MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 533: Clues connected by blood

Li Yao had already let go of this matter. After all, this skill book requires too much luck, and there is no real strategy.

It's just that the player and the npc exchange unintentional plot clues, not even the mission.

As a result, I didn't expect my brother who had just gotten to know this clue. Li Yao immediately came to his senses and said quickly, "Then quickly talk about it. This is a good thing to improve your strength."

Shao Khan nodded and said: "I know it naturally, and as your strength grows, this kind of improvement will get bigger and bigger. Originally, I planned to leave this secret to my son. This skill is so focused, I will tell you."

Li Yao hesitated and said, "How embarrassing this is."

Shao Khan waved his hand and said, "It's not that mysterious. I don't have a partner yet. I don't have a child yet. Besides, you may not be able to get it. Even if you get it, your brother will definitely become a strong one by then. Just help your little nephew."

Li Yao nodded and said, "If there is such a day, I will naturally take care of my nephew."

"Hahaha, you just need to have this sentence." Shao Khan said with a narrow smile, "Brother is very strong now, but the monster power over there is close to Tier 3, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to deal with. You can spend a while. Go there again."

"Well, I will naturally be careful." Li Yao nodded seriously. Needless to say, Li Yao would do this.

After all, there is only one chance for this kind of clue. If he fails, no one knows what will happen. Even though his strength is strong, the chance of failure is very high in the face of level suppression.

"It seems that my reminder is unnecessary. Brother is obviously wiser than me." Shaokhan saw that the people around him had dispersed, and then whispered: "My father got two clues back then, one of which is I gave it to Mark, and the other gave me, but I didn’t take the hunter’s path, and it was useless. You only need to be above level 25 and find a hunter’s camp at Black Rock Mountain. When the time comes, I will be summoned. Can help you unlock the next route."

Li Yao saluted seriously and said, "Then thank you elder brother."

"What are you polite to me? You drank a lot of wine today, and tomorrow you have to solve our family's affairs. Take a good rest. When everything is settled, you and my brothers will talk in the candle night." Shao Khan said seriously.

"Definitely." Li Yao arched his hands and went to his tent.

Everyone from Spark is already waiting there.

"Big brother, do you know the news about that skill?" Hitomi asked curiously.

Li Yao nodded and said, "I see, it should be very reliable. After all, that Mark has already got one. The clues that Old Khan left for his son must be more accurate and reliable."

"That said, we must get the first kill, otherwise everything will be a dream." Sister Li said with a deep thought.

Li Yao nodded and said, "We are bound to win this first kill, and no one can take it away."

Li Yao's heart also became urgent. The first kill for him was not just a matter of prestige and reputation, but too many things.

The importance of the touch of darkness is self-evident. Although this thing is not the best in the body, it can play an unexpected role at every critical moment.

The clues of blood connection are not easy to come across. At the beginning, Li Yao worked hard for many years, but he didn't find any clues about this skill book. In the previous life, it can be said that his luck has fallen home.

Now that it’s hard to come across this clue, it must be grasped well. If the clue is taken now, the ghost will know if it can be met in the future.

Even setting aside the above two points, the relationship with the evil hoof (clefthoof) tribe is very important.

If they can't get the first kill this time, everything they are doing now is a dream.

What you can get is only some equipment, only the first kill is the plot and historical record, and the others will be regarded as projection malicious days.

As for the equipment, if it is really for good equipment, Li Yao casually swipes some 20th-level bosses, and the equipment is good.

Li Yao boosted his morale, and then everyone dispersed.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Yao led by Shao Khan to the central altar.

Shao Khan said: "This altar was built by the father himself after absorbing the power of the nightmare. It was to compete with the ancient trees for the trust of the nightmare god. For this reason, his father entered the dreamland from time to time to fight for the nightmare god, and finally obtained The trust of the God of Nightmare allows the God of Nightmare to place his projection seed here."

Hitomi asked curiously: "In this case, just destroy it."

Shao Khan smiled bitterly: "How can the God of Nightmare be so easy to deal with? My father's projection is as powerful as his body. The God of Nightmare doesn't know when the curse was given. Father can no longer leave this altar."

"What happens if you leave?" Peerless Demon Fairy asked.

Shao Khan sighed and said: "If you leave your father, you will lose all your If someone approaches the altar, he will also lose his sanity. Later, we discovered that it was the projection of his father, and he has gradually mastered it. With the control of the body, father now has less and less time to wake up every day."

"Sure enough, God is not so easy to lie." Peerless Demon Fairy sighed.

The centaur elders were silent, yes, they were going to calculate the **** of nightmare, but the **** of nightmare would do it, but they were in a dead end.

"It's very dangerous inside, brother, you have to think clearly." Shaokehan said when Li Yao and others were about to enter.

"I have already thought very clearly. Our mission here is to solve the stronghold of the Nightmare God." After Li Yao opened the door, Xinghuo's group walked in. Li Yao said as soon as the door closed: " Seal the door again, if there is no green beam of light rising, don't open it."

"Brother, be careful." Shao Khan waved his hand, and the elders immediately began to cast spells, re-sealing the entrance to the altar of the nightmare god.

"Ready to fight." When Li Yao came in, he saw another nightmare monster rushing over.

It's just that the number is not large, and the fruits are easily stopped. Although these mobs are shadows, they can't form any obstacles at all.

They progressed very smoothly. Li Yao said: "The front should be the core of the altar. Now Fengyi will talk about the situation of other teams."

Qin Fengyi said: "Only one team has played the boss's armor, but the output is not enough. It is said that it is collecting attributes and equipment. The first boss should be able to pass. The other top teams are almost a bit better, but they have strengthened a wave of equipment. , The first boss can't stop them."

Qin Fengyi's words shocked everyone's spirits. In this case, they still have a lot of time to take the first kill...

(To be continued.)

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