your powerful pet."

Li Yao smiled and said, "It's ridiculous, it's just a fluke."

Li Yao was telling the truth. At that time, the kite failed and he really wanted to give up and rushed, but when he saw the platform, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart. He felt that it could be rescued, and then succeeded, which also saved the Spark Guild. It took a lot of time.

Li Yao knew very well that although it looked like it was past, if it is the next time, if it is not good, the boss will be destroyed if it can't reach this stage.

"Okay, don't praise me, the boss is dead, it's time to reap the spoils, Hitomi."...

ps: It looks like there will be five changes tomorrow, so the pressure is so heavy...

(To be continued.)

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