
The Black Bear King had reached the distance of the charge and directly launched the charge, hitting the spider tank severely.

The spider tank blocked two huge forelimbs in front of him at the moment of his collision.

The impact did not make the spider tank half a step back, but the Black Bear King was a little confused.

Together with the steel wool on his forelimbs, numerous small holes were directly pierced in his head.


While the spider tank slapped the black bear king, several explosive barrels appeared around him.


The Black Bear King hit the iron plate first, then suffered a heavy blow, and then another explosive. It was blown off in three ways, and it rolled round and round for a long time.

But this was not over yet, as the black bear king was blown up, the huge muzzle in the middle roared again.

The flaming shells directly hit the black bear king who was blown up before landing.

The Black Bear King was already screaming again and again, his body hitting the edge wall of the test field like a cannonball.

The entire trial field trembles, and then the spider tank slowly walks towards the black bear king. At the same time, the eyes of the ancient gods emit a deep purple ray.

Directly hit the black bear king, the black bear king was hit by the rays as soon as he landed, and there were many black marks on his body.

It was just a round of attacks, causing the powerful Black Bear King in their eyes to lose nearly one-third of their health. You know, this is a terrifying damage figure.

As for the Spider Tank, the HP that was impacted and bitten by the Black Bear King had already returned to its full value.

The battle between the two, although it was an instant clash, but the decision was made.


The black bear king let out an angry roar, a yellow light rose on the ground, and then the black bear king's body was covered by a layer of yellow armor, making it even more mighty and extraordinary.

"The armor of the earth, the blood of a demigod." Li Yao said in surprise.

You know, this is already in the category of Warcraft. Although the blood of this black bear king is thin, at least he can reach the pinnacle of a senior leader.

Wanting to become a senior leader is not just hard work and strength, but blood and talent.

Beasts are basically destined by nature, and if intelligent creatures want to break through to senior leaders, if they don't have a good blood, they can only use something to strengthen or change their blood.

This black bear king has the blood of a demigod, it is not impossible to break through the senior leader.

"If you still have some knowledge, the battle has just begun." When Mark saw Li Yao catching his arrows, he could still pay attention to the battlefield. He knew that his archery skills were no longer as good as Li Yao.

Said that his body was also covered with a layer of pale golden armor.

"Blood connection!" Li Yao narrowed his eyes slightly. This is one of the hunters' most buggy skills.

Connected by blood, as the name implies, is sharing of blood.

If you have enough intimacy with a pet, you can activate this skill. After activation, the pet and the owner share blood.

If this skill is for ordinary pets and ordinary players, it actually adds a little bit of attributes.

But if the owner has a high-level bloodline, and the pet also has a high-level bloodline, then the two share the same, and the combat power that it exerts will be doubled. The stronger the hunter and pet, the stronger the effect of this skill.

Li Yao has been looking for this skill, but has been clueless. He thought that he would have to be level 30 or above to use this skill, but he didn't expect to see it here.

He is a high elf, with a good bloodline, and arcane affinity. If he is linked with Firehawk or Hydra, he will be greatly improved, and the first-level bloodline connection will also give him some attribute bonuses and a pet skill. .

This is the main reason why although the talent of the high elf race is arcane affinity, there are many high elf hunters.

"You have some vision, if that's the case, then be prepared to die." Mark put away his bow and arrow and replaced it with a long-handled weapon, and rushed towards Li Yao with lightning.

After all, he also had the armor of the earth now, and he had a lot of health, so he didn't particularly care about Li Yao's bow and arrow.

His plan is simple, it's okay to take a few arrows from Li Yao, as long as he hits the opponent once is enough.

"Don't play bows and arrows, then I have no interest in playing with you." Li Yao's eyes flashed.

He has launched the tyrant and the charge arrow.


The arrow with the dark golden light hit his knee directly as he ran.


The strength of the full moon form of the Blue Moon Bow is inherently great, coupled with Li Yao's own strength attributes, coupled with the strength of the charged arrow and the strength of the Domineering Jue, the combination of several strengths is simply not he can bear.

The centaur who watched the arena all gave out unbelievable exclamations. As a race that is best at bow and arrow, they are all experts.

It is very difficult to know that it is very difficult to hit the horse's leg in the running, let alone hit the node where the horse's leg joint is stressed.

And the timing is also very precise, that is, when his leg is under force and the other leg is not under At this time, it seems stable, after all, it is already under force, but in fact it only reaches a certain level. This kind of power limit can make the opponent lose balance.

But the difficulty is very great. Strength, timing, and accuracy are indispensable. They did not expect this outsider to practice archery to such a level, so they can't believe it. They have not known for many years. There has never been such a sharpshooter.


He charged too fast. After losing his balance, he fell directly to the ground and rolled directly to Li Yao not far away due to huge inertia.

Mark's face was angry and ashamed. His earth armor was already very tight. He didn't expect the other party to shoot him in the leg. It caused him to break the move, this kind of one-on-one battle, it is easier to break the move.

It was a shame and shame, but just when he was struggling to get up, Li Yao's violent and rainy attacks followed one after another.

Moreover, every arrow of Li Yao hit the area he was not covered by the armor of the earth, and the effect of the armor of the earth was minimal.

Li Yao just stood on the spot and shot wildly. When Mark roared and stood up, he was greeted with another arrow hitting his knee, and then he fell to the ground again.

Even after standing up, when he attacked Li Yao, Li Yao could always find the flaws in his tricks, and every time he made a flaw, it made him extremely painful.

Too bad, this is the word that appeared in the minds of all the audience.

When watching other people in Xinghuo duel, at least the opponent can be awe-inspiring.

But in the face of Li Yao, this strong man who can compete with the Young Khan is not even qualified to fight back in the opponent's hands.

Except for the armor of the earth and the initial confrontation, even a complete skill and trick can't be released in the following time, don't mention too much aggrieved...

(To be continued.)

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