MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 539: Technology in theory

This time destroying the group has dealt a heavy blow to Xinghuo's morale. After all, he thought he had already got the first kill, but it turned out that the boss has another form.

"There is no need to be frustrated. After all, this is the last boss. Naturally it will not be so easy. If I guess there is no lock, this is the last form. As long as we can pass this form, the first kill is ours." Li Yao used firm Said in his tone.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, we are still so fragile. We thought we had already got the first kill, but unexpectedly, it was nothing but a psychological gap. Just recover for a while." The guardian angel said.

Everyone nodded, the gap in their hearts was indeed huge, but the blow was not light.

Peerless Demon Ji said: "However, we can't be careless, it's not easy to want this boss."

Sister Li nodded and said: "The problem we are facing now is not how to fight the third stage, but how to save the team's strength in the second stage. Only when we mostly reach the third stage can we say we have a chance to pass this. boss."

"The second stage is too difficult. In the end, there is actually a form that is similar to the armor of the gods. It feels like it should be considered a stage." Said the dumb pupil.

Everyone was silent. At that stage, it did cause a lot of damage and downsizing. The most critical question now is how to reduce the casualties of the group members after the boss body and the nightmare combat power increase sharply.

"Boss, can you do anything about it?" the newcomer Muzi asked.

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and said, "The main test at that stage is personal reaction and technique."

The guardian angel said: "Of course we know that this is not because you have many ideas, do you want you to think of some ways to avoid it."

Li Yao pondered for a while and said: "There are ways, but I don’t know if it will work. The more important thing is to see how you play. After all, the boss’s skills are too fast at that stage. A way."

"Fuck, there are actually two ways?" The guardian angel was speechless: "You are still called Wuzhe."

Li Yao shook his head and said, "Although there are two, there is actually one. The first method is impossible at this stage."

"You talk about it, even if we can't do it now, we still have a goal." Happiness is a kind of sickness.

Li Yao nodded, and slowly said, "It's very simple, it's a broken move."

The Peerless Demon Girl was taken aback, and said, "Can't team up make a broken move?"

Li Yao nodded and said: "You have to know that if you want to cause a knockdown or break a move, even if you choose the right position, you need to have skill damage or great strength. It is not impossible to break the move when forming a team. Just like the team boss attribute skyrocketing, the resistance to breaking moves and knocking down has also doubled. In fact, as long as most teams or people in the team use the right skills at the right time to attack at the right place at the same time, It can still make a broken move."

"Fuck, this is basically impossible." The guardian angel said incredulously.

The other members of the team were also silent. Li Yao said that it was simple, but if he wanted to do it, it could only be theoretical.

The speed of each professional skill is different. If you want to hit one point at the same time, it is really only theoretical at this stage. After all, players at this stage want to hit the problem, let alone counting time.

And it's still with most of the people. In case the part of the attack is several yards high from the ground, if you don't talk about how to fight in close combat, you will be out of action. After all, the old Khan Centaur has a very huge body.

"You should still use the second method. This method will probably be difficult to achieve in the future," said the guardian angel.

Li Yao smiled and said nothing. After many years, this kind of cooperation is a rigid standard for measuring an excellent team. If a team can't even make a collective breakthrough, then the team will not go far in the future.

However, it is difficult for players to master this technology at this stage, and Li Yao did not expect them to master it now.

It's just to give them a goal and let them not be complacent. With the direction and motivation to work hard, it is naturally two different things from dazed exploration.

"Since it is possible in theory, it is feasible. Although we can't do it now, we will never do it without practice. I think the president can have a warm-up contact for his ideas and slowly master this technique. "Peerless Demon Ji said in a real voice.

Li Yao nodded and said: "This is what I said about these purposes. This kind of technology exists and we can slowly master it. I mean, as long as we have enough tacit understanding, plus our good technology, we want to live This stage is relatively easy. As for the third stage, we can only slowly explore his skills and mechanisms."

"So, we understand, what about the second one," the guardian angel asked.

Li Yao said: "The second one is that I made a permutation chart. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't work. Let's try it for the first time. For the first kill, we are striving for the third stage of land reclamation today."

The people of Xinghuo immediately cheered up, and then the Xinghuo core group opened again The first stage is already very familiar, and there will be no loss or loss of staff.

Then came the double boss form. Because of Li Yao's abnormal output, Xinghuo didn't feel too much pressure.

Soon came the stage of boss integration.

"Hurry up, arrange the formation." Following Li Yao's words, everyone quickly arranged into a small formation. "

"You mortals, how can you defeat me."

After the two bosses merged, a shock wave flashed from his body.

The first few tanks and spider tanks took the damage, and the shock wave was stopped.

"Successful." The spirit of Xinghuo's people suddenly shocked.

It turns out that this shock wave is not penetrating. They admired Li Yao's observation ability once, but only saw through the boss's skills once, which is really remarkable.

"Don't disperse the team, let's retreat to the corner." Li Yao said as the team slowly shrank to a corner of the hall.

However, due to the rush of the retreat, and the charge of the old Khan was very quick, the tank was charged into the formation before the tank had time to stop the old Khan, and there was no suspense after that, with heavy casualties and destroying the regiment.

"Don't be discouraged, we will come again." Li Yao said.

Then the land reclamation continued, and it was this stage again. Because Li Yao adjusted the tank's position, the old Khan would be intercepted no matter what direction he charged.

He can't kill the crispy skin in seconds if he can't rush into the team.

Xinghuo quickly retreated to a corner, with a few tanks guarding the outside. Even if it was covered by arrow rain, the healers were under great pressure, but it was not impossible to hold them.

"Sure enough, it's held up. Although the output has slowed down, it is better than being repeatedly killed by spikes."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and started to output...

(To be continued.)

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